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A 24 Hour Quest Styles Contest

Contest 24 hour quest styles contest

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#16 Gouanaco


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Posted 21 March 2017 - 08:58 PM

Does tile edits mean we can make tiles? Or just the graphics of tiles?


EDIT: Also we can edit pallets and stuff like that before right?

Sorry If I am confusing anyone, tile edits means graphics of the tiles, so ideally you would create them in paint and then import them on the 24 hour mark but I have been abit none descript about that and you might be able to actually create the tiles in the quest since I know that can be time consuming (but Ill leave that up to you guys to discuss) and yes you can edit palettes but preferably outside of ZC.


I... think I might be able to do this.


Clarify for me:


When you say "tile-set (tile edits only, no editing the quest)," do you mean that I can assemble custom tile sheets in Paint, but have to wait until the beginning of the 24 hours to import the sheets into ZQuest and make them into combos?


Then you say something about submitting customized tile-sets to the database before the start of the contest - is that implying that people who compile their preferred tile-set with whatever extra tiles and combos they want, and have it officially posted, can get a head start? I mean, I could take a default tile-set, load it with a lot of material from the loose tiles database, combo it all up, and submit it to the tile-set database as an expanded set. But since it's specifically for me and what I might try in this contest, it would seem like a misuse of the database to make a submission for the sole purpose of letting me get a head start with all my extra combos in place, while other people would have to wait for the start of the 24 hours to do a similar thing. And if some contestants can do a pre-made tile-set publicly, should the contestants without enough material to justify a new tile-set release not be able to do the same thing privately? Or am I completely missing what you mean?

Sorry! Originally what I meant by that was that you can use content you have submitted but only aslong as it was before I posted this thread otherwise people could do exactly what you just said, which I was was trying to avoid :)


I'm very interested in this... but I have an issue. I work for 9 hours in the 24 hour time period specified, and I've gotta sleep at some point too. Would it be possible to work on my entry during a different 24 window (like the Thursday before or Saturday-Sunday)?

Yeah I reckon that will be completely fine. Russ and Anthus you guys can work from Saturday 6:00 PM if you guys like aswell as anyone else that might have work or other commitments, there will be no difference as long as you guys stick to the 24 hour bracket aswell.

Is collaboration allowed? I kinda want to enter, but I don't want to commit to a solo project, but I'd gladly joint partner with someone else.

 Hmmm, I actually never thought about a collab. I am not entirely sure about it however. Since you are exploring your own quest style. And having 2 people working on a quest might give it an advantage.


I will leave it up to you guys to discuss if thats alright, if everyone else is fine with a collab then go nuts :)

Edited by Gouanaco, 21 March 2017 - 09:04 PM.

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#17 Shane



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Posted 21 March 2017 - 09:01 PM

I have no objections if someone collabs. It might be a little more challenging if anything else, but I could be wrong on the assumption. :P

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#18 Lüt



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Posted 21 March 2017 - 09:17 PM

Sorry! Originally what I meant by that was that you can use content you have submitted but only aslong as it was before I posted this thread otherwise people could do exactly what you just said, which I was was trying to avoid :)

Oh! OK, sounds good then. Yeah I'm in.

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#19 Eddy



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Posted 22 March 2017 - 06:49 AM

I sadly won't participate since I got to finish up some really huge project over the weekend. I could've participated earlier (like on a Thursday/Friday), but I got exams this week so that won't do either :/


Looking forward to seeing what everyone has got though, this seems like a really cool contest idea!

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#20 Jared



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Posted 22 March 2017 - 12:08 PM

I really like this idea. Part of me wonders if it'd work better if over an entire week, we'd have 24 hours flat to work on it. Like if someone worked 2 hours on it the first day, then 8 the next, etc until they got to 24 hours and had to stop. But alas, this works too.


I'd try, but i have literally no time between school and work. Good luck, everyone!

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#21 strike


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Posted 22 March 2017 - 12:17 PM

To clarify, it would be okay for me to do 6 PM Saturday to 6 PM Sunday right?

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#22 Gouanaco


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Posted 22 March 2017 - 11:18 PM

To clarify, it would be okay for me to do 6 PM Saturday to 6 PM Sunday right?


Yeah thats fine :).

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#23 Anthus



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Posted 24 March 2017 - 01:38 AM

I like Jared's idea, if this is happens again. Not everyone can block out one, solid 24 hour block. A lot of this is trusting entrants, but I don't think people are lining up to lie about it. :P
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#24 Lüt



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Posted 24 March 2017 - 01:55 AM

Well it's a given that most people are going to sleep sometime during the period. Maybe even me.


I'm good with it this time, but I can see the benefits of lengthier timeframes. It might be interesting to give people a week but have them log their hours, so the results might read Quest X=16 hours, Quest Y= 25 hours, then you could further convolute it by coming up with a ranking system that gives each quest its own rating based on some manner of objective and subjective criteria, then factoring that through an efficiency formula calculated by the amount of hours logged in proportion to the individual rating.


I'll leave that to you to figure out though.

#25 Anthus



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Posted 24 March 2017 - 02:09 AM

Well it's a given that most people are going to sleep sometime during the period. Maybe even me.

I'm good with it this time, but I can see the benefits of lengthier timeframes. It might be interesting to give people a week but have them log their hours, so the results might read Quest X=16 hours, Quest Y= 25 hours, then you could further convolute it by coming up with a ranking system that gives each quest its own rating based on some manner of objective and subjective criteria, then factoring that through an efficiency formula calculated by the amount of hours logged in proportion to the individual rating.

I'll leave that to you to figure out though.

But then it would take even longer than 24 hours to come up with the results. :P
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#26 Russ


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Posted 24 March 2017 - 02:19 AM

So how goes the planning everyone? I've got 3/4 of the quest's screens planned (sloppily) on graph paper, most of the dialogue written up in a text editor (just missing final cutscene stuff), and tiles lined up and ready to rip. I've been spending the last hour or so brainstorming the final boss. The design of the whole may be a bit shabby (it's hard to come up with good layouts under this kind of time crunch), but hopefully it'll be decent. 24 hours may not be a lot of time to make a quest, but I'll be damned if I'm not prepared to make the most of that time.
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#27 Shane



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Posted 24 March 2017 - 02:29 AM

I scrapped my initial plans since I didn't get all my resources together on time (5-4 minutes left til the contest begins for me), I'm going to do something a bit more fun and different.

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#28 Lüt



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Posted 24 March 2017 - 03:26 AM

I've got 3/4 1/4 of the quest's screens planned (sloppily) on graph paper, most of the dialogue written up in a text editor, and tiles lined up and ready to rip.

Something like that.


For now it's all about the tiles.


The power of relational mode and aliases compels me.

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#29 Naru



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Posted 24 March 2017 - 07:34 AM

I battle you to the last place ;)


Seriously, no idea what I will do. Since I still don't understand major parts of the engine and managed not even finishing one quest so far, any serious plans would be futile anyway. Just going to have fun :D . 4h and 30 min left. I hope someone can beat Russ, it is always most exciting if the obvious winner is left behind :P

#30 Avaro



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Posted 24 March 2017 - 08:28 AM

How'd you get the idea there's an obvious winner? Either way, I'll be starting planning very soon. It'll involve finding good midis I wanna use and getting some/any ideas. Also, I'll say it now: Good luck everyone!

Edited by Avataro, 24 March 2017 - 08:28 AM.

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