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Let's Play Disgaea: Hour of Darkness

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#16 Ice Cream Link

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Posted 25 October 2011 - 03:47 PM

Lol cool. xD And no thanks, I found it. :U

#17 SpacemanDan


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Posted 28 October 2011 - 01:08 AM

Updated the video listings. Turns out I had missed video 5. D:

Anyway, I will not be taking more names for the party as I now have my entire team named. Thanks to everyone who gave me names for this! icon_biggrin.gif The cleric won't be receiving a name until mid episode 4, but she does have one now. And my Nekomata (whom I will probably be kidnapping from the enemy. icon_twisted.gif) will be renamed to TrollingHerpDerp. (As requested on Youtube.) Hey, I said the names could be stupid. icon_razz.gif

#18 SpacemanDan


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 10:37 PM

I don't update this thread enough... T_T

Everything is now up to date. I'm going to be taking a short break from this LP so I can spend time getting some stuff off screen to make my life easier for later. I'll have other LPs going up in the mean time. I expect I should be able to get things rolling again in a week or two.

#19 SpacemanDan


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Posted 16 February 2012 - 10:11 PM

A week or two my ass... icon_sweat.gif

Anyway, I got all the staticians (Which I only just realized I was pronouncing wrong this whole time. Dang I gotta learn how to read...) I wanted. 302 (I think) in all! icon_biggrin.gif So now whoever wears/uses the item with this thing in it will gain 3x the EXP from each kill they get. Add this on top of EXP+X panels and...Yeah. Grinding has become much easier. I've managed to grind most of my characters to the 20 mark, so I think I'll be in good standing for the next while. Not to mention that my next grinding area is the next map. I don't recall the specs, but there's some good experience to be had there. icon_cat.gif

With this, I've also been tempted to reincarnate a few of my characters to higher tier classes. It would be nice methinks. Also, once I have a certain post game class unlocked, I'm reincarnating my cleric to that...I'm kind of tired of her not being able to deal decent damage... >_> I'm thinking of teaching her some offensive magic to alleviate this, but I'm not sure yet. I'm kinda against the idea because her purpose is to heal, so if I'm using SP for attacking things, I won't have as much to heal with. Not to mention I already have two good/decent mages... >_> Hell, I may just throw a sword at her and have her use that. icon_xd.gif

tl:dr - I finished what I set out to do and now have more options at my fingertips. Also, expect new videos by the end of the week/beginning of next week. icon_cat.gif

Also, touched up the OP a bit with more information on a few characters since we know a bit more. (Actually, I just edited Flonne's entry. icon_deformed.gif)

#20 kurt91


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 03:52 AM

I love this game, but I'm torn about getting the sequel. I don't generally like to play a sequel until I'm completely done with the previous game, but I'm now at the grindy part after finishing the main storyline of the DS version. I'm too high-level to make much progress by just hitting New Game+ over and over and soloing it with each character, but I'm too low-level to advance to Etna Mode.

I suppose my only way to efficiently advance is to start grinding in the Item World until I have the max number of Statisticians. Thing is, I'm not really one for randomly-generating levels. They don't have quite the same charm as the pre-made ones, there's no basic strategy you can apply to "correctly" complete the level.

However, there's supposed to be an insanely quick method of grinding once you hit the post-game content with a maxed out Statistician-boosted weapon. One of the levels has nothing but a 3x3 square of super-powerful enemies with low movement. If you stick with long-range sniping until you have one character strong enough to one-shot the lot of them, you can gain several thousand levels in minutes. Then you just do the trick where you perform a team attack with a weak character, then have a strong character throw them back to base before your next turn, until the weak character is leveled up. (I don't know why I just wrote this, you most likely already know it)

Anyways, are you going to complete all the post-game content as well, including both forms of the ultimate bonus-boss? Also, out of curiousity, what's the highest amount of damage you've been able to do in a single turn? I recall seeing something where the damage counters went into scientific notation just to keep up.

#21 SpacemanDan


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 06:15 AM

Yeah, getting statiscians is really the only way to make the most out of beating any level. However, it shouldn't be too bad to do if you've beaten the game already and raised the ranks of the items in the shop many times. (Be sure you can actually afford the stuff though, and comfortably too. You'll need to buy quite a bit of stuff. :3) What I normally do is go through the general store and look to see if there's any statiscians in any of the items, and if there is, I buy it.

One tactic I've used is to keep resetting until the statiscian shows up on the first floor, beat it up and use a Mr. Gency's Exit to leave so I didn't have to deal with the item world more than I had to. Honestly, the only reason it took me so long to do here was that I didn't have access to some higher ranked equipment. Add on top of that the fact that I wouldn't last very long in higher ranked equipment. D:

What I would suggest is, once you've attained the 300 statiscian (don't bother getting more than one of these; the effect won't stack) and go to the first map of the final chapter. The entire map should be EXP+ panels (I forget how much) and will serve as a good place to get some early grinding for the post game. At least, until you can safely take on the Cave of Ordeals.

I am aware of the level you're talking about; Cave of Ordeals 3. It's, if memory serves, the second best area to grind on. (With Beauty of Evil being the best, apparently.) The best way I've found of handling this map is using a character who can use Winged Slayer, Big Bang or has a 3x3 AoE on a spell with a bunch of mages boosting the relevant stat. (It really makes a difference. icon_smile.gif) Since not all characters will be very good at doing this (though you can always give your characters a sword for the time being just so they can have Winged Slayer or teach them a spell so that can gain access to a 3x3 AoE formation) I'd just try for the biggest AoE attacks you've got for the character you want to level up.

Though in the DS version, you'll have access to the Demon Hall Mirror once you've beat all the levels of Cave of Ordeals. You'll need to return to this map quite a few times as it'll change each time you beat it, presenting a new foe. (Be sure to bring a thief at a really high level: one of the enemies there has the Apocalypse, the best axe in the game!) After awhile, you'll be presented with a 3x3 block of enemies on EXP boosting panels. (I don't recall off hand how much EXP+ but anyway) It's basically CoO 3, but with stronger enemies, making it even better to grind on. The only problem is that they're a decent distance from the base panel, so you may need to throw if you want to take them all out in one hit.

Another tip would be to get 300 Managers. You'll gain 3x the mana with each kill; extremely handy when you start reincarnating. Also, Armmasters are extremly helpful as well so you don't lose much weapon EXP with each reincarnation. (If you reincarnate at Genius though, you'll only lose 5%, but still. It adds up. @_@)


I do intend to cover the post game fully, including the super boss' two forms. Unfortunately, since this is the PS2 version of the game, I don't have access to Etna mode, Demon Hall Mirror, or overlord Zetta. (This guy's a little obscure to find. You need to make enemy levels via the Dark Assembly and go to the map in episode 9 where you fought...

Provided my memory isn't faulty at the moment, you'll fight overlord Zetta from Makai Kingdoms. He's really powerful but his movement is horrible. (He's a book, after all. icon_xd.gif) Since you're playing the DS version, he'll join you after his defeat.

However, if I ever get my hands on a newer PSP and the cables to do so, I'm going to be doing the PSP version for Etna mode. (I won't do the entire game again; just Etna mode as you can get this at the start with a button combination. The enemy's levels won't be nearly as high, but the difficulty ramps up quickly.)

I believe the highest damage I've managed was between 3-5 million damage. The first game, while still really high with its numbers, isn't as crazy as the later games. Though I never really managed to deal much more in the later games. (Maybe 3, but 2 was one I never actually did much of the post game. D: )

...Wow. I ended up writing much more than I thought. Anyway, now that I've got back into recording this, things should be steady until I reach the end and get to the more grindy part of the post game. Then I'll probably be taking a good while to grind, then show the last stretch of the game off. icon_cat.gif

#22 Saffith


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 08:09 PM

QUOTE(SpacemanDan @ Feb 16 2012, 10:11 PM) View Post
Anyway, I got all the staticians (Which I only just realized I was pronouncing wrong this whole time. Dang I gotta learn how to read...) I wanted.

I think you actually had it right before.

#23 SpacemanDan


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Posted 29 May 2012 - 06:12 PM

So it's been awhile since I updated this thread. All sort of new things are in the first post.

I will hopefully have the end of Ep. 8 up soon, if only because 9 is my favorite in the entire game with the entry of a certain character. icon_biggrin.gif

#24 SpacemanDan


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Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:31 PM

OP Continued...

My Party

#25 SpacemanDan


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Posted 15 August 2012 - 01:02 PM

So episode 10 is now complete and uploaded! icon_biggrin.gif Like I mentioned, the videos are a little longer, but this was so I could actually make good progress with each video. (Versus before where I would clear a single map a video. >_<)

This time, we're basically chasin after Mid-Boss because he took our lunch. I'm not kidding. >_> It doesn't really serve much for the story aside from the random bits on Earth, but it is still fun. icon_smile.gif


Episode 11 is now up. Who is this mysterious Defender of Earth...!? Changed the OP so that it's a little easier to pick at the info you want. icon_smile.gif

#26 SpacemanDan


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Posted 26 August 2012 - 06:21 PM

Episode 12 is up. That one was a little on the brutal side. It's the first time in awhile I had to do a lot of restarts. >_>

I still need to record episode 13, which probably won't be until Tuesday. The video itself most likely won't go up until Wednesday though, considering any editing that needs to be done. Though the main portion of this LP is drawing to a close. There's only one chapter after 13, but it is a fairly long and difficult one.

Once that is done, I'll be taking a sort of break from posting any Disgaea videos for awhile. There's a lot of grinding and prep I need to take care of before I tackle the post game in its entirety. I also want to do a montage of all the alternate endings. (Some require some crazy conditions, like beating an Item God (2?) and beating the assembly up over 50 times.) I won't start posting the videos again until I have recorded everything though, so once they do start going back up, it'll be fairly constant.

To give people an idea on what kind of stuff there is still to do (that I plan to show) here's a bit of a list -
Most of these areas are fairly short, but by no means easy. (Once we hit the later parts of the post game, enemy levels above 1000 is the standard)

Stuff I'm going to do off screen -
  • Getting my hands on the highest ranking items.
  • Getting my characters to the highest tier
  • Reincarnating quite a bit for some stat boosts
  • Specialist hunting
  • Unlocking most of the hidden classes (Possibly Majin)
I may do a video to cover some of these things and how to go about them, but I won't show the entire process. That'd be boring! Though I do want to show the Item God 2 out and the very special prize you get for beating it. I've already shown a 10 floor run of the item world - it's honestly about the same for all the item world, just with stronger enemies and new things roaming around.

Anyway, that's still a little ways away. Until next update! icon_biggrin.gif

EDIT: Another idea I had was to use my previous save data for the post game and to 'port' my characters over at higher tiers/alternate classes. I'll also have a lot of stuff on that save that would be handy and that I wouldn't have to grind for it again. icon_biggrin.gif I'll probably won't use the Yoshitsuna nor my Super Robo Suits. Since technically I wouldn't have those at that point since you have to steal that from Baal, lol. Well, I may nab myself a spare Yosh I may or may not have. I dunno. We'll see.

#27 SpacemanDan


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Posted 08 September 2012 - 08:34 PM

Updated the OP with episode 13. Had to split the thread up. It's not optimally split, but I'll worry about that later. Also, I've decided to use my old save for the post game. This way, videos will actually get going relatively soon after I finish the main game. There's still a lot I need to set up before I start the post game, but anyway. That's not for a little while.

What matters is that the next episode will be the final...

What are the Seraph's plans...?

What are Vulcanus' true intentions...?

What does Celestia hold for our heroes...?

Next time, on Netherworld Battle Chronicle, Disgaea!

#28 SpacemanDan


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Posted 22 September 2012 - 01:01 PM

All the recording is done for the main part. Like I mentioned, I still plan to take care of the post game and the other endings. (Thank god I got the good ending. I did not want to have to go through all that again just to get it. >_<) I've got something a little different planned for the final battle, so it won't be just a 'hey, it's the final boss, let's beat it up'. I hope it'll be something people enjoy. icon_smile.gif

Videos for Disgaea should start going back up by either late tonight or sometime tomorrow. Once the ending goes up, I'll be taking a break from the LP (well, sort of break. There won't be any videos since I'll be doing some grinding and stuff) to do some other things. I can't say when I'll be getting back to this though, as some of the stuff I want to get will take a little while to get my hands on. :S

#29 SpacemanDan


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Posted 30 September 2012 - 03:24 PM

Well, all the videos for the main game are up! There's also a small video where I go into what I plan to do next, though if you've been following the thread, you already know what's coming. icon_wink.gif The info in the OP has been updated, and will probably be left alone aside from the video list and the 'My Party' section since I intend to change a bit of my party. icon_smile.gif

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