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Your quests in production and plans for the future

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#31 coolgamer012345



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Posted 05 August 2013 - 03:57 PM

Z1 octoroks with leaves growing out of them.

I think I can. Is there any extra colors in your tileset that I could use? And would you want the octos to be in CSet 8 or a different CSet?

#32 Binx


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Posted 05 August 2013 - 04:12 PM

For the leafy ones, they'd be in cset6, I added a light green and darker green to slots 8 and 9 (if the top left corner is 0, then going from left to right, so the colors are




12|13|14|15) so that it won't color shift when I get a ring upgrade

#33 SpikeReynolds


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Posted 05 August 2013 - 04:15 PM

Well, if you've been here in the past 8 years, you probably know what I'm working on. But if not, here we go...


Currently working on: Quest for the Trident

Started out terrible, so I scrapped everything I  had and gave up a few years back. I've since started building a custom tileset and reworking my story. The game, in essence, is no longer a Zelda game, and has a far different plot than the original (lame) one.


Do you believe in it because it is real, or is it real because you believe in it?

Those who have seen the doors believe the latter. Many worlds sit outside of our own, and are believed to be the creation of the dreaming mind, the imagining mind, the long dead souls of men looking for a place to belong. Every single one of these worlds is protected by a guardian god.


This is where you, Jaughnus, come in.


An ancient darkness is sweeping across these worlds, causing people to stop imagining, to stop dreaming, to stop hoping. The souls of the dead have become stagnant. This darkness will likely raze these lands into oblivion, including yours. Take up the trident, forged by the darkness itself, and cut through the void.


Future Projects:


I have no idea where, if anywhere, to go from here.

Edited by Fausch, 05 August 2013 - 04:16 PM.

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#34 coolgamer012345



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Posted 05 August 2013 - 04:26 PM

For the leafy ones, they'd be in cset6, I added a light green and darker green to slots 8 and 9 (if the top left corner is 0, then going from left to right, so the colors are




12|13|14|15) so that it won't color shift when I get a ring upgrade

Ok I think I have an idea of what colors to use.... I will send you the image in a PM if you want me to.

Edited by coolgamer012345, 05 August 2013 - 04:26 PM.

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#35 Avaro



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Posted 05 September 2013 - 10:34 AM

Update! Here's my new list of quest projects and future plans. The list became bigger..:


Currently working on:


1. Ganon's Curse. This has not changed since my first post here and I am still working on this quest. I've got the whole overworld + 4 dungeons finished and currently working on my 5th dungeon. In this quest you're cursed by Ganon, hence the name of this quest. The curse is the main feature of the quest and it makes this into something very special experience wich you have never seen before.


2. Trials of the Gods. I am co producer of this quest and I will make 3 dungeons for it. The main creator of this quest is Lineas and I'm happy he lets me help with this quest. As of now, I've only got half a dungeon finished though. This quest is in the classic style so creating dungeons for this will be rather easy, I'd say. Lineas is very good at scripting too, and this quest will be full of those. The main feature is probably the 9 elements.


3. Free Adventure. This quest I have not made a project thread for yet, but I have not accomplished a lot of it either. This quest is the "quest focused on rupees" that I mentioned in my first post here. It is now a thing. This quest will be in a pure-based tileset, completely unlinear, you can sail (yes sail) wherever you want and explore lots of geat islands in search for treasure and rupees. The goal is to find out how to defeat evil once and for all, so that the world is forever in peace, but nobody knows how to do this and theres also no triforce or any 8 pieces or something to find, so you're on your own. Go find out the mystery of the world and the rupees.


Plans for the future:


1. A Boy and His Cursor II: Another Boy. This will be the sequel of my entry for Russes and peteandwallys summer two week quest contest 2013 and it will feature another boy, whose name is also Link. This quest will take place in space inside an unkown space station. I plan to have a happier end this time.


2. Fight the Monsters III. I have not planned too much for this yet, but I know that the order of the stages will be rather unlinear and there will be achievements and EXP. The third installment of this quest won't have multiple characters like the second one, but this time there will be scripted enemies. I will start creating this quest as soon as I learned ghost zh, wich will probably not be soon.


3. A banjo kazooie styled quest in the zelda universe. I have attempted making this before, but it turned out that I just hate working in the gb tileset so I am gonna make this in classic or pure next time.


I'm also beta testing a few quests. :)

#36 kurt91


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Posted 06 September 2013 - 04:51 AM

Currently Working On:


"M-Quest" Don't want to give away too much other than the name, but it's a quest focused on exploration and non-linearity, utilizing many simple scripts both made for me by others and made by myself mainly by reverse-engineering the scripts given to me. For instance, it has a simple EXP system with multiple level caps, a 50000 Rupee limit, and every enemy has been edited so that you will not see any familiar foes and will have to work out the best way to deal with each one from a fresh perspective.


Future Projects


"P-Shift" As you can tell, most of my ideas are ones that I don't want to share until they're mostly done, thus the way I'm naming them. This one takes the classic Zelda storyline that everybody knows, and simply looks at it from a slightly different angle, thus creating an extremely unique quest that I have never seen done before.


"Hero's Tower" A quest I has started a while back and canceled. Originally just a way for me to learn to use the Enemy Editor, it was a non-scripted gauntlet-based quest where you chose from four gauntlets of various difficulty to earn Small Keys, then using those Small Keys in a gambling area to earn your upgrades (you can earn four keys, but there are five locked doors with upgrades behind four of them) and prepare for the boss guarding the Big Key needed to reach the next floor. The idea was, you could either spend extra time stocking up on weapons and upgrades, or beeline it straight for the boss to try and complete the quest with a better time. I wanted to make a forum topic to act as a sort of leaderboard and people could compete for the best times.


Now that I'm teaching myself scripting, and have learned a few neat tricks, I want to revisit this concept and come up with something a bit better. For instance, each gauntlet earns you a Heart Container, and you can re-play gauntlets for Heart grinding. However, things such as using the Save Rooms or HP Refill Stations require paying from Link's max HP. Also, I worked out an actual plot to go with it.


"Corrupt Light" A typical quest where Link has to find the four Elements to unlock the road to Ganon and defeat him. The big plot twist being that the Blade of Evil's Bane has worked all these centuries by sealing the dark powers of those it fought within itself, and it's reached it's limit and has been rendered nearly powerless. Link not only has to find the Elements to defeat Ganon, but has to also figure out how to purify the Master Sword and restore it's power. However, there's another villain whose entire plan revolves around Link purifying the sword. After all, all those centuries of evil power has to go somewhere, doesn't it?


This quest was already started, but got canned as well when I realized that I would need to learn scripting to achieve what I wanted, and I didn't know how to do so yet. As with my other future quests, once I learn scripting at a proficient enough level to feel this quest can meet my standards, I will resume work on it.

Edited by kurt91, 06 September 2013 - 04:53 AM.

#37 LikeLike on fire

LikeLike on fire

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Posted 02 October 2013 - 05:58 AM

i have to much stuff going on in what i am doing. but I really want all the extra stuff. and am "embrassed" to be "uh I need someone to help me make it. clean up messes and stuff. work on some, i work on some. man i can't do this"


I wanted a Nyan cat themed quest, but that might need an entire graphic pack made. and the poptart body won't look right. when some directions are used(up and down)


and I'd really really want an ecco the dolphin one. again, the graphics being had. I can't do it. it would require heavy scripting, and I don't think you can have two 16x16s linked together for a sprite for player/Link right?

#38 Hoff123


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Posted 02 October 2013 - 06:12 AM

I'm making a simple mini quest using a customized classic tileset.


I have already made most of the dungeons, but I haven't gotten very far with the overworld...

#39 Avaro



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Posted 02 October 2013 - 06:26 AM

Hey, don't feel bad, LikeLike on fire. I have a whole lots of projects going on myself. Here is my most up-to date list of projects. I think I will now refrain from starting new projects until I get everything done... My plans for the future are completely unchanged from the last time I posted here, but there is one new planned project for the future. I have cancelled my unannounced quest Free Adventure and started a new unannounced quest, Tower of Hiilea. In a way, this is a tribute to my very first quest.


Currently working on:


1. Ganon's Curse. My all-time main project!! Still working on the 5th dungeon. In this quest you're cursed by Ganon, hence the name of this quest. The curse is the main feature of the quest and it makes this into something very special experience wich you have never seen before.


2. Trials of the God. As co-producer of this quest, I will make 3 dungeons for it. These dungeons are all wisdom type dungeons, which are based around puzzles. I have 2 dungeons finished currently. The quest is very script-heavy and uses the classic tileset.


3. Tower of Hiilea. For this quest I use the colored Final Fantasy tileset by Joe123, heavily edited though to fit my own needs. This quest takes places in Kelanora. There is no Hyrule, this quest doesn't take place in the Zelda universe. With 5 planned dungeons, this is a rather minor side project, wich I will hopefully have finished very soon.


4. TRIFORCE. This is now a joint project between me an NewJourneysFire, who came up with this quest. It is a joke quest that features the classic tileset and an interesting story.


5. Zelda Classic Challenges. What is this?


Plans for the future:


1. A Boy and His Cursor II: Another Boy. This will be the sequel of my entry for Russes and peteandwallys summer two week quest contest 2013 and it will feature another boy, whose name is also Link. This quest will take place in space inside an unkown space station. I plan to have a happier end this time.

2. Fight the Monsters III. I have not planned too much for this yet, but I know that the order of the stages will be rather unlinear and there will be achievements and EXP. The third installment of this quest won't have multiple characters like the second one, but this time there will be scripted enemies. I will start creating this quest as soon as I learned ghost zh, wich will probably not be soon.

3. A banjo kazooie styled quest in the zelda universe. I have attempted making this before, but it turned out that I just hate working in the gb tileset so I am gonna make this in classic or pure next time.


4. Hero's Legends. I am gonna work on this project together with Mudvayne, the main producer of the quest, once I get Ganon's Curse done.

Edited by Avataro, 04 October 2013 - 03:18 PM.

#40 Shane



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Posted 02 October 2013 - 06:37 AM

Updating the list and info...


In Production: 

The Legend of Zelda - Soulgazer's Requiem

A quest that revolves around the Goddess Hylia and the tribe that were once loyal to her - the Sheikah. The premise is that they sealed a ancient beast -- a collection of souls of criminals and demons which can corrupt anything that nears it's presence. A group of sages entrapped their souls into one crystal to help seal it away for many eons. A song was composed for them - Soulgazer's Requiem. Only it's true effects -- going into the corruption realm for a short period of time -- can be shown when played on the Goddess Harp enshrined on top of the Tower of Hylia that overlooks the Kakariko Graveyard. In addition to the song, a festival once every year on the day of the sacrifices. As Hyrule gets the festival ready, Link's childhood friend goes missing from his and her home village and he goes to find her... little does Link know she is the one who will endanger them all.


It's in the stages of developing the tileset and soundtrack. Story and levels are all planned.


Edit: Didn't know Avataro had a similar name for his tower. O.o



Yo dawgs, dis quest b pimpin'. being redone bra. got two lvls down yo. Respect to supporters.


...What am I doing?


Future Plans:


Sealed Throne : The Rebellion

A non Zelda, story driven, non linear quest. That's all I'll be saying for now.

Edited by Shane, 02 October 2013 - 06:51 AM.

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#41 Eddy



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Posted 02 October 2013 - 10:22 AM

^ To above, should be renamed to Sealed Throne Putsch. Sorry, I've been taking too many History lessons recently.


Anyways, here are my quests so far:

(Warning: I have too many projects)


Current Project:

The Legend of Amy Rose 2: Vaati's Wrath

I wasn't originally gonna reveal this (unless you've seen my signature that is). Since the first quest of this series was a huge success, I'm aiming for this quest to be MUCH better than the quest before, the story is now much shorter and the plot is quite interesting when it mixes the Sonic team facing Vaati instead of the usual Eggman.


Upcoming Projects:

SCKnuckles' Nightmare

This quest is made for a favourite youtuber of mine who I tend to talk to a lot on Skype. Since he's a big fan of my Amy Rose series so far, he asked me if I could make a nightmare quest just for him and I accepted.


TLoZ: Flashback 2nd Quest

The official second quest to the first Flashback quest I made quite a while ago now. Quite a lot of changes, but it's meant to feel like a Z1-clone... ish...


(Both of these next 2 quests feature a secret that I won't spoil as of yet)

The Legend of Amy Rose 3: Oracle of The Emerald

I haven't really thought much about this project JUST yet, but once I get the nightmare quest done, I'll have plenty more ideas. The only main idea so far is that I'm going to replicate EVERY dungeon from the main Oracle games. 8 of them will be in AR 3 and the other 8 will be in AR 4.


The Legend of Amy Rose 4: Oracle of The Rings

^ Similar to what's above for the 3rd game, just with a complete different storyline, areas, villains etc.


The Legend of Amy Rose 5: The Return of Eggman (temporary name)

I think we've all seen enough of Amy Rose now, but this is the final quest of the Amy Rose series until I decide to make a 6th one. As the name suggests, Eggman makes a return. I haven't got much planned for this yet as right now I'm focusing more on finishing the 2nd quest.

Edited by EddyTheOliveira, 20 November 2013 - 01:18 PM.

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#42 Shane



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Posted 02 October 2013 - 10:26 AM

Not exactly the government, more like their own gods. You'll understand when time comes. :P

#43 Eddy



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Posted 02 October 2013 - 10:32 AM

Not exactly the government, more like their own gods. You'll understand when time comes. :P

I understand what you mean, I just thought of it as a Putsch lol.

#44 Shane



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Posted 02 October 2013 - 10:33 AM

I can't even pronounce it LOL... Put-s-ch right?

#45 Aevin


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Posted 02 October 2013 - 04:35 PM

I'm not usually very open about what I'm working on, but I'm trying to change that. My big project right now is a sequel to The Hero's Memory, under the working title The Hero's Memory: DVN-002. I just posted the quest project for it, and I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on what I have so far.

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