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The ten worst movies of all time

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#1 Taco Chopper

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Posted 10 June 2007 - 12:57 AM

Well? icon_eyebrow.gif In general, they all make me sick.

In order of lowest to highest (This is my opinion. Not anyone else's.):

10. The Rugrats Movies
This means all of them. Not just the first one. All of them. How do babies talk?

9. Monsters Inc.
Still don't understand how you can still promote stuff six years after it was released on DVD, and you're promoting it to four-year olds.

8. The Terminator 3
Didn't make sense, a veterinarian can't save the world, and you cant withstand an explosion. Even if you're Austrian.

7. Son of the Mask
Very low quality entertainment - even grandpa would die from too much watching of this movie. Why would you replace some of Hollywood's best with some of Bollywood's worst?

6. The NeverEnding Story III
It really is the NeverEnding Story.

5. Ed
Monkeys don't play baseball, so Matt DeBlanc fails miserably here.

4. Shrek 2
Boring, repetitive and stupid. Just like the other two.

3. Are We Done Yet?
It's a bad sequel. And I hate bad sequels.

2. The Brady Bunch Movie
Quite simply because it sucks. The TV Show sucked, and so did the movie. Case closed.

1. Any sequels by Walt Disney Pictures
Obviously. They can't think of any new movies, so they just pull ideas for crappier sequels to be made. And the worst part is, I haven't even heard of nearly 85% of them and they're already on DVD! What the hell is going on?!? icon_mad.gif

So that is my list. Anyone else have a bad movie they want to get off their chest?

#2 Animus01


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Posted 10 June 2007 - 01:08 AM

No surprise seeing Son of the Mask up there. When I saw the preview for it, I thought at first "Interesting, a sequel." After 5 seconds: "Ooooookkkkk.... that doesn't look like it's worth anything." Just the preview was shameful enough. The original movie with Jim Carrey was so much better, and it didn't need today's special effects. I guess some great movies don't deserve a sequel.

I honestly haven't seen many other movies the blew hard. I guess it's because I am a bit close-minded about movies, in general. The only other movie that I didn't see because of the preview was Zathura.

#3 Taco Chopper

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Posted 10 June 2007 - 01:14 AM

Yeah, I heard about Zathura, actually. icon_eek.gif Wasn't that from those guys that made Jumanji or something?

#4 Animus01


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Posted 10 June 2007 - 01:16 AM

Yeah, from what I heard. I guess some great ideas aren't to be used twice.

#5 Taco Chopper

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Posted 10 June 2007 - 01:19 AM

And it shows! Look at every sequel Disney has made. Whether it be Santa Clause or whatever, Snow White or even Cinderella, they just keep churning them out. Also, another good example of bad sequels is Speed 2. Why a freight liner? icon_shrug.gif

#6 Animus01


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Posted 10 June 2007 - 01:24 AM

QUOTE(Taco Chopper @ Jun 10 2007, 01:19 AM) View Post

Why a freight liner? icon_shrug.gif

I couldn't help but answer that one: because it's bigger and faster than a bus. icon_blah.gif

Also, I've never seen any Disney movies since Santa Clause 2. It's not as good as the original, but it was decent enough. I never saw 3, though. I think Tim Allen is done with being Santa Claus. icon_razz.gif I never really understood the point behind making sequels to Cinderella and Snow White and stuff. I think those were only there because of a creativity block in Disney's imagination department. icon_lol.gif

#7 Radien



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Posted 10 June 2007 - 03:43 AM

I have a former movie critic friend who liked Zathura. I didn't like the concept, though. It looked overly silly, whereas I enjoyed Jumanji. Best PG action suspense thriller I've ever seen! (also the only one icon_razz.gif)

Anyway, I have just two words for this topic: Battlefield Earth.

It's just so bad it's not even possible to make fun of it. I went to it with aforementioned former movie critic friend, knowing it'd be bad. We went to the early bird showing at the cheapy theaters. After discount, we each paid 50 cents to see it.

We both wanted our 50 cents back. But more importantly, those two hours of our life, which are gone forever.

#8 Sharon Daniel

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Posted 10 June 2007 - 05:03 AM

I couldn't think of ten movies that I really dislike. I don't think I've even seen ten movies in the past, like... ten years.

#9 Krion



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Posted 10 June 2007 - 07:31 AM

I can't think of ten, but my all-time least favorite movie is the live-action Super Mario Bros. movie.

#10 Antilochos



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Posted 10 June 2007 - 08:07 AM

I saw shrek 3 last night and that's probably already going to make it into my list of worst ever movies.

The worst movie ever is called 'F.T.W'. Obviously I bought it because I laughed at the name, and because it was $5. Central themes involve rodeos, escaping the law, and nasty, nasty redneck sex.

Worst movie that people actually like? Grease maybe. Or Shark Tale. Or Wimbledon. Hah, yeah, Wimbledon for worst movie ever.

#11 Revfan9


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Posted 10 June 2007 - 09:52 AM

Here's a few movies I hated, in no particular order...

Almost every movie made after the year 2000

Every animated movie ever made by Disney (with the exception of "The Lion King")

Every movie with Will Ferrel in it

Every movie with Robin Williams in it

Every movie with Lindsay Lohan in it

Every movie that is in the genre "Comedy", because Hollywood oh-so fails at being funny.

Every movie that is in the genre "Horror", because Hollywood can't make a scary movie if they were being tortured by some psycho.

#12 Mitchfork


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Posted 10 June 2007 - 06:19 PM

Eragon FTW. I guess if you had never read the book, it might've been okay... but for us purists who MUST read the book before seeing the movie, it PHailed. Miserably. The only thing that it succeeded in doing was stealing a part of my soul.

#13 Antilochos



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Posted 10 June 2007 - 06:36 PM

Eragon wasn't even that good a book if you're a fan of the genre. Or over the age of 12. Or know the basic plot of star wars...

Yo Rev, are there any movies you DO like? You do realise saying everything ever made which falls under the label 'comedy' is rubbish is a pretty big call, right?

#14 Dawnlight


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Posted 10 June 2007 - 08:48 PM

The Brady Bunch Movie was actually pretty funny and a classic. It's the Brady Kids Cartoon that sucked. Peter and Bobby Brady looked like Archie(comics).

#15 Sharon Daniel

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Posted 10 June 2007 - 09:54 PM

QUOTE(Revfan9 @ Jun 10 2007, 10:52 AM) View Post

Here's a few movies I hated, in no particular order...

Almost every movie made after the year 2000

Every animated movie ever made by Disney (with the exception of "The Lion King")

Every movie with Will Ferrel in it

Every movie with Robin Williams in it

Every movie with Lindsay Lohan in it

Every movie that is in the genre "Comedy", because Hollywood oh-so fails at being funny.

Every movie that is in the genre "Horror", because Hollywood can't make a scary movie if they were being tortured by some psycho.

You can't not like this guy:

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