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A 24 Hour Quest Styles Contest

Contest 24 hour quest styles contest

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#1 Gouanaco


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Posted 21 March 2017 - 09:14 AM

A 24 Hour Quest Styles Contest

If you are interested in joining the contest comment below and we will add you to the list.


Hello everybody! Quite awhile back a couple of you may of remembered a small contest that Polaris and I had done which involved us having a limited time to make a quest. We then had some of you vote best quest and also try to decipher who made which quest based on our individual styles. It was interesting to see what Polaris and I could come up with in such a limited time and It was interesting to see others pick apart our quest making styles. We both thought that It had been sometime and that it was possibly due for another contest but this time with a larger timespan and more contestants.


With that I would like to present to you the 24 Hour Quest Style Contest! It will be held this weekend over a 24 hour period which will be dependent on your own timezone in your area. We are putting trust into the entrants that they will stick to the 24 hour time limit.


This Contest will give contestants a limited time-frame to create a quest of any theme or depth.

Contestants are encouraged to create a quest with there own individual and unique styles so that the community can attempt to decipher who made which quest.


All quest entries will not have the creators name on them!



Contest will begin at 6:00 PM Friday

This time is based on your own local timezone!

Contest will finish at 6:00 PM Saturday


!!: If you are unable to commit to this time, you can arrange to have your 24 hour bracket on Saturday or Thursday at 6:00 PM/AM :!!


The overall theme of this contest is to test your quest making skills to see what you can come up with in a very limited time frame. It also allows you to explore your own personal quest development style.


Contest Rules

#1 Your quest must be made from scratch (before any edits to the quest are made, this includes map clearing or Quest Rule changing etc) using either the default tile-set or an tile-set from the PureZC database. (ie EZGBZ)


#2 You will only work on your quest within the 24 hour time bracket which will differ for each contestants time-zone. Except for content in rule #8!


#3 All completed entries should be PM'ed to Gouanaco who will then compile them and after the FINAL 24 hour mark on the latest time-zone post them to this thread.


#4 Voting will be available the following week for 1-5 days (depending on amount of contestants) after the final time-zone.


#5 Each PureZC member can vote once on there interpretation of "best quest" and can also post a comment with their guesses for who made each quest.


#6 Contestants are allowed to vote for best "quest" but must please refrain from guessing styles! (The reason for this is because other members will be able to correlate who made which quest based on your guesses and thats not fun for anybody)


#7 You are not allowed to use pre-made screens provided via any tile-sets.


#8 You are allowed to create the following content before the 24 hour mark:











Current Contestants:


If you are interested in joining the contest comment below and we will add you to the list.















All completed entries should be PM'ed to Gouanaco who will then compile them and after the FINAL 24 hour mark on the latest time-zone post them to this thread.



FYI: If you are afraid you cannot complete the quest within 24 hours, you can spend some overtime making the quest playable from the current state of the quest at the 24 hour mark.



Q - When is this contest held?

A - This Friday afternoon.


Q - Am I allowed to fudge my quest style?

A - Yes you can if you would like to try and deceive others, despite the idea is to explore your own quest creation style there is nothing stopping you from exploring others?


Q - What about sleep?

A - How you manage your sleep is also part of your own quest making style, do you not sleep at all and get the most out of your time while risking not having any higher brain function or do you get a good nights sleep and have a fresh and focused mind in the morning. This is all up to you.


Q - What do you mean by base tile-set and is there any limit to database tilesets?

A - The base tile-set is the one provided on launch of Zquest when you have not loaded any customs quests. All tile-sets are available for use but you are not allowed to use screens that are provided by tile-sets.


Q - What about the 24 hours! What if its different for everybody?

A - The contest will start at your own local timezone and will go for the duration of 24 hours, we are all trusting in the entrants to stop working on there quests once they reach there 24 hour limit.


Q - Are there any specific design choices we are not allowed?

A - No, you are allowed any design choices as-long as they abide by the community rules/general country laws.


Q - Am I allowed to run over the 24 hour mark?
A - We would all hope that you don't and that you finish and send your quest In either before or shortly after the 24 hour mark.


Q - Are scripts allowed?

A - Yes.


Q - Are Joke quests allowed?
A - Yes of course.


Q - If I have only one screen of a quest I was working on can I just start from there?

A - No, please start from scratch. (This includes before any clearing of maps or editing of Quest Rules, etc)


Q - Am I allowed to make a tile-set and submit it to the database and use that?

A - As-long as you have submitted it before the creation date of this thread!


Q - Are you allowed to make your own tiles in any of the tilesets?

A - This was recently changed but yes you are allowed to create tiles and graphics before the 24 hour mark.


If you are interested in joining the contest comment below and we will add you to the list.

Edited by Polaris, 26 March 2017 - 03:31 PM.

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#2 Deedee


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Posted 21 March 2017 - 09:37 AM

Are you allowed to make your own tiles in any of the tilesets?

#3 Avaro



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Posted 21 March 2017 - 09:41 AM

Yep, I'm in. This sounds like fun :)


Are you allowed to make your own tiles in any of the tilesets?


I assume yes, but only after the contest has started.

#4 Gouanaco


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Posted 21 March 2017 - 09:46 AM

Are you allowed to make your own tiles in any of the tilesets?



Yep, I'm in. This sounds like fun :)



I assume yes, but only after the contest has started.


Yeah as Avataro said you are allowed to create your own tiles but only once the contest starts.


But! another person has also noted that alot of people like to create there tiles before the contest begins SO if enough people request I am sure It can be allowed :)



Will add to the FAQ. Also I am assuming both of you wish to enter so ill add both of you to the list, just tell me otherwise.

Edited by Gouanaco, 21 March 2017 - 10:13 AM.

#5 Anthus



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Posted 21 March 2017 - 10:00 AM

I would be interested in this. I work six hours on that Saturday, so I cannot 100% commit, but if I start something at 6 on Friday, we'll see where it goes.
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#6 Shane



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Posted 21 March 2017 - 10:02 AM

Damn it Gouanaco, I thought I'd be able to prepare graphics before the contest begins. You set my plans back big time. :P


I personally request spriting and scripting outside the ZQuest editor should be allowed as 2 week contests have allowed this and they've given us more time. The only thing that shouldn't be allowed it actually designing screens or at the very least touching ZQuest editor in regards to your entry.

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#7 Gouanaco


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Posted 21 March 2017 - 10:07 AM

Well Polaris seems also interested in the Pre-sprits/tiles before contest so just before I head to bed ill just slide that change in.


From now on, you are allowed to prepare the following before the 24 hour mark:








If we have enough people request to not have this then Ill swing it back round.

Thanks everyone!

Edited by Gouanaco, 21 March 2017 - 10:13 AM.

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#8 strike


    life is fragile, temporary, and precious

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Posted 21 March 2017 - 10:58 AM

I'm thinking about this : ) I haven't made anything in ZQuest for at least a year and a half so : ) Could be fun to make something again ^ _ ^

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#9 Russ


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Posted 21 March 2017 - 02:43 PM

I'm very interested in this... but I have an issue. I work for 9 hours in the 24 hour time period specified, and I've gotta sleep at some point too. Would it be possible to work on my entry during a different 24 window (like the Thursday before or Saturday-Sunday)?
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#10 strike


    life is fragile, temporary, and precious

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Posted 21 March 2017 - 02:46 PM

Does tile edits mean we can make tiles? Or just the graphics of tiles?


EDIT: Also we can edit pallets and stuff like that before right?

Edited by strike, 21 March 2017 - 02:57 PM.

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#11 Naru



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Posted 21 March 2017 - 03:13 PM

I'm in.
  • Gouanaco likes this

#12 Jenny


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Posted 21 March 2017 - 07:01 PM

Sounds fun, I'll join. :P

  • Gouanaco likes this

#13 Feenicks


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Posted 21 March 2017 - 08:04 PM

I'll give it a shot. Feeling like doing something quick and dirty anyway.


Edit: scratch that, don't feel I'll be able to justify spending time on this thing right now.

Edited by Feenicks, 22 March 2017 - 09:17 PM.

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#14 Lüt



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Posted 21 March 2017 - 08:12 PM

I... think I might be able to do this.


Clarify for me:


When you say "tile-set (tile edits only, no editing the quest)," do you mean that I can assemble custom tile sheets in Paint, but have to wait until the beginning of the 24 hours to import the sheets into ZQuest and make them into combos?


Then you say something about submitting customized tile-sets to the database before the start of the contest - is that implying that people who compile their preferred tile-set with whatever extra tiles and combos they want, and have it officially posted, can get a head start? I mean, I could take a default tile-set, load it with a lot of material from the loose tiles database, combo it all up, and submit it to the tile-set database as an expanded set. But since it's specifically for me and what I might try in this contest, it would seem like a misuse of the database to make a submission for the sole purpose of letting me get a head start with all my extra combos in place, while other people would have to wait for the start of the 24 hours to do a similar thing. And if some contestants can do a pre-made tile-set publicly, should the contestants without enough material to justify a new tile-set release not be able to do the same thing privately? Or am I completely missing what you mean?

  • Gouanaco likes this

#15 Evan20000


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Posted 21 March 2017 - 08:51 PM

Is collaboration allowed? I kinda want to enter, but I don't want to commit to a solo project, but I'd gladly joint partner with someone else.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Contest, 24, hour, quest, styles, contest

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