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NJF Plays Final Fantasy VI (*-*Completed*-*)

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#46 Dark Ice Dragon

Dark Ice Dragon


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Posted 21 May 2016 - 02:04 PM

yes, i fear more the madame whit the 2 outsider that Atma

#47 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 22 May 2016 - 06:27 PM

NJF Plays Final Fantasy VI (41 - Kefka's Tower part 3)

(Duration 47:55)




""You best be frozen" Yes by! I best be frozen! It's for my own fuckin' good!" - NJF @ 8:36
The party finds themselves deep within the assembled rubble that is known as Kefka's tower and finds themselves in familiar territory of what is now the remains of the empire base and the Magitek Factory. Edgar and his party, including Locke, Celes, and Cyan discover the 1st of the Warring Triad, Doom and destroys it in an intense battle.
Sabin's team including Strago, Relm, and Setzer fight the Goddess, 2nd of the Warring Traid. The Goddess is considerably one of the more difficult of the Warring Triad as she contains various lightning and nasty effect magics and she even has the ability to Zombify the party, however, the party is much too strong for her at this point and she's quickly defeated.
Shadows party including Mog, Terra, and Gogo confront the Guardian. Somehow this overpowered weapon that the Empire used to keep out intruders survived the wreckage that formed Kefka's Castle. Shadows party however is much more powerful than they were when they first reached Vector over a year ago. The Guardian stood no match for Shadows party. Finally, Shadow and his party fight the final member of the Warring Triad. The Demon, also known as the Poltergeist. The Demon uses crushing party attacking attacks. However, he is unable to match the magic prowess of the Ultimas that Shadows party inflicts on him.
With the Demon defeated, the Warring Triad is finally destroyed. However, magic still exists. It is revealed here that Kefka has already preemptively drained the statues of all their powers and has become the source of magic himself. The party must now confront and defeat Kefka once and for all.  
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.

#48 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 24 May 2016 - 08:05 AM

(The nature of the Statue of the Gods depicted in this description is a widely accepted fan interpretation )


NJF Plays Final Fantasy VI (42 - The Final Battle)

(Duration 53:08)




LejesR: yeti am pilot now (4:04)
LejesR: *crashes ship into the sea* (4:17)
LejesR: Kefka summons the Head of Doom as the precursor to his ultimate attack. (26:10)
LejesR: Which you never get to see! (26:14)
"yeti am save you." - LejesR @ 28:14
"Terra is half esper. She's going to have half her face missing after this or something." - LejesR @ 29:25
"Somebody close the door!! Like I lost my page!! The wind is blowing the pag... Ah.. I don't know which page I'm on!!! Jwah how far am I going back? I'm at the floating continent again now from the looks of that book!!!" - NJF @ 29:26
"yeti am lost" - LejesR @ 43:06
The party confronts Kefka who's been waiting for them and has prepared to entertain. Kefka demonstrates his absolute power by telepathically manipulating some of the party members like puppets. 
Kefka reveals his desiree to use his powers to cause destruction to which the party responds that people will continue to rebuild. Kefka continues his vow of destruction by saying he'll destroy whatever people rebuild. 
Kefka believes life and all things are meaningless and wishes to destroy all things and create a monument to nothing. The party tries to convince him that there is meaning in the day to day experiences within the lives of people. Yet this is only met with Kefka's disgust and furious rage.
Kefka starts to cause more destruction around the world and Terra and the party has seen enough. They engage battle with Kefka to decide the entire fate of the world. 
Kefka uses his powers to summon a mechanical entity known as the statue of the gods. Possibly created by the same magic that created Kefka's Tower. The christian nature of the statue of the gods seem to be based off the divine comedy who leads the party through the metaphorical and abstract representations of a journey through hell, purgatory, and heaven. 
In the beginning of their journey, they fight the Visage who shale resemble the devil in hell who is depicted as a great demon trapped in a frigid prison at the waist. The Visage serves as the first ultimate being that Terra and the party must fight. The Visage fights with both his short arm and long arm and summons devastating attacks, but it doesn't take long before he is defeated and the party moves up to Purgatory.
Purgatory was depicted as a place where those who had no sins, yet did not believe, were left to suffer outside of God's light for all eternity. The party fights 4 entities: Power, someone who feels that he makes his own fate and is not guided by God; Tiger, for those animals which defied God's will by attacking his chosen people, humans, yet who do not have the understanding of their crime; Magic, for those who refute God in favor of some other deity; Machine, for those who found a 'God in the Machine,'. It is not surprising that many of this figures all appear to resemble Kefka to suit his ego. They all use various types of attacks based on their nature. Once all 4 members of Purgatory are defeated, the party is granted access to Heaven.
In Heaven, party meets famous saints Rest and Lady. Once again, similar to Purgatory, Kefka depicts himself as Jesus resting beside an entity who is depicted as his mother, Mary. Rest's main focus is to attack the party while Lady serves as the primary healing party who will continuously revive Rest. They serve as the final tier of the statue of the gods. 
Once Rest and Lady are defeated, the party is granted access to Kefka himself who is depicting himself as God who appears at the end of the journey to tell the party the meaning of life to which he states life is meaningless and he will destroy it all. 
The party wages an epic battle with Kefka who has now practically proclaimed himself to be God. Kefka is more powerful here than he's ever been before, and he's willing to make it all end here once and for all. However, even with his current Godly powers, he is outclassed by the magnitude of power that Terra and her party holds. After an intense fight, they destroy Kefka for good. 
The defeat of Kefka causes all magic to vanish from the world which causes his tower to start collapsing. They party all works together using their unique abilities and traits to escape from the tower. However, the fate of Shadow remains unknown as he did not escape the tower. 
Terra transforms into an esper one last time to try and guide Setzer's airship out of the crumbling tower to safety with the rest of the party on board. 
The party make it safely, leaving Terra's fate for a brief moment unknown. However, the party is relieved to find Terra alive and well on the ship with them. 
Katerin and Duane finally have their baby. Also, just as Terra predicted, the world is rebuilding and starting anew without Kefka's tyranny.
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image. 
Tidi-Lebre @ deviantart.com for thumbnail image.

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#49 Dark Ice Dragon

Dark Ice Dragon


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Posted 24 May 2016 - 02:57 PM

i really liked it! your strategy is different from the mine so I liked to see  how you face the various enemies and observe your way of fighting.

i never used ultima, but i use the espers,  the blitz, the lore spells... and i like give to Terra the Ragnarock sword  and Atma ( whit genjis glove ).

Great Job defeat Kefka before that spell ( flare star, i think ), after that he would used Ultima on your party

  • TheLegend_njf likes this

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