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5 Favorite Zelda Games

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#1 Zagut


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 08:42 PM

What are your favorite Legend Of Zelda Games? (Not including CD-i Games or any spinoff games such as Link's Crossbow Training, the Tingle Games, or any Fanmade Games)


Here are my favorites:


5: Skyward Sword


This is a good game, with it's motion control, cool items, great bosses, well designed dungeons, an excellent story, and one of the most memorable Zelda villains of all time. (Ghirahim)

It's just plain fun, being able to ride on the back of a giant bird and fly through the sky.

The Silent Realm is also pretty cool. And Terrifying! (Though not nearly terrifying as FNAF)


4: The Legend Of Zelda NES


The game that started it all. Without this, there wouldn't be any Zelda, or any Zelda Classic!

The game world was very well designed, even though it looks pretty lackluster compared to today's overworld maps.

The Dungeons are amazing, and the Music is unforgettable.

This is, in my opinion, one of the Best Games of All Time. (Even surpassing Ocarina Of Time!)



3: The Wind Waker


Let me start off by saying: I LOVE. THIS GAME.  :P

The cartoony graphics work surprisingly well!

Fighting enemies in this game can be pretty fun, and fun-NY, lol.

The dungeons are excellently designed, the World is just so amazing, and the music for the ocean is one of the best music tracks I've heard in the series.


2: Majora's Mask


OK, if I'm being honest, i think this game takes ocarina of time, and kicks it staight to the moon! lol

The sidequests are absolutely amazing, the music is PURE EPIC, and the 3-Day Cycle is absolutely amazing.

There is only 1 Zelda game better than this in my opinion.


1: Breath Of The Wild

If I were to try and describe how amazing this game is, and the things that make it so good, this post would probably take up an entire topic page.

So this post doesn't get too big, I'll just list 3 of the things that make it so excellent.

1: Hunting and Cooking is really fun. Link just makes cooking look so easy in this game!

2: Exploration. The game's world is amazing.

3. The amount of things to do, and collectable Items in the game is astounding.

This is, without a doubt, THE best game, i have ever played.


what are some of your favorite Zelda games?

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#2 Architect Abdiel

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Posted 28 April 2017 - 08:57 PM

5. A Link to the Past
This game is epic. Everything is superb, and in my opinion, this is the game that deserves the most praise in the series. If you wanna talk about a game setting some Zelda standards, this is where it begins.

It has a fine open world, with great music, and just, great everything. Except for one thing. The magic system. I like the inclusion, but there are a couple spots where this could have been better implented for how difficult it was to refill.

Turtle Rock being the biggest culprit. Also, the second part of Skull Woods, which was also a bit over the top.

4. Breath of the Wild
An excellent open world experience. Nintendo absolutely delivered on their promises with this one. There are plenty of things to explore and collect. I'd even say I personally feel Nintendo even went overboard on that end. But the game is incredibly enjoyable.

As much I like the way the dungeons were implemented, I really wish they followed the open structure of the rest of the game. Not as open as Hyrule Castle, but with tons to still explore.

3. Majora's Mask
Other than Dark Souls and Bloodborne, this is the ONLY game I have EVER felt truly immersed in. The world and characters are just, absolutely ingeniously crafted. And its because of these things that Majora's Mask can get away with only having four dungeons. That said, if it did have more, or ones I liked more, this could be my favorite game in the series.

This game gets me. It knows what I want. It feels like a psychological thriller. And for someone whose favorite movies include the likes of the Butterfly Effect, Se7en and Insidious, that is fantastic.

2. Adventure of Link
Hands down the game I disagree with the majority of the fanbase on. This title is absolutely EXCEPTIONAL. This game was the one that broadened my mind into trying new things. Without this game I would have never tried Dark Souls, and probably never Shovel Knight. Which are my two most beloved games OF ALL TIME.

So what makes this game so great to me? Everything. Aside from the cryptic mirror thing and the needing of the thunder spell, which was missable. But I digress.

This game not only outmatches its flaws with everything it does right. It takes those flaws and rips them to shreds. To the point where I must say, I don't even care. I love everything. It's difficult, but it rewards you for overcoming its challenges. We want to talk about Death Mountain and starting at the palace after every death? Who cares. The game gives you one of my favorite shortcuts in gaming history.

That one in which where you smash that rock near the beginning of the game. That essentially lets you move to the second island with no problems. I'll even go so far as to say I love starting at the palace every time. Why? It feels like a legit consequence. It's like a consequence an arcade game would give you, but not as crazy. As you don't have to finish the game in one playthrough without dying.

And getting to the Great Palace is difficult? The game knows that. That's why it starts you off at the Great Palace as soon as you reach it. I can understand that people prefer a less difficult experience, and would have appreciated a couple more checkpoints. But I appreciate the game for being difficult, as that's what it intends to be. I felt rewarded for my accomplishments and NEVER overwhelmed.

1. Oracle of Ages
Can I just say, WOW? This game, is just, the epitome of everything I love in one Zelda game. The only, ONLY thing that could have made this better was a slightly more psychological and thrill ridden story. But I digress, as the story was still totally great.

For me, this game, along with Shovel Knight, are the most flawless games ever, from beginning to end. This game wins me with its fantabulous consistency. There is not a single point where I felt that something was stupid or overwhelming. I am aware that some feel some of the between dungeon stories were too disconneted from the plot. To that I say, how?

Another thing I hear complained about a lot is Jabu Jabu's Belly. And it's fair. Some people aren't gonna like certain dungeons. I don't like Dodongo's Cavern. Jabu Jabu's Belly however, for me is one of my favorite dungeons in the entire series.

So I suppose this is why I find this game so consistently good from beginning to end. Why? I thought every between dungeon area was a consistently greatening challenge, that never felt too crazy from a logical standpoint. I felt that every dungeon consistently well designed.

None of them match up to the Sword and Shield Maze from Oracle of Seasons, obviously. But I give everything in this game a fantastic thumbs up. Plenty of secrets to uncover, puzzles to solve, bosses to fight, music to listen to, story to tell. And like I mentioned earlier, I LOVE the gameplay of all the gameboy games. And this game is where that truly shines for me.

It won't surprass Dark Souls or Shovel Knight for me. But Oracle of Ages holds a special place in my being.

#3 Tabletpillow



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Posted 28 April 2017 - 11:15 PM

5. Phantom Hourglass 

4. A Link Between Worlds

3. Twilight Princess

2. Link's Awakening

1. A Link to the Past


Have not played Breath of the Wild yet. Waiting for the Switch to have more games then I'll buy. Looks very fun though.

Edited by a30502355, 28 April 2017 - 11:15 PM.

#4 Shane



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Posted 28 April 2017 - 11:43 PM

7. Oracle of Seasons
I prefer this easily over Ages with it's more unique mechanic, more land and exploration driven overworld and more. Tarm Ruins is easily one of the best areas in the series too.
6. Spirit Tracks
Don't care what people say as this game was really amazing and creative. It has one of the best Zeldas too.
5. A Link Between Worlds
It fixes a lot of issues I have with A Link to the Past and while its not on my list ALttP is still a fairly solid game in my books.
4. Link's Awakening
Honestly when people ask "Seasons or Ages?" I just point to this game lol. It definitely does storytelling better than ages and exploration slightly better than seasons.
3. Ocarina of Time
I'm probably in the minority nowadays when I consider OoT to better than MM. The lack of a time limit, more modest story and a better variety of solid dungeons is what makes the game better for me.
2. Wind Waker
This game is truly something. The closest thing to Breath of the Wild in a way but still maintains that linear, more story driven experience. It's a nice mix but I deserve a little more on the open side of things... Also something more complete in general too.
1. Breath of the Wild
Honestly, the open air concept needs to stay. This game nails exploration and a sense of discovery so much I'm addicted to just exploring and admiring the overworld lol.
I know that's seven but eh, they're all my favorites. Not sure if BotW sits 1st or not but that's how I feel at this moment. Also my reasonings aren't limited to the tidbits of explanation I provided. I could probably write a whole essay or two on each if I had the time really.

#5 Eddy



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Posted 29 April 2017 - 04:58 AM

Here's my quick list (I've already expanded on some of these elsewhere so I can't be bothered to do it again lol):


1 - The Wind Waker

2 - Twilight Princess/Breath of the Wild

3 - Twilight Princess/Breath of the Wild

4 - Ocarina of Time

5 - The Minish Cap


Reason for the repetition at 2 and 3 is because I'm still unsure if Breath of the Wild will go before or after TP, so I'll put them both equally for now :P Though Breath of the Wild was quite close to being my favourite Zelda, however the more I've played in the recent weeks, the more I find things that I thought were kinda disappointing and other things that I didn't like so much (which sadly dropped from 1st place). So yeah, Wind Waker is still best Zelda for me for now, but Breath of the Wild is definitely a great step in the right direction and if we get a Zelda with an open overworld like BotW mixed in with the classic traditional dungeons, that would probably hit the number 1 spot for me.

#6 Naru



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Posted 29 April 2017 - 07:08 AM

1 - Phantom Hourglass/Wind Waker

2 - Link's Awakening/Ocarina of Time

3 - A Link to the Past/Majora's Mask

4 - Oracle of Seasons/Skyward Sword

5 - Oracle of Ages/Twilight Princess


I can't really compare the handheld games and the "big" games (I have not much knowledge in that area how to categorize them, I am sure you know what I mean...), beside being Zelda-titles they just feel completly different to me. Though I think I generally prefer the "big" games, they are just easier since I often have problems with the controls of the handheld games.


I often prefer newer games over older ones because better graphics and mechanics, but TP is just far too easy and TP, SS and MC all feel somewhat lifeless and storywise sometimes empty. Regarding ST, it has some great ideas that are even better than in PH, but there are just too many drawbacks, I don't like the Tower of Spirits a lot, there are many situations where the controls kill me (especially playing flute and the sand wand), annoying additions like treasures everywhere - and above everything 95% of the time I absolutly hate driving the train, it is slow, boring, the world looks ugly, enemies are lame but able to kill you if you turn away for a few seconds.


I haven't played ALBW or BotW yet, but it isn't unlikely that they would be first place for me. There might be a chance that I get bored in BotW, I like open worlds, but if it is too empty and if I have to spend too much time with collecting stuff... Also not a too big fan of the graphics, especially if Link wears metal armor, the "glowing" of it looks just dumb. Adventure of Link kind of is special as it again is completly different. I really like what I have seen so far, but I absolutly hate grinding, so the upgrade-system keeps me away.

#7 Architect Abdiel

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Posted 29 April 2017 - 08:34 AM

Hmmmm. I am gonna speak about two more games, as honorable mentions. Cause I think they are worth talking about.

My number 6 is TriForce Heroes.

This game is absolutely phenomenal in accomplishing its intention of an online multiplayer Zelda. I wish single player wasn't even an option in this one. I know there are plenty who don't like this game due to its story. And yes it is pretty ridiculous.

However, I like that there is actually a reason behind it that makes sense with the gameplay. Also the reactions you use for communicating are kind of adorable. TriForce Heroes is an absolute joy to play multiplayer. But I would not recommend it if you just want to play alone. For that, play Four Swords Adventures.

The other is my 10th favorite Oracle of Seasons.

Funny enough, this is my second favorite game in the series... from half way through the third dungeon onward. The problem is, I found it incredibly bland until. Enough that it was my least favorite until then. I might replay this to see if I do like it more than I remember. I actually wouldn't be able to argue against Second Half Seasons > Second Half of Ages, even though I still narrowly prefer Ages. Though the Sword and Shield Maze is the best dungeon in the entire series.

#8 TheRock


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Posted 29 April 2017 - 09:24 AM

1. Breath of the Wild

This game is so peaceful and the puzzles are just amazing. I like how some of the puzzles you know what to do but then how do I do it?


2. Majora's Mask

3 day thing makes for some amazing puzzles and I also love how dark this game is.


3. Ocarina of Time.

I say I don't like this game very much, but what do I not like about it? That's right nothing. And that is what makes this game so good.


4. The Wind Waker

Sailing. Need I say more?


5. Skyward Sword

I can't say I dislike anything about this game. I biggest problem with this game is when the controller doesn't feel like working right. 


6. Twilight Princess

The story is great through the first half of the game and after that where did it go? One thing I noticed is some areas look amazing and others look awful. The thing why I love this game is because of the amazing dungeons!


7. A Link Between Worlds

I don't like this game very much, but I think the reason why I like it as much as I do is because of the non-linier approach.


8. Oracle of Seasons

The puzzles in this game are great!


9. A Link to the Past

This thing is amazing! The vibe I got the first time I played when amazing!


I know that's 9 games but I like all of these games so much I could I leave one out.

#9 Avaro



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Posted 29 April 2017 - 09:42 AM

Here's my current list:

(I'll copy paste my descriptions from another thread)


1. Wind Waker

My favourite Zelda together with MM because of how much it has to offer (aside from dungeons). Weak dungeons in my opinion, but they are not bad! Otherwise, everything about this game is fantastic and it's just extremely fun.


2. Majoras Mask

One of my favourite Zeldas, because of the amazing story, world and dungeons. It's always fun to go for the 100% and it was the most fun Zelda to play for the first time. Great OST. A masterpiece of a game, even though if it might have taken the least time to develop.


3. Twilight Princess

Probably my 3rd favourite Zelda after WW and MM. This game is immersive, has great dungeons, great story and a great OST. The world is not bad but feels too unspectacular. The wolf sections are great the first time, but for replaying they feel a bit like a drag.


4. A link between worlds

Fun game, probably the best top-down view Zelda. Even though it re-used ALttPs overworld it was fun to explore and find everything. Great dungeons and OST and good story. I like the rental shop but don't want it to return in the series.


5. Skyward Sword

Great game. Awesome story, great areas and dungeons and great OST. Loving the silent realms, but the returns to the 3 areas after the 6th dungeon are unnecessary in my opinion. The last new area in Lanayru could have been an optional secret area.

#10 HylianGlaceon



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Posted 29 April 2017 - 04:41 PM

1: Twilight Princess

2: Ocarina of Time

3: Link's Awakening

4: A Link to the Past

5: The Wind Waker

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#11 Norzan



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Posted 29 April 2017 - 05:15 PM

1 - Twilight Princess


2 - A Link To The Past


3 - Wind Waker

4 - Oracle of Ages and Seasons


5 - A Link Between Worlds


The Zelda games i always have a blast everytime i play them.

#12 Cukeman


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Posted 29 April 2017 - 05:18 PM

1st Place is a tie between A Link to the Past & Link's Awakening DX. ALttP is the most epic in the series and I love the art direction, but if I had to choose it'd be Link's Awakening because of the music variety and because the way it resonates emotionally is so strong (not to say that ALttP doesn't resonate emotionally, but LA does it a lot more frequently).


3rd Place is a tie between Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. If forced to choose I'd say Wind Waker because Twilight Princess's overworld doesn't have much replay value in terms of overworld exploration. I do love Wind Waker's look, feel and beautiful score, but I also love Twilight Princess for taking everything we love about OoT to the next level.


5th Place I can't decide. It'd be Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword, or A Link Between Worlds. Those three games are very different from each other and hard for me to compare.

Edited by Cukeman, 29 April 2017 - 05:19 PM.

#13 Binx


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Posted 29 April 2017 - 08:12 PM

1. Twilight Princess- Great atmosphere, incredibly intuitive combat controls, good story, excellent dungeons, plus you get to turn into a wolf, which is just awesome.

2. A Link to the Past- This game pretty much set the standard for all future Zelda games, it took the ideas presented in Z1 and brought everything to a new level. Literally decades after its release, and I still find it incredibly fun.

3. Wind Waker- Basically, this game took everything you exp[ect from Zelda and turned it on its head. I loved the sailing mechanic, the dungeons were fun and engaging, and the game was just gorgeously animated. My only complaint is that you can SEE flooded Hyrule, but you can't explore it in any way.

4. The Adventure of Link- I honestly don't get why this game gets such a bad rap, it's hella fun, the music is arguably the best in the entire series, and it laid the groundwork for many of the most important features in Zelda games, plus I actually like the RPG elements. It's a bit difficult, but not unfairly so. It's just an excellent game.

5. Minish Cap- I don't really have any specific reasons, I just enjoyed the hell out of it.

You may be wondering why OoT isn't on the list (especially when I'm making a remake in ZC), and the reason is simple. It's basically a 3D version of ALttP, with less freedom.


EDIT: Breath of the Wild looks like a very good game, but I'm refusing to buy it because I'm still pissed that they made Link right-handed (and don't even start with that bullshit reason that Aonuma gave, Link's weapon controls have been on the right in EVERY console game. He just doesn't like left-handed people, an unfortunately common attitude in Japan.)

Edited by Binx, 29 April 2017 - 08:17 PM.

#14 Haylee


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Posted 29 April 2017 - 08:46 PM

EDIT: Breath of the Wild looks like a very good game, but I'm refusing to buy it because I'm still pissed that they made Link right-handed (and don't even start with that bullshit reason that Aonuma gave, Link's weapon controls have been on the right in EVERY console game. He just doesn't like left-handed people, an unfortunately common attitude in Japan.)

Except for the part where every Link is a different character, they don't have to have a dominant hand. BotW Link is not WW Link, etc. Stop whining over a very trivial detail that changes absolutely nothing.


Anyways, my top 5:


5: Phantom Hourglass. Suprised? You should be, this game holds a special place in my heart for being the game that got me back into Zelda after I stopped being a fan for a good while. I enjoyed it quite a bit, and didn't know the music was that bad in my first playthrough since I'm hearing impaired.


4: Minish Cap. Fun game, even in replays I feel. Nothing really much to say about it.


3: Wind Waker. It's fucking Wind Waker.


2: Ocarina of Time. Regardless of what people say, this is still my favorite 3D Zelda. I can very definiely tell you why it's my favorite, and I've been able to for years, because of how much I've played it. I can replay this game over and over and never get tired of it.


1: Link's Awakening.  This was the first Zelda game I ever finished on stream, and would be glad to return to it.

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#15 Binx


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Posted 29 April 2017 - 08:52 PM

Except for the part where every Link is a different character, they don't have to have a dominant hand. BotW Link is not WW Link, etc. Stop whining over a very trivial detail that changes absolutely nothing.


Anyways, my top 5:


5: Phantom Hourglass. Suprised? You should be, this game holds a special place in my heart for being the game that got me back into Zelda after I stopped being a fan for a good while. I enjoyed it quite a bit, and didn't know the music was that bad in my first playthrough since I'm hearing impaired.


4: Minish Cap. Fun game, even in replays I feel. Nothing really much to say about it.


3: Wind Waker. It's fucking Wind Waker.


2: Ocarina of Time. Regardless of what people say, this is still my favorite 3D Zelda. I can very definiely tell you why it's my favorite, and I've been able to for years, because of how much I've played it. I can replay this game over and over and never get tired of it.


1: Link's Awakening.  This was the first Zelda game I ever finished on stream, and would be glad to return to it.

Actually, it changes a lot. There are very few positive representations of left-handed people in media, and for left-handed kids who constantly have to deal with a right-handed world that doesn't give two shits about them, despite the fact that many tools and devices meant for right-handed use are actually dangerous for them to use, having an actually heroic character who was like them is VERY important. Name ONE other left-handed protagonist who isn't characterized as a complete fuckup. EDIT: Also, I don't give a shit if you're a mod, you can go right the fuck to hell if you're going to be insulting about it.

Edited by Binx, 29 April 2017 - 08:53 PM.

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