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5 Favorite Zelda Games

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#16 Jenny


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Posted 29 April 2017 - 08:57 PM

5. Ocarina of Time


One word: nostalgia. 


I really love this game, and it's one of the first games I ever remember playing. Some say it hasn't aged well but I do think good for its time is a valid argument. :P


4. Wind Waker


A lot of this game is really memorable to me. One of the most expressive Link's we've gotten, tons of great music, etc.


The only thing that holds this game back for me is the triforce quest / ocean travel.


3. A Link to the Past


Like OoT, one of the first games I ever remember playing. It's just a classic.


2. Majora's Mask


I really love the multiple playstyles in this game. It's something I'd like to see them doing to this level in another Zelda game.


Each area is also really memorable to me, as is a lot of the music / NPCs in this game.


1. Link's Awakening DX


Might not be popular in this type of thread, but I really do love this game. It's not agonizingly long, but for a (early) handheld title it's pretty nice how long it managed to be.


The world is pretty different in this game too, with some interesting characters and story.


I also have quite a bit of nostalgia for this game like the others on this list.

Edited by Yoshi, 29 April 2017 - 09:00 PM.

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#17 Shane



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Posted 29 April 2017 - 09:03 PM

EDIT: Also, I don't give a shit if you're a mod, you can go right the fuck to hell if you're going to be insulting about it.

Whoa whoa whoa, that was totally uncalled for. Let's not go there.


Honestly I personally feel you might be a little too worked up over it like it's some sort of agenda. Honestly not buying a great game over something trivial like that can come off as silly, no offense. I don't believe Nintendo is making a statement or showing hatred to a group of people. It's just that since TP (Wii version) it sort of caught on. They've made silly reasons over a lot of things frankly. There's no denying left handed people did get the short end of the stick in regards to motion controls though but that's not BotW related.

#18 Binx


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Posted 29 April 2017 - 09:17 PM

Whoa whoa whoa, that was totally uncalled for. Let's not go there.


Honestly I personally feel you might be a little too worked up over it like it's some sort of agenda. Honestly not buying a great game over something trivial like that can come off as silly, no offense. I don't believe Nintendo is making a statement or showing hatred to a group of people. It's just that since TP (Wii version) it sort of caught on. They've made silly reasons over a lot of things frankly. There's no denying left handed people did get the short end of the stick in regards to motion controls though but that's not BotW related.

Ok, see, you weren't being a douchebag about it, I understand why some people see it as silly. I do not. That is my opinion, and I am entitled to my opinion, Being a dick to me over my opinion is a great way to get me worked up. It wasn't uncalled for, I wasn't the one who started lobbing insults. Just because they're a mod doesn't give them the right to be an asshole.

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#19 Castelia


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Posted 29 April 2017 - 09:24 PM

5: Ocarina of Time

Combat is fun, the world was expansive for its time, and the dungeon design is fantastic.


4: Zelda 1

I love it for its simplicity, as well as its secrets. I love games with tons of secrets, so Zelda 1 is right up my alley (even if I know where everything is by this point).


3: Zelda II

It's refreshing for this game to be a sidescroller. This is one of the biggest Hyrules to this day (if you make note of it having eight towns and four large islands altogether), and this is one of the only 2D games where you have to think about combat. Also, the EXP system is a nice way to get people to defeat more enemies, and grinding isn't usually required.


2: Oracles

The Oracles took everything that was good about Link's Awakening, and added its own stuff to make some of the best handheld Zeldas to date. The plots are rather basic, but the gameplay more than makes up for it. Seasons is an original concept not only to Zelda but to games in general, and Ages makes fun use of time travel to solve puzzles (navigating Talus Peaks, the Mermaid's Cave, etc). Also, the music is absolutely excellent. Nearly every song helps set a mood for whatever it is you're doing.


1: A Link to the Past

I tried so hard to choose between the Oracles and ALttP, but ultimately, this is my decision. I love nearly everything about A Link to the Past, including its music, puzzles, and fantastic use of both worlds to hide secrets and other things. It also introduced a certain iconic sword that would become a mainstay in the franchise, as well as perfecting the magic system introduced by Zelda II.


This is just what I think. I'm not trying to set a standard or anything like that. Every one of these games has downsides, too, but I tried to focus on the positives.

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#20 Neppy


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Posted 29 April 2017 - 09:56 PM

Ok, see, you weren't being a douchebag about it, I understand why some people see it as silly. I do not. That is my opinion, and I am entitled to my opinion, Being a dick to me over my opinion is a great way to get me worked up. It wasn't uncalled for, I wasn't the one who started lobbing insults. Just because they're a mod doesn't give them the right to be an asshole.

At this point, I think it'd be best if you and Polaris were to continue this via PM, which is how it should have been handled in the first place at the very least, instead of continuing a completely separate sort of conversation within this topic. Thank you.


As for my favorite Zelda games... that's not an easy one.


E) Link's Awakening (non-DX) - There's just something about the original that I enjoy, although DX isn't much different besides color. The original version you could skip repeated lines within the game, like when you get the Guardian Acorn, and the Piece of Power (name??), or when you get the compass in each dungeon. This was also the first Zelda game that I bought with my own money, and will always rank rather high on my list. I've played it all the way through 25 times or so.


5) Twilight Princess - I know people have issues with this game, and I kind of have to agree with some of them. I think it's a pretty fun game, and does allow you to go where you want to a point. I enjoy the layout of the world, and really like the music even though to some it's not so great. I always loved the Hyrule Field theme in this game as it gave me a sense of adventure. When you get to the City in the Sky though, I would have to agree that it does cause me to lose interest a fair bit. That's actually where I am sitting on my copy of Twilight Princess HD on the Wii U.


4) Oracle of Ages - Love the parallel worlds at play in this game. It's got a simple idea, but works well. I found the dungeons to be quite enjoyable, and the music, along with LA, and OoS, are great in their wonderful Gameboy-y way. Wish Minish Crap continued on with this greatness.


3) Wind Waker - I've loved this game since the first time I played it. I remember driving 45 miles just to pick this up from Walmart, and 45 miles back home to enjoy it. Pretty sure it was release day too. I loved the art style they went with even though a lot of people thought it was stupid. Just how the characters were presented, and the unique charm that this game has. The soundtrack is one of my favorites, especially Dragon Roost Island. I really wish there had been more dungeons in it like there was originally going to be.


2) A Link to the Past - One of my favorite games of all time, and earliest Zelda experiences. My brother had owned this game when we were little, and I remember when he had first gotten drawn into the Dark World after fighting Aghanim, and it was amazing. A whole new world to explore, and the super awesome Dark World theme that went along with it. I've played through this game countless times, and played a few of the randomizer variants, which make the whole experience fresh again, and challenging depending on how the randomization turned out. I love this game, and pretty much play it annually now.


1) Breath of the Wild - This is currently in my top position for my favorite Zelda games, could be that it's my favorite now, or could be that it's still the newest, freshest Zelda that I have experienced. Either way, it's pretty great in my opinion. I loved the whole world, it was so well put together, thanks to the help from Monolithsoft. The Guardians, what assholes they were early in the game, while they were very menacing. It was a very neat concept that they went with for them. Being able to sink so much time (195+ hours currently) into this and still needing to finish up a few things, not to forget the future DLC that we'll be getting. I do wish there were more full dungeons in the vein of Hyrule Castle in the game though, but the Shrines filled the gap a little bit. Hope they stick with the open world concept in the future titles, but include more dungeons in it.


In the end, I think the future of the series has so much potential at this point. They have a good baseline to play with now. My coworker went out and bought a Switch along with BotW after I had brought mine to work for him to check out. The last Nintendo system he owned was the Gamecube, 

Edited by Neptune, 29 April 2017 - 10:28 PM.
To add my own input on the topic.

#21 Binx


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Posted 29 April 2017 - 10:00 PM

At this point, I think it'd be best if you and Polaris were to continue this via PM, which is how it should have been handled in the first place at the very least, instead of continuing a completely seperate sort of conversation within this topic. Thank you

Nothing left to talk about. I said my piece. I would say more about my top 5 favorite Zelda games, but I already said what they are.

#22 Anthus



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Posted 29 April 2017 - 10:53 PM

Oh yeah, here we go~ (in no particular order)

#5. Ocarina of Time
I was 8 or 9 when this came out. I already loved ALttP, and had played the first two games a lot (but poorly), but this was the first new Zelda that came out during my childhood. It would be an understatement to say this wasn't a massively impactful game for me. I spent literal years playing this game. Besides AlttP, I have beaten this more than any other game ever (60-70 times) and man. I may make fun of it, and joke about it, but I really, really love this game. If you are on Pure, there's really no new gushing grounds for this, so I'll move on.

#4. Majora's Mask
Full Disclaimer: 11 year old me HATED this game. Where the fuck is Zelda? What is this Deku Link shit? Find the Great Fairy?! A Fuc- What?!?! TIME LIMIT? This is STUPID!! But I was a dumb-ass kid. This game is art. Now THIS was where it got real. Before we just basically had 3D Link to the Past. But this game was truly something special. We had whole new world, a unique transformation mechanic, great dungeon design, and most memorably, a world full of characters that really felt alive and important. I was immersed. Everything you did mattered in this world, and it all felt so dire, and epic. You had to manage your time, and do all you could under pressure, and as an adult, in hindsight, this is an amazing game, and I can truly see why some consider it the best Zelda.

#3. Wind Waker
7/10 - Too much water. No but for real, the combat, exploration, and story telling was great. You have the expressive character concept from MM mixed with a classic epic of high fantasy like OoT, but it is blended together in this heartfelt tale of a dorky kid who rises to be the hero of the land. What MM did for world building, WW did for 'Link building'. This is the most lovable, and relate-able Link to me. The only Link who actually seems to give a shit about what is happening around him, while remaining silent, but beyond yells, and grunts still conveys a feeling of solidarity. A feeling that, this iteration of Link really cares about this world. The whole world feels so huge, and not unlike other Zelda's I spent a lot of time with this one. It has such an open-air feel to it, after Z1, and AlttP, but before BotW. The ocean was annoying to sail at times, and I can't fathom not using the quick sail now, but man, this world was fucking huge, and jam-packed with stuff to find. This was the most unique 3D main series take on the classic Zelda formula. But, I would have liked more dungeons *cough* same goes for you, BotW *cough*

#2. Breath of the Wild
To save us all some time, basically take everything I said about the three previous games, and apply it to this as well. Here we are. We've come full circle. This is the first main 3D Zelda that isn't shamelessly trying to suck a promotion out of Ocarina's dick. It is its own game, and it knows it. It owns it. This is Zelda. This is a great game. Yeah, it has its annoying bits, but whatever, what game doesn't? What else can I say? It's an amazing game.

#1. A Link to the Past
Yep. You see, officer, these nostalgia goggles are surgically connected to my eye bones. So don't tell me nothing!

Honorable Mentions:
Twilight Princess, ALBW, Zelda 1 and 2, and FSA are all solid games too.
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#23 TK8305


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Posted 30 April 2017 - 01:44 AM

For me, it would be:  (Note I haven't played Breath of the Wild yet....no Switch....lol)


1. Legend of Zelda (NES) - Old school is my fav Zelda style and ALWAYS will be!  Why do you think I do so many ZC Quests (Mostly classic tileset too?  lol)


2. Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (GBC) - Love the throwback to the original Zelda with the bosses returning, puzzles were less hectic too!  More action!  x3


3. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) - By far my fav 3d Zelda!  3DS version with the enhanced graphics was a true thing of beauty too!  Of course the amazing music as well!


4. Legend of Zelda:  A Link To The Past (SNES) - Definitely a memorable ride for me each time I played it!  That Ice Dungeon is still a big pain to this day.  xD


5. Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (GCube) - Very innovative Zelda with four Links working together to fight legions of enemies & solving puzzles.....BRILLIANT!  :3

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#24 The Satellite

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Posted 30 April 2017 - 03:15 AM

Once upon a time it would be easy to put the top three in order. Now, not so much. And I'm having a tough enough time picking a fifth. So I'd like to instead condense this into a top four, with no specific order other than alphabetical.


A Link to the Past - Well, obviously! After all my praise across this board, and all the Randomizers I play? It's a game from my childhood but one that still holds up as a ton of fun, with a world that, while it has some small roadblocks, is mostly open and feels alive with its various NPCs spread across it, feeling like people who just live in the world other than designed specifically to be of some help to the hero. It's a strong overworld, both of them, with a great soundtrack and arsenal. It's an overall well-rounded game and will always be one of my favorites. It also basically molded the direction of the series for the next 22 years, from 1991-2013, until Breath of the Wild broke the mold.


Breath of the Wild - Speaking of! ... this game's really damn fun. Like, playing through and completing it has really opened my eyes to how formulaic and stale the franchise was getting; hell, I even started to realize it while reading and seeing more about the game leading up to release. This was a nice clean break that also managed to be incredibly engaging and enjoyable, and also didn't hold your hand much at all. The absolute freedom was refreshing, and, while I don't need every Zelda game following this to follow the same "do literally everything in whatever you like" formula, it was nice to have this little bridge and break from the stifling linearity the series was falling into until A Link Between Worlds came along to shake things up a bit and soften us up to this game. It's beautiful, it's fun, it's my playground and I enjoyed almost every minute of it. As long as it was dry weather.


Link's Awakening - This one's truly quirky and unique. I love the atmosphere of it all, as well as its plot being rather unconventional when you think about it. I mean, sure, you're trapped in this place and so is the guardian deity, and you must defeat the Nightmares to awaken him and free both of you, but doing so also eliminates this world and its inhabitants. No matter that they're technically not real people, they feel real. In that way I connect with the story as a writer on a personal level... that and the game's just really fun, despite the few annoyances I have. They're fairly noticeable annoyances, but the rest of the game just outweighs it completely.


The Wind Waker - To the series' credit, the 3D games were trying new things with the first three entries before they began to stick to the formula a little too closely. And Wind Waker capitalized on that by giving us a sea overworld, a new art style, and a story that, while still about Hyrule, did so in a different sense. In fact, the land of Hyrule that we know is no more, and ends up destroyed at the end of the game. I mean utterly erased. The story wasn't afraid to take that risk and it was amazing for it. Also the graphical style was charming and still holds up, the soundtrack is incredible, the gameplay is just really fun... I even like the sailing. Wind Waker is just made of love.

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#25 Naru



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Posted 30 April 2017 - 06:14 AM

Let's ignore the insulting part, I really wanna know how it feels to play a Link who uses the wrong hand right now! My first thougt was that I wouldn't really mind, but then I imagined swinging the wii-controller with my left hand and that imagination just feels soo wrong. Does it annoy you just out of principles (what I totally understand, small matters can make you really pissed if they are not taken seriously and laughed upon non-stop) or does it actually mess up something in your head if the gamecharakter uses the wrong hand non-stop? And is it a general problem or does it feel especially worse for some titles. What about the GB-games for example?

#26 Mitsukara



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Posted 30 April 2017 - 10:32 AM

#5: Parallel Remodel

#4: Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon

#3: Link: The Faces of Evil

#2: Zelda's Adventure
#1: Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon again

Okay okay, seriously though (at least I've poked at Faces of Evil sort of, and repeatedly watched LPs of all of them):


EDIT: I changed my list when I thought about it more.


Honorable Mentions:



#5: The Legend of Zelda

Everything about this one has been outdone by other games since, but, it's the classic! LTTP has this game to thank for it's very existence. And it is fun in it's old-school way..The 4 way movement is stiff and makes combat frustrating, but the sense of exploration and puzzle solving is cool, and the game's pretty flexible about linearity. The boomerang is fun to play with, and I kinda like the ladder (if only it were a little more versatile, eh?). It's outshined, and it's not quite as easy to pick up as something comparably dated like the first Super Mario Bros, but I come back to it now and then anyway.


#4: Oracle of Seasons & Oracle of Ages

So many clever items, how could I not love them? The season gimmicks are great and Subrosians are adorable, too. But I think of these sort of like one continuous game so I didn't put OoA in the #5 spot. These somehow feel even more linear than Link's Awakening though, and that's a sad thing. Also, horribly tiresome RNG shenaigans, a ring system with intriguing functions but incredibly annoying limitations, underutilized arbitray-chosen-based-on-unguessable-factors riding companions, and far less interesting plots; ah well.


#3: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Okay, I see where the detractors are coming from, but I love this one. It's so quaint and fun, and once you get the hang of it it's surprisingly well balanced. The graphics are simple, but all look nice to me, and the music is great too. I like it a lot.


#2: Link's Awakening

I love the story and music on this one, and the tricky bosses and item usage. If it weren't super linear and didn't have silly popup messages then I'd say it was just about perfect. As it is there's rough edges, but I absolutely love this one and it's story left an impression on me forever.


#1: A Link to the Past

This one is the most fun to play for me, just really well-rounded in every aspect. I even love the layered ramps! I wish the dungeon order had been sliiiiiightly more negotiable (stupid rock in front of death mountain... stupid hammer posts), and I'll never understand Link's confusingly-rad color palette even though it's kind of awesome in it's own way (Pink hair, orange hatband, bright yellow belt, bright red boots, a different color hat, and lime-green Titan's Mitts??), but, I have nothing else bad to say about it. Also, the art style in the manual is beautiful (and I'm glad they reused it in Link's Awakening, indelibly connecting these two games in my mind). Apparently I'm crazy for 90s anime aesthetics?


I suspect A Link Between Worlds will make this list once I get to play it, though. Probably not all the way up to the #1 spot, but anything's possible.

Edited by Mitsukara, 30 April 2017 - 10:52 AM.

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#27 Rambly


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Posted 02 May 2017 - 01:38 AM

I already listed off reasons I like every Zelda game in another thread relatively recently, so I'm just gonna keep mine a list:


5. The Legend of Zelda

4. A Link to the Past

3. The Wind Waker

2. A Link Between Worlds

1. Skyward Sword


God I could not decide between LADX and Zelda 1

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#28 Lordkronos


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Posted 18 November 2020 - 10:55 AM

Mhhh Lets See :D


1: A Link to The Past/Between Worlds

2: Links Awakening/Oracle of Ages/Season

3: The Minish Cap

4: The Legend of Zelda

5: Four Swords Adventure

#29 The Satellite

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Posted 18 November 2020 - 03:24 PM

"Oh boy, a thread that's a few years old, and it says I've posted in it, can't wait to see how much my opinions have changed since then."


*scrolls to said post, reads it*


"... actually this post from three-and-a-half years ago is still wholly accurate, wow."

#30 Twilight Hero

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Posted 16 March 2021 - 11:41 PM

5. Zelda 1

4. A Link to the Past

3. Breath of the Wild

2.Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword

1.Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword


The top three were pretty close. 

(Don't tell anyone, but they're the only Zelda games I've actually fully beaten)

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