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#1 Ben


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Posted 01 April 2008 - 09:19 PM

I owe you all an apology.

Bringing back Mokisor was a mistake. It has been made blatantly obvious that this community lacks even the smallest amount of self-control.

I thought it would be amusing to make a few joke threads, perhaps with Mokisor, a character that brings about a certain level of nostalgia for some of the older members. I did not (but should have, on hindsight) anticipate that the entire board would be thrown into chaos because of some strange topics being made and some of the individual forums being renamed. (Also ... those of you who had to point out that this was obviously a joke, ... was that really needed? Way to ruin it for everyone.)

I did not (but should have) expected that some members would take advantage of the situation to increase post count. Those of you who abused it will have your post counts changed - possibly to zero, we haven't decided yet. Spam is the antithesis to a contribution here, and we're not going to put up with it.

Never before have I seen a collection of people so unable to handle a joke without bouncing off the walls and turning the boards into sheer entropy. I was embarassed to see how this community handled itself today. I had no idea what do to cope with this sudden explosion of chaos my joke conjured. It was appalling that people felt they could behave this way.

What many of us have realized, finally, is this: PureZC needs to become ZC-centered again. It's lost focus.

For those who decide to stay with us through this transition, we've found some new staff members, namely Ireclan and Sephiroth, who are going to help us rebuild. We're going to be more strict from now on. Some of you aren't going to like it. But it's obvious that no one likes the forums as they are in their current state, and after some discussion and input from the memberbase that a crackdown is what we need.

In addition, Ben (aka Ramblin' Evil Mushroom) has been unbanned. He's really not a bad guy - he made some mistakes in his past, but none of us is perfect. Welcome him back.

I have decided not to leave after all.

#2 Eurysilas



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Posted 01 April 2008 - 09:39 PM

Well, I can't express how glad I am that you decided not to leave. And I'm glad to hear that something is being done constructively about Pure's supposed decline. Hopefully, member and staff satisfaction will rise from the ashes because of this.

Now, all we need is for ZC development to resume....


#3 Sephiroth


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Posted 01 April 2008 - 09:42 PM

To be honest, I'm rather shocked at this decision. icon_wow.gif

I also, cannot express how glad I am that you decided not to leave PureZC. Hopefully I can do my best to assist PureZC get out of this decline it has been in lately, and hopefully become a nice thriving community once again. I also want to wish a warm welcome back for Ben. Welcome back to PureZC bud! icon_smile.gif

#4 DashSim


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Posted 01 April 2008 - 10:11 PM

Ben's been unbanned?!


My feelings on this matter, in the order in which they occurred: icon_eyeitus.gif icon_eek.gif icon_omg.gif icon_naughty.gif


#5 Nathaniel



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Posted 01 April 2008 - 10:22 PM

Despite this perhaps being the worst April Fools Day in the history of PureZC (or at least within the years I have been), I think a very valuable lesson was learned from it, and we can only improve greatly as a result. These decisions made by Noir and other staff as has been stated by him here (while I was busy working, so no credit goes to me) are some excellent ones and we will bounce back in a lot of positive ways. I say that with great confidence. So here is to a bright future. Finally, I am very excited to see Ireclan and Sephiroth in their new positions. I have great faith and confidence in both of them. I am also glad to see Noir staying on staff. While the April Fools thing was a mistake, don't anybody let that mask the fact that many of Noir's other recent decisions have been some of the best I have seen by a Site Staffer in a long time.

#6 ShadowTiger


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Posted 01 April 2008 - 10:25 PM

... Huh. Today ended with a happy note. Most awesome. icon_thumbsup.gif

Congrats to everyone in this thread for everything that just now happened.

... ... Yeah, but that's really the "Summary" of what I would have wrote, had I not had something far more important to say.

I had mentioned several times that I didn't like the way the forums were being posted in during the joke, and I recieved many comments back that it was happening all in good fun. It did get me thinking, but it only led back to things that we had tried, and then inevitably shut down. Then, it led me to thinking about the forum rules, and why they're there. They can't be there for no reason. We wouldn't need rules as a community if people would just act sensibly by the laws of well, common sense. But they don't, so we need rules. I remembered the substanceless post thread I'd just made a few weeks ago, and saw just how fast people forgot about it. I wasn't really sure what to think at that point. Really, what was going through my head the most, was.. "Postcount does this?" But no, it wasn't even about postcount, really, because you can still spam your way past 1,000 posts well after you get a custom title. That leads me to thinking that we should have a place to get all your spamlike tendencies out so your General Discussion et al posts can be well thought out and filled with quality. But then people took a vicious %@#& on DS and a lot of people became unhappy at the expense of the few who ruined it, and then spread those %@#^-like tendencies to the others who were innocently polluting the once - great name of Derisory Substance. So then what? People need freedom to make tiny posts and just act as if any random post is a "Lounge" type thread. Then they get warned for spamming, and complain that the rule is too stringent, and then someone pipes up and says that the forums aren't a lounge, and someone points out the chatroom (... Me.) ... aaaand the great circle of crap begins anew.

So yeah. How 'bout them ZC stuffs, huh? But what's wrong with the current setup? HQF's are working properly: It's up to the individual to make use of what they have. ZC Builds are such incredibly relative entities, that they work perfectly for some, and not in the very least for others. I never quite understood that. Different people have different requirements for satiety, apparently.

Perhaps it's just that. Perhaps we haven't yet realized that since everyone has different tastes and expectations, you can't please everybody equally. You'll always have some people who complain, and you should make the other group feel as comfortable as possible.

... ... So ... ... maybe it's just a matter of finding out who that group is, and ignoring the complainers? Damn, that's way too harsh. But there. There is the logic. The better you act on the forums and within the community, the more likely it is that your needs will be met above those who can't find the willpower to make the community a more pleasant place to be.

Also Ben is awesome. I'm not backing down from that statement. Ever.


#7 Mitchfork


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Posted 01 April 2008 - 10:28 PM

Well, let's see what happens, shall we? icon_biggrin.gif

By the way, you suggested before this thread edit that we make everyone re-register, etc. etc. How serious about that were you?

#8 Moonbread


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Posted 01 April 2008 - 10:36 PM

I'm in agreement with Nathaniel: This being a dire situation, I think it's changed a few of us for the better. I know it's changed me, and I'm sure as heck going to try to be a better member now.

#9 Shoelace


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Posted 01 April 2008 - 10:39 PM

I thought two years ago was the worst one. Honestly I think everyone was just overreacting to hmmmm nothing. Just saying I thought we would all be grown up again everything, but wow. I think it is because of whole "Golden Age of PureZC is gone" thing. People are just finding excusing in my opinion.

Anyways, just wanted to point something out. Noir is 100% right, I said it all along to:
What many of us have realized, finally, is this: PureZC needs to become ZC-centered again. It's lost focus.

That is exactly what the problem is. I have been bringing back SotY and wanting to do The Expos, because I really would like to see a return of ZC. However, the only way will that happen is if 2.5 is released. And nowadays it looks to have stopped, so there is no telling when it will be released.

On another note. Congrats to Ireclan for being a Mod. It is about time in my opinion. I don't know how good and nice of person he had to be before he got the job. XD And Sephiroth. I think you were staff starting a month ago or something like that, but congrats too. icon_razz.gif

#10 Rambly


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Posted 01 April 2008 - 11:55 PM


Edited by Ramblin' Evil Mushroom, 11 June 2008 - 02:13 PM.

#11 Taco Chopper

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Posted 02 April 2008 - 01:02 AM

Ugh.. I feel sick now.

I really do feel bad about what happened last night now. It's probably the dumbest thing I've ever done in my year and a bit here. As I read this topic, I thought "Oh god, what have I done?", and now that I look back upon it, I probably shouldn't have gone as far as I did. Luckily, I stopped before I went even further. Thank heavens for that. I apologize for any damage I've done to the forums as well. It just proves that I have little self-control. I need to change that before something like that happens again.

Anyway, enough of me. Congratulations to Sephiroth and Ireclan for becoming mods, and a welcome back to Ramblin' Evil Mushroom.

#12 CastChaos



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Posted 02 April 2008 - 02:31 AM


What many of us have realized, finally, is this: PureZC needs to become ZC-centered again. It's lost focus.

I'm saying that for months. icon_thumbsup.gif

I think it was obvious in advance that "hardcoded" spam threads operate a switch in people's preferences and delete the "no spam" from their behaviour pattern (and now imagine those whos never had this "no spam" installed...). I, too, thought it's completely okay, since it's just one day anyway.
There should have been an announcement or such telling people that they shouldn't spam, not even under these circumstances. This wouldn't spoil that it was a joke. Which fact I tried to hide, for more fun.

Congrats to Ireclan and Sephiroth. I'm especially glad Sephiroth is staff member now.

So, have you been playing demos lately? 2.5 is very close now. Where's the ladder in Hero with no Name?

#13 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 02 April 2008 - 03:50 AM

I completly agree with you, Noir..
it's amazing that people can't stand a joke... Though, while the joke was a good one, and made me laugh, it DID get a little out of hand from my point of view...
But this isn't your fault... This is the countless members that was outraged... I won't name any names, but the ones I'm speaking of, probably know who I mean...
This was a joke... Not the best one, mind oyu... but still a joke.
Whining about it, like ceratin individuals did in chat, only makes you look like an arrogant idiot... And that is... lame...
It was APRIL fools day... There's SUPPOSED to be jokes... And you're not supposed to whine about them... You should take it with a cup of tea and enjoy life... and laugh about it...

Now, I like the decision you've made... all of em...
And for the spammers... Wtf... Why is post counts so f**king important to you? It's just a god damn number!

And congrats to Ireclan and Sephiroth... I know you'll both help making this forum better.... And... is a welcome back okay now, Sephiroth?
Does this mean you're back? Yay!

People.. stop whining about everything and have some fun for once... will ya?

#14 XMSB


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Posted 02 April 2008 - 06:36 AM

It's great to hear that you're staying, Noir. Oh, and, congrats on your new new positions, Sephiroth and Ireclan. icon_clap.gif
In addition, welcome back, Ben (aka Ramblin' Evil Mushroom). icon_smile.gif

Edited by Pokegamer1989, 02 April 2008 - 04:26 PM.

#15 Lemon



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Posted 02 April 2008 - 06:52 AM

IPB Image
^This I think is an accurate imagery of this thread icon_biggrin.gif.

Intersting turn out, though I still think last years April Fools prank was worse. Seems this site has a large problem with trying to bend the rules or have fun with itself for a day icon_shrug.gif. Perhaps something less dramatic next year, like a My Little Pony wallpaper would work better. (and amazing).

Welcome back Ben though and congrats to Ireclan.

Edited by Lemon, 02 April 2008 - 06:53 AM.

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