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#1 Item



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Posted 05 May 2017 - 12:51 AM

(((Deleted this because I started some bullshit)))

Edited by Item, 05 May 2017 - 11:54 AM.

#2 Zaxarone


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Posted 05 May 2017 - 01:05 AM

did you know you can die of a broken heart? you should sue for attempted manslaughter.

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#3 Shane



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Posted 05 May 2017 - 01:19 AM

Whining about it isn't really going to do any favors, especially for yourself. If what you say is true your heart is definitely in the right place but if you're relying on other peoples' happiness in order to be happy then you might need to find something to make yourself happy without relying on others then. Not everyone is going to accept you, the best you can do is ignore people who bring you down and move on. It's tough but it will benefit you.


That said, Mark Zuckerberg? If you're assuming he banned you from Facebook or did something to you I doubt he actually did it. There's a whole moderating team behind Facebook I imagine.

  • The Satellite, Eddy, Deedee and 2 others like this

#4 Naru



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Posted 05 May 2017 - 02:22 AM

I am not sure if the "mature" approach is the best here. Talking about feelings isn't easy, especially if you are young. And sometimes, to calm down, you need to rant, to complain, to curse first, no fairness, no political correctness. To let out all the feelings and frustration bottled up. It isn't likely after all that you are able to think over and to reflect on your own situation calmly while you are emotionally a bomb short from exploding.

Having said that, Item, to me it seems like you need someone who you can scream at if you need to scream. And for that the Internet is not the best place. Since you can't actually scream if you try to type your feelings. Also, you have rather either sites where people rant back if you rant there (so you feel even worse after doing so) or sites were ranting is not welcome.

#5 thepsynergist



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Posted 05 May 2017 - 02:39 AM

Don't rely on other people for happiness.  Life isn't fair, and it never will be.  The older you get, the more obvious it is that people are victims of circumstance, be that in forms of good or bad luck.  There's no reason for it.  Once you realize that you're the only person that can understand exactly how you feel, the less you'll expect from others in terms of feeling.


When I was a teenager, eventually, I just stopped caring what people thought.  I accepted the rare compliment or when people weren't treating me crappy.  But, over time, things got better.  School is such a small part of life, and when it's done, you'll almost wish that you could go back, as it was the easiest part of life.  You didn't have to worry about finding a job, keeping up with money, or finding a place to live.


Just know, Item, that we're here for you, but at the same time, treating this website like a personal blog to vent your feelings can come off to most as someone that doesn't want help, but just wants to yell into the wind, not caring if people hear you or not.  I hope that you come to a point in your life where you're able to work through your issues.

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#6 Matthew


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Posted 05 May 2017 - 06:43 AM

Are you trolling?
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#7 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 05 May 2017 - 07:08 AM

Mark Zuckerberg is a player and a heartbreaker. People are just trophies to him. You just gotta learn to deal with it and move on. Never get too hung up on one Zuckerberg. 


Also, did you know you have almost a million Profile Views in PureZC? What the actual F?!

  • Deedee likes this

#8 Moosh


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Posted 05 May 2017 - 08:48 AM

You appear to be suffering from attachment. What I suggest is, let go your earthly tether, enter the void...






Problems like love and heartbreak are for people with souls. Sell yours to the old gods of spergery today!

  • Nathaniel, Eddy, Joelmacool and 6 others like this

#9 Item



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Posted 05 May 2017 - 09:13 AM

Whining about it isn't really going to do any favors, especially for yourself. If what you say is true your heart is definitely in the right place but if you're relying on other peoples' happiness in order to be happy then you might need to find something to make yourself happy without relying on others then. Not everyone is going to accept you, the best you can do is ignore people who bring you down and move on. It's tough but it will benefit you.
That said, Mark Zuckerberg? If you're assuming he banned you from Facebook or did something to you I doubt he actually did it. There's a whole moderating team behind Facebook I imagine.

if you hate me that fucking much. Then block me.
You hAve no idea how many times that whore broke so many hearts.

#10 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 05 May 2017 - 09:16 AM

Every time you complain about something there's one detail that comes up over and over: you're always, always blaming someone else for your own misery. If you act in real life the way you do on here, then I don't find it surprising that people don't react well to you. I don't mean to put you down or anything, but if you're serious about trying to find answers to your problems I would begin by opening myself up to the people around you - as in those who are actually part of your life, not just strangers on a random Zelda forum. Maybe even get therapy. Again, not saying that to put you down, I see a therapist myself on a regular basis. I just happen to think that you need to confront some aspects about yourself in order to truly see some progress. Then again, I'm just one of those strangers on a random Zelda forum with very limited knowledge of your real life situation.


Also, just a tip: if you walk around thinking that everyone hates you or that they're mad at you, eventually your delusion is going to make it true. People in this community is already getting pretty sick of being told (by you) that they're mad at you or that they hate you, when they in reality have no relation to you outside of these self-depreciating topics you keep making. What I'm saying is, you have more control over the perception people has of you than you're aware of. If anyone here legitimately is annoyed with you, trust me when I say that you have given them enough reasons to feel that way.


In other words, pretending that everyone hates you is a sure-fire way of making everyone hate you.

  • The Satellite, Joelmacool, David and 1 other like this

#11 Item



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Posted 05 May 2017 - 09:21 AM

2nd stop acting so cool and the know it all guy just because you are moderator.

You have no idea how much pain I just went through. PS when he deleted me...the name I had was rare, I WASTED 50$ ON THAT NAME FROM PAYPAL AND YOU SAY STOP WHINING. JUST BLOCK ME MAN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE MY BULLSHIT. I don't want to start with a fight with you Shane. But you are at the point where we should. You just need to chill and block me. That's all you gotta do. Just block me Shane. Its that easy.

Every time you complain about something there's one detail that comes up over and over: you're always, always blaming someone else for your own misery. If you act in real life the way you do on here, then I don't find it surprising that people don't react well to you. I don't mean to put you down or anything, but if you're serious about trying to find answers to your problems I would begin by opening myself up to the people around you - as in those who are actually part of your life, not just strangers on a random Zelda forum. Maybe even get therapy. Again, not saying that to put you down, I see a therapist myself on a regular basis. I just happen to think that you need to confront some aspects about yourself in order to truly see some progress. Then again, I'm just one of those strangers on a random Zelda forum with very limited knowledge of your real life situation.
Also, just a tip: if you walk around thinking that everyone hates you or that they're mad at you, eventually your delusion is going to make it true. People in this community is already getting pretty sick of being told (by you) that they're mad at you or that they hate you, when they in reality have no relation to you outside of these self-depreciating topics you keep making. What I'm saying is, you have more control over the perception people has of you than you're aware of. If anyone here legitimately is annoyed with you, trust me when I say that you have given them enough reasons to feel that way.
In other words, pretending that everyone hates you is a sure-fire way of making everyone hate you.

IF y'all hate me so much. Block me.
We all have a hard life and posted a lot about our personal lives. MY BEST FRIEND DIED LAST YEAR FROM A STROKE. We all have something hard in our lives. Sometimes you gotta respect it and give some a little love and support. If your parents died, I would've supported you and cared for you all. Its what I do. PS: Doesn't mean I'm the youngest omine user at PureZC doesn't mean you have to treat me like a overprotective parent

#12 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

    smash the bye button

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Posted 05 May 2017 - 09:21 AM

2nd stop acting so cool and the know it all guy just because you are moderator.

You have no idea how much pain I just went through. PS when he deleted me...the name I had was rare, I WASTED 50$ ON THAT NAME FROM PAYPAL AND YOU SAY STOP WHINING. JUST BLOCK ME MAN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE MY BULLSHIT. I don't want to start with a fight with you Shane. But you are at the point where we should. You just need to chill and block me. That's all you gotta do. Just block me Shane. Its that easy.
IF y'all hate me so much. Block me.

Item, for future reference, this is why people react the way they do with you. Because you make it impossible to talk to you without breaking down, thinking that someone is attacking you. I hate going there, but several of us have more life experience than you do, and we keep telling you, you're misreading our intentions. We just want to help, it's just that none of us are professionals. We can only do so much, but you're making it impossible when you throw a hissy fit every time someone tries to give you some advice. 

  • The Satellite, Matthew and Naru like this

#13 Item



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Posted 05 May 2017 - 09:26 AM

That's because you don't have social media apps. If you go there and see some of the other people that are in the same pain as I'm in, you would understand.

#14 Magi_Hero



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Posted 05 May 2017 - 09:30 AM

Social media is cancer, Item. That's clearly where some pain is coming from.
  • Naru likes this

#15 Item



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Posted 05 May 2017 - 09:33 AM

Let me tell you how this pain all started. HOW IT BEGAN


It all started when a guy named Nova, who's username was v_a_p_e_b_o_i_s. He was popular, and great, and loved attention. One day he wanted the most attention in his life, how did he do that? He faked his death. He faked his death and his friend faked said "he killed himself." Over 100k+ people actually believed in it. Then Zuckerberg found out about it ((AND ACTUALLY BELIEVED IN IT)) and saw the part when Nova's friend said "He committed suicide when a another meme page called him named and made fun of him and doxx him" next thing you know, he deleted Nova. And made a rule that he will delete any meme account if they made fun of someone or post edge. Its been going on for a year and a half now (August 15th 2015) Thanks to him and people finding out he faked his death, everyone hates him. And he was never heard again.


This is based on a true story from an idiot who just had to get more attention.

Edited by Item, 05 May 2017 - 09:34 AM.

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