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Your Pokemon life

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#1 Orithan


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Posted 22 February 2015 - 05:26 AM

Reposted from an old topic here, as I didn't feel like reviving a nearly 4 year old topic:


(I'm not sure if this would fit better under Forum Games or not, but if it does, feel free to move it to there.)

So I found this little something fun floating around the interwebs. It's pretty simple, and it can make some humorous results.

First, go to here.
Set the number of Pokemon to "6", then click "Generate".

1. The first Pokemon will do all your housework for you.
2. The second Pokemon loves you.
3. The third Pokemon hates you.
4. The fourth Pokemon sits on your lap while you're at your computer/laptop.
5. The fifth Pokemon is your soulmate/poke-bro.
6. The sixth Pokemon is merged with the fourth Pokemon. The end result is a permanent member of your team.

Give it a try and type out your results!


To start out:


1. The first Pokemon will do all your housework for you - Parasect. I... guess that works considering what it effectively is.
2. The second Pokemon loves you - Crawdaunt. Okay...
3. The third Pokemon hates you - Oshawott. Dang it, I thought we were friends.
4. The fourth Pokemon sits on your lap while you're at your computer/laptop - Archen. I guess that works, just have to be careful considering how fragile it is.
5. The fifth Pokemon is your soulmate/poke-bro - Dustox. Really?
6. The sixth Pokemon is merged with the fourth Pokemon. The end result is a permanent member of your team - Graveler. Cool, an exploding Defeatist as part of my team. Gets to explode before it can get hit.

#2 coolgamer012345



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Posted 22 February 2015 - 05:37 AM

The pokemon that cleans my house; Cascoon; this thing looks like a sea cucumber but I won't question its ability's.


The Pokemanz that loves me; Ursaring; Hi realistic pedobear!


The Pokémon that hates me; Vulpix; I dunno why. Maybe it held a grudge after tripping over it..


The pokemon that sits in my lap while I use my PC; Kabuto; This thing scares me.. especially those teeth..


The Pokemon that's my Pokébro!; Empoleon; This pokemon be chillin' as mah bro.


The pokemon that's on my team now for some reason; Cryogonal; He looks mo' chill than mah Pokebro.

#3 Shane



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Posted 22 February 2015 - 05:38 AM

Oh hey, we made a thread. Yay.
1. The first Pokemon will do all your housework for you.
#359 - Absol-mega (It literally popped up every time, mega and normal.)


2. The second Pokemon loves you.
#675 - Pangoro (Woah, looks cool. I like Pandas too.)
3. The third Pokemon hates you.
#365 - Walrein (Well now, just after a discussion with Nexas about this Pokémon too. >_> <_<)
4. The fourth Pokemon sits on your lap while you're at your computer/laptop.

#172 - Pichu (Beats having a Dragonite, Magcargo and a Snorlax. The generator went easy on me.)


5. The fifth Pokemon is your soulmate/poke-bro.
#4 - Charmander (aswduiwfeoifefokg;fe WHAT)


6. The sixth Pokemon is merged with the fourth Pokemon. The end result is a permanent member of your team.
#306 - Aggron (a)
Can we post again or nay?

Edited by Shane, 22 February 2015 - 05:41 AM.

#4 Orithan


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Posted 22 February 2015 - 06:12 AM

You can post again. I can't see any reason why not to.

Edited by Orithan, 22 February 2015 - 06:12 AM.

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#5 Eddy



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Posted 22 February 2015 - 07:10 AM

1. The first Pokemon will do all your housework for you.

Sudowoodo - Alrighty then...


2. The second Pokemon loves you.

Metapod - Haha, no.


3. The third Pokemon hates you.

Mareep - Y u hate me, I rekt everyone with you in Gen II :(


4. The fourth Pokemon sits on your lap while you're at your computer/laptop.

Cradily - My legs are going to break.


5. The fifth Pokemon is your soulmate/poke-bro.

Tornadus - Well, it's electric, so sure.


6. The sixth Pokemon is merged with the fourth Pokemon. The end result is a permanent member of your team.

Poochyena - Riiiight.

Edited by EddyTheOliveira, 22 February 2015 - 07:12 AM.

#6 MarinaraSauce



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Posted 22 February 2015 - 10:09 PM

Well this was interesting...

1: Jellicent - I somehow feel that this might be a bit counterproductive.

2: Froslass - Creepy.

3: Arcanine - I no longer feel safe in my own home.

4: Golurk - And that's how my legs broke Doc.

5: Rampardos - Insert joke involving the word "ramming" here.


#7 SkyLizardGirl


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Posted 23 February 2015 - 06:43 AM

1. The first Pokemon will do all your housework for you.

      Nidoqueen  - mother figure for me. Very protectives against strangers but super polite and nice in the end if those strangers act like friends too me in return.


2. The second Pokemon loves you.

Milotic - She wraps around me and never lets go evers + cuddles me.  (she's into girls only strangely.)


3. The third Pokemon hates you.      

Latias - Always speeds off so i don't get to give it very much attention 

!0_0!  .. // But always comes back to kick my enemies down and She is the hotshot of the group.

(She Never wants to miss a fight of mine she could be in.)


4. The fourth Pokemon sits on your lap while you're at your computer/laptop. 

Vaporeon - Alots like my cat i haves, while i ams trying to work on Zelda classic games.

He is just so adorbs ..* //// <3


5. The fifth Pokemon is your soulmate/poke-bro.

Rayquaza - It is always wise and looking out for me and protects me

and is super cautious and swoops down to get me when i am sad and crying to cheer me ups.

(Kinda like the Boyfriend figure too my life.) ~ It wants me to be his.*


6. The sixth Pokemon is merged with the fourth Pokemon. The end result is a permanent member of your team.

Golduck - is very similar to my Vaporeon it's older cool bro in a way. - perhaps the two combined if ever possible would make one heck of a weapon.

Edited by SkyLizardGirl, 24 February 2015 - 07:48 AM.

#8 klop422


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Posted 23 February 2015 - 05:16 PM

1. The first Pokemon will do all your housework for you.

Vileplume? Just as long as he keeps all his spores to himself.
2. The second Pokemon loves you.

Flygon. Cool, I guess. I'd prefer a Vibrava
3. The third Pokemon hates you.

Gardevoir... I liked Gallade better anyway! *goes away to sulk*
4. The fourth Pokemon sits on your lap while you're at your computer/laptop.

Throh...? Uh... How does he fit under my desk while I'm using my computer?
5. The fifth Pokemon is your soulmate/poke-bro.

Frosslass. Huh...
6. The sixth Pokemon is merged with the fourth Pokemon. (whatever that means...) The end result is a permanent member of your team.

Shiny Steelix. That's a good guy to have on my team.

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