This thread will serve as the main discussion thread for all things Screenshot of the Week! Now, to begin with the first updates:
First off, I'd like introduce you all to the new, rebooted Screenshot of the Week. I'm also excited to welcome Dimi alongside me as the other half of the new SotW team. Thank you to David and Russ for giving me the opportunity to take the lead on this.
Considering the scale of this reboot, the old Screenshot of the Week forum can be found in the archives here.
Most of the old rules from the old SotW board still apply to submissions, feedback and so on. After discussions with David, we're looking to maintain consistency in the frequency of contests first and foremost. The PureZC community is a smaller one, and I personally would rather see contests like SotW happen semi-regularly than not at all.
Because of this, Screenshot of the Week contests will see the following changes take place:
- SotW will be running fortnightly. Specific dates will be posted in the SotW schedule thread. To reflect this schedule, Screenshot of the Month will be bi-monthly.
- SotW contests will have an initial maximum of six* entries per contest. To ensure that contests keep happening regularly, the first six* submissions each fortnight will be entered into the Screenshot of the Week contest for that fortnight.
- Any extra submissions will be "banked" until the next fortnight's contest. This may not seem fair, but the priority here is to keep the schedule consistent.
- If there are too many submissions "banked" up, an extra SotW will be posted with the six* oldest submissions. These will essentially be extra Screenshot of the Weeks, running for a fortnight at a time, but starting and ending on the odd weeks of the SotW schedule. The schedule thread will be updated to reflect these additional contests if and when they happen. Screenshot of the Month will not be affected by this, aside from additional entries added to their respective contests.
*Depending on activity and interest, this may be cut down to four entries per contest.
We're also open to any ideas you may have about making the contests more equal! Currently you can vote for a screenshot, only to reverse your decision if you see a particular screenshot is winning by a certain amount. Some options that have been considered include making submissions anonymous, or making it so you can only vote once. However, in the case of the former, the community is too small for anonymous entries - any four tone sepia shot is obviously a PoRC reference - while the latter may require polls across the entire forum to follow the same format.
I'm open to feedback on the screenshot "banking", as well as any suggestions on how to make the polls fairer overall.
The first Screenshot of the Week of the year - SotW 772 - will start on February 20, 2023, with submissions closing the day prior on February 19.