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Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

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#1 ywkls



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Posted 12 April 2019 - 09:47 PM

Because no one has posted anything yet...



Thoughts? I know many were disappointed by The Last Jedi (not me).


Also, in case you were wondering; yes you did hear what you think you heard.

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#2 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 13 April 2019 - 11:29 AM

There's a reason nobody posted anything. Nobody cares for Disney's Star Wars movies. Lol

I guess some people do though. But I believe most people have simply stopped caring since TLJ.

#3 ywkls



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Posted 13 April 2019 - 12:28 PM

There's a reason nobody posted anything. Nobody cares for Disney's Star Wars movies. Lol

I guess some people do though. But I believe most people have simply stopped caring since TLJ.

Again, I have absolutely no understanding of the backlash against Disney following The Last Jedi.

Maybe if someone were to explain it, I might?

But to me, each of them has been good and the second was far better than The Force Awakens.


In fact, the only film in their new continuation I've disliked was Rogue One.

Anyways, the purpose of this post was the same as when the news of the last one was released; to allow discussion of the film as trailers are made public and what you like/dislike about it.

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#4 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 13 April 2019 - 05:56 PM

I don't know, I get why people are unhappy with The Last Jedi specifically. I don't buy into the whole 'star wars is too pc' narrative myself, but I do think some of the complaints raised against Rian Johnson's contributions are at least understandable, even if I don't personally care one way or the other.


I'm excited for this movie though. I don't hate or love TLJ, but I really liked Force Awakens, and JJ is back so I've got no reason to think I won't at least enjoy this one as well. And that's all I ask of Star Wars, that it's somewhat enjoyable. That's all it's ever been to me, anyways. But I get why some fans are unhappy, and you know what, I'm kind of annoyed we didn't get to see Luke do a real lightsaber battle - I mean what the fuck Disney?! >:O

#5 Rambly


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Posted 13 April 2019 - 08:45 PM

There's a reason nobody posted anything. Nobody cares for Disney's Star Wars movies. Lol

i mean nobody on PureZC does cuz PZC is full of kneejerk obsoletionists who cackle like goblins with their fingers pressed together like HEHEHEHE!!!! whenever A Big Corrupt SJW Media Franchise Finally Goes BaD (see also: people here who couldn't wait for Nintendoom)

also it seems from my vantage point like the main reason nobody posted anything is bc this forum is dying and nobody really posts on it much anymore period. *puts fingers together, cackles like a goblin*



Again, I have absolutely no understanding of the backlash against Disney following The Last Jedi.

i have literally never, ever heard a coherent criticism of the last jedi. ever. i hear lots of people saying they hate it, but they never, ever articulate why. my opinion is that people are shallow and don't wanna admit it. possibly even racist/misogynistic (thats def true for some people, although i don't know if that's true for most of the people here)

like yeah luke is flawed, duh. what, do you want him to be a strapping prettyboy cardboard cutout that's this Romantic Ideal of heroism or do you want some depth to his character as a person whose heroism in his youth doesn't necessarily translate to good leadership skills and as a person whose hubris and anxiety made him make an unfortunate mistake

i don't like everything about the movie though. i mean like the fact that luke just dies and that's it because he force projected too hard or w/e? seems kinda unnecessary. but also he had his growth moment and his badass moment (yeah yeah i actually liked the way he tricked kylo ren), narratively it's a little hard-to-follow (it jumps around a *lot*) and it's a little overlong, there could have probably been some better editing i think

(also the middle trilogy movie being the dark, morally confusing one that raises a lot of questions is like... not unprecedented for star wars, i mean, look at empire.

in fact, a lot of the criticism of TLJ kinda sounds like a lot of criticism of empire back in the day, even -- stuff like "oh it sucks they froze han solo and everything's all depressing at the end! wtf!" but now empire's probably the most critically acclaimed of the originals... i think time will be kinder to TLJ too

even attack of the clones even raises a lot of questions too! like "why does this movie exist")

anyway the trailer looks cool as shit. i hope it's a fun one. i have faith that they'll tie up a lot of the narrative threads that were opened in TLJ. the title is like whoah what. i hope it surprises me. i really hope they don't retcon rey into being a Skywalker; i like the subtext that rey is strong because she's a strong person and not because of some magic Skywalker bloodline shit or whatever.



Edited by Rambly, 13 April 2019 - 10:19 PM.

#6 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 14 April 2019 - 11:11 AM

whenever A Big Corrupt SJW Media Franchise Finally Goes BaD (see also: people here who couldn't wait for Nintendoom)


Being a person who was highly critical of Nintendo during the Wii U era. I never seen Nintendo as an "SJW Media Franchise". Japan has a very different culture than we do. Nintendo still has problems in my opinion, but they have certainly improved their image some during the Switch era, and that is something I respect. Nintendo's in a good time lately because they are still putting out good games where as the AAA market is crumbling due to monitization schemes. 


All companies has ups and downs. Capcom is another company that felt doomed a few years ago, but look at the come back that they've made. But this is not to say that companies like Nintendo and Capcom was guaranteed to make a come back at all. Things just worked, and I hope going forward they continue to work. With that said, I sure hope Konami makes a good come back in the future. I miss Castlevania. But at least we have Bloodstained. 

This post is off the rails a little, but I just wanted to make that clear. 

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#7 The Satellite

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Posted 14 April 2019 - 08:53 PM

There's a reason nobody posted anything. Nobody cares for Disney's Star Wars movies. Lol

I guess some people do though. But I believe most people have simply stopped caring since TLJ.

Is that why the four films released so far have made about $4.85 billion? Is that why The Last Jedi was the highest-selling blu-ray in the United States last year? 14om9zO.png


Anyway, the trailer is pretty good, the film has potential to be really great or really average depending on how they take the "Skywalker" and Palpatine things. The last two trilogy films' trailers had a bit of misdirection in them, I imagine this is just a continuation of the tradition. Palpatine as nothing more than a dark spirit bound to the place of his death (i.e. what appear to be the Death Star's remains) would be awesome. Palpatine alive somehow and still manipulating things... not so much. Also not a fan of Kylo Ren repairing his helmet, since that flies in the face of his character arc in The Last Jedi, but I could also buy that it's just his rampant psychosis personified; the cracked helmet would be a pretty good visual metaphor of his shattered psyche, after all.


Just hoping they don't retcon Rey into a Skywalker. Maybe Kylo Ren pulls a death-by-redemption somehow. Maybe instead they claim the name "Skywalker" as some sort of Jedi sect, inspired by Luke. Apparently there's a word in the Chiss language for Force-users that's roughly translated to "Skywalker," perhaps that'll somehow end up relevant. 


And besides all that, Lando!

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#8 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 14 April 2019 - 10:21 PM

Yeah I'm just sick of Star Wars drama that isn't happening on screen. That goes for any movie I guess, everyone seems to have decided what they like or don't like 5 months before actually seeing the damn thing, and it's one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't situations, because no matter what you end up thinking about the movie, if you go online you're going to run into some dude who thinks you're a shithead because of X.


That said, I wouldn't mind one bit if Rey does actually turn out to be a Skywalker. I kind of want her to be someone of a name we would know, be it Skywalker, Kenobi or Binks or whatever really. It's not that I don't want them to 'subvert my expectations', I don't really mind either way, but Star Wars to me is supposed to be a simple good vs evil story and I kind of enjoy that everything is connected somewhat, even if it is a bit silly. Heck, make her a Palpetine, wouldn't that be cool? I think that would be cool, don't take it away from me. >:O

Edited by Migokalle, 14 April 2019 - 10:52 PM.

#9 Gleeok


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Posted 14 April 2019 - 10:49 PM

I don't take any side of the fan-boys/haters debate. I just see it for what it is. I'll go see the movie of course, but I'm not expecting much. I said in the Last Jedi topic that that movie was well done 9/10, but apart from that the Star Wars reboot is very weak; I believe it will not last the test of time. Even the symbolism has shifted to petty SJW/PC, propaganda nonsense. "The Disney is strong with this one."

#10 Rambly


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Posted 15 April 2019 - 12:16 AM

Even the symbolism has shifted to petty SJW/PC, propaganda nonsense.


I remembered that Lando's in the new movie so I decided it'll be the best Star Wars movie.  The other Disney movies don't have Lando in them, so they suck ass

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#11 The Satellite

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Posted 15 April 2019 - 02:20 AM

The other Disney movies don't have Lando in them, so they suck ass

Well, Solo. Different actor, but hey, Donald Glover was fantastic in the role. And I actually liked that film, to my surprise, but considering I liked the other three Star Wars films, guess I should've had more faith.

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#12 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 18 December 2019 - 11:55 AM

Well... that was a disappointing way to end a nine film saga. I feel dead inside.

#13 Titanium Justice

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Posted 18 December 2019 - 01:31 PM

The metacritic score is not looking very good right now, which is not making me feel very confident that this movie will be any good.
I was expecting they would learn from their mistakes and make something at least better than Last Jedi with a reception either similar or exceeding that of The Force Awakens, but by the sounds of it this will either be slightly better or slightly worse than TLJ.
Real shame too, cause my birthday is on the 24th and it's been a family tradition to watch a movie, but my family was so disappointed by TLJ that it pretty much killed our interest in seeing anymore Star Wars movies in theatres.
I honestly felt bad that I had even suggested dragging everybody in to see it, especially knowing beforehand that the reviews were not great.
Now knowing that Disney has screwed up another live action movie for the bazillionth time (you know, other than most of the Marvel movies that have been made thus far) I most definitely wont be seeing this, but it does make me wonder what I should watch for my birthday this year if anything. Maybe we'll just watch something at home this year.

#14 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 19 December 2019 - 05:38 AM

Yeah, having thought about this some more, I'm not even sure if I actually prefer this or TLJ. When I came out of the theater I was thinking that it was more interesting than TLJ, just in terms of what it *tried* to do, but it never does anything genuinely interesting with that narrative, nor does it make much sense when you start to think about it.


Honestly this was a gigantic mess. You can say what you want about Star Wars fans being toxic, and that there's a lot of illegitimate complaints that have been levied at this new trilogy, but having seen it in completion I can't honestly say that I think a majority of the complaints are actually wrong. I don't dislike Rey as a character but she is *still* lacking much of a character. They do improve that a bit this time around, she's more interesting, but the thing I'm not a big fan of with Rey is that they've now turned the force into a Marvel-like superpower, and it's incredibly shameless at that. Spoilers, but...




Shame on Disney for managing to fuck up this badly. This is what happens when something gets too popular though, you get the whole designed by committee thing where no real creativity is flowing. This is trash.

Edited by Migokalle, 19 December 2019 - 01:15 PM.

#15 The Satellite

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Posted 24 December 2019 - 04:23 AM

I like The Force Awakens a lot. I love The Last Jedi. I had some confidence I would still at least enjoy this one, but... I'm very mixed at best. To be clear, I don't think this movie really retconned The Last Jedi, at all, beyond one thing but... I'll leave that to the spoiler block. Prepare for text.




Basically my thoughts on this film can be summed up with a quote from Donald Glover's Lando: "I don't like it. I don't agree with it. But I accept it."

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