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Ideas for a space boss + tiles?

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#1 Avaro



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Posted 24 May 2012 - 01:01 PM

hello, icon_biggrin.gif
My quest Space Adventure could have been released a month earlier already if I knew what to do about the boss (sorry everyone..).
I use 2.5, but I don't want to use a scripted boss, I'll use time warps and other tricks.

Here are screens of this quest, so you get how the style of tiles should look like. No need to care about recoulering, I will do that myself.
IPB Image IPB Image

The problem is, I just can't find any tiles. I was thinking about making a robot boss, but I could not think up how the boss should work for every robot boss tiles I found.
I am also thinking about an alien boss, but I can't think up any good battles for any alien sprites I find, either.

Can anyone give me a tip?

#2 )-( Marchland Malady )-(

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Posted 25 May 2012 - 08:49 AM

You could try a tiny neutron star that shoots out fireballs that explode (based on manhandla with flares as the heads). When injured enough, it can cause rocks to orbit around it (three rows of them) while it continues to shoot exploding fireballs. When injured even more, it could become a black hole and behave very much like Ganon, but with more hit points and orbs of dark matter that explode with more force than it's previous fireballs. When injured enough as a black hole, it could die.

Anyone else have any ideas?

The above could work with a robot or an alien spacecraft.

Edited by Nolornbon, 25 May 2012 - 08:52 AM.

#3 ShadowPC


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Posted 25 May 2012 - 10:31 AM

A UFO shooting energy pulses? Red blobs (aliens) running around with a big blob as leader? Falling stars/meteorites/fires? There is random stuff from my deepest brain parts. Dont ask me.

I found something:IPB Image

Also, check out this

Edited by ShadowPC, 25 May 2012 - 11:21 AM.

#4 Lightwulf



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Posted 25 May 2012 - 12:44 PM

Have you checked out the enemies from Chrono Trigger? There were a lot of robots and a bunch of enemies that at least looked alien-like, not to mention one even called an "Alien".

Recommended sprites for robots: Atropos (girl robot), Bugger, Gato, Proto, R-Series, Synchrite.

Recommended sprites for aliens: Blob, Krawlie, Lavos's 3rd form (this one even looks like it's wearing a space suit), Lavos parts, Mage, Mutant, Shadow, Yakra.

There are a few more enemies there that would probably work for an alien or a robot, but I thought I'd recommend the ones that most fit your description.
Some of these sprites are pretty big, too. You could either shrink the big ones or just use the smaller ones. Not sure what you want to do in that regard.

#5 peteandwally



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Posted 25 May 2012 - 02:13 PM

secret of mana had a good robot fight or two. one had a motorcycle.

#6 Avaro



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Posted 26 May 2012 - 04:13 AM

Thanks for these great ideas and tiles everyone. I will probably use one of your chrono trigger tiles, they are good looking. I already got some good ideas for some of these tiles. Thank you so much

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