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#1 Colin


    Coblin the Goblin

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 06:57 PM

I'm deciding to hold a contest. The reason? The quality of dungeons I've been seeing in so many quests is a highly deteriorated form of a "dungeon" in my opinion, so we're gonna see who's best at the dungeons, and take their example.
The Idea:
This is a dungeon building contest, the quest you create will consist of 1 dungeon, show your ability to make a dungeon.

Time = 3 weeks after 4 participants(excluding me) are entered.
Size Limit = The dungeon, can be any size you desire it to be, whether it's a small dungeon of less than a BS overworld, to a massive, 3 overworld(or bigger), sectional dungeon is purely up to you.
Graphics = Any tileset available may be used, whether custom, or a premade tileset.
Amount of quests entered = you may enter up to 2 quests if desired, however, you may only win with one
Version used = Any version may be used, but if you use an older version, you'll get more risk points.
Exteriors of dungons = You may have a small (maybe 5 screen) overworld before the dungeon, but don't add much. If the dungeon is like a castle, you may add exteriors to the castle, like walking along walls and so forth, things like this.
Any rules that I haven't stated, do not ask a question for them, as they are not here. What you see, is what you get.

Scoring of risk points:
Factors with an * next to them count in the voting points, and not risk points.

Version and gameplay factors
*Usage of 2.5 = -5 pts
*Usage of 2.5 and scripts = -25 pts
*Usage of 2.5 with no 2.5 elements = 0 pts
*Usage of 2.10 or older = 5 pts
Sidescrolling(full) = 5 pts
3/4 perspective(full) = 0 pts
Mix = 10 pts
NOTE: different SFX's won't be counted as a 2.5 element

Size: The bigger, the more points recieved.
Less than 1 BS overworld = 0 pts
More than 1 BS, but less than 1 full overworld = 10 pts
1 Overworld = 20 pts
Additional Overworlds = 10 pts per
Additional BS Overworlds = 5 pts per

Graphics: The more risky, the more points recieved
New DoR = 0 pts
DoR/PTUX = 5 pts
Any Hybrid of PTUX/DoR = 6 pts
Pure and any types of Pure = 10 pts
Gameboy Tilesets(there is a difference between this, and pure) = 15 pts
LttP tileset = 20 pts
Classic(and any other form of it) = 20 pts.
Abstract Tileset(this includes any custom premade tilesets in the database, or ripped tilesets from video games other than zelda that isn't a popular set) = 35 pts
Total(or at least 90% of custom graphics) custom tileset = 40 pts

At least 1 MID/music file from the database or created custom = 5 pts
Additional MIDI/music file that is custom or from the database = 2 pts

*Vote = 5 pts per vote

There will be two winners:
1: This person that has received the most votes
2: This person that has taken the biggest risk and received the most points in the areas that are not voting
If there is one person that has fulfilled themselves in both of these areas, the second place person overall in points will take the other winning spot.

The best reward will be the honor of winning the dungeon making contest and is able to proclaim themselves as an excellent dungeon maker, or one who will take a lot of risks to make a quest.
However, if the winner does so want a "material" reward of some sort, I can promise a few things like MIDI of my finest work for them to be able to put in their quest, or my Incendia Tileset/early Incendia demo. But those are the best I can promise.

When you have finished your quest file, PM it to me, and I will hold on to it until the time is up. Do not be afraid to send an updated version of it to me if you feel that you made a mistake in the file you sent to me.
In your PM please include as much information as to the tileset used, the amount of custom midis, and the relative size concerning screen amount.

Ebola Zaire
SM anime

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#2 Alestance


    Saint Alestance - Eliminator of the ZGP format

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 07:07 PM

what about the Classic Tileset?

#3 Joe123



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Posted 03 March 2008 - 07:09 PM


Really not my kind of thing, what with the 'make a dungeon' and the 'no scripts' =P

I hope it works for everyone else and all that though icon_thumbsup.gif

#4 Colin


    Coblin the Goblin

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 07:10 PM

D'oh! I know I forgot something...

Yeah, I'm only saying "no scripts" is because they mainly give a huge gameplay advantage to a quest, and many still can't do it. And the dungeon part of it is that the quality of dungeons I've been seeing in so many quests is a highly deteriorated form of a "dungeon" in my opinion, so we're gonna see who's best at the dungeons, and take their example.

#5 Alestance


    Saint Alestance - Eliminator of the ZGP format

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 07:20 PM

awh... no scripts? meh, I don't want to enter then. Even though I can't script for the life of me.

#6 Joe123



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Posted 03 March 2008 - 07:23 PM

How did you edit that post without leaving an edit tag thing icon_confused2.gif

#7 Colin


    Coblin the Goblin

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 07:26 PM

Say, I do allow scripts and 2.5, but say if I do that, you get a loss of 10 risk points? Or rather, if 2.10 or before is used you gain 10 points... does that sound good? Because I still don't like the gameplay advantage scripts comparatively give to it.

#8 Joe123



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Posted 03 March 2008 - 07:27 PM

Oh, I doubt I'd enter anyway, I don't particularily enjoy making dungeons.

#9 Evile



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Posted 03 March 2008 - 07:32 PM

All those points seem annoying, and I'm not gonna enter because I don't really enjoy making dungeons and I only make them if I have to.

#10 Moonbread


    Playing With Psychos

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 07:33 PM

This sounds like fun... and it would be a good chance to improve my skills with dungeon-making, one of my lesser skills. I'll be using Zero Quest Set for this, then.

#11 Russ


    Caelan, the Encouraging

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 07:33 PM

Okay, I would like to enter, but I can't use 2.10 because I have Vista. Would it be alright if I use 2.5 and just don't use any scripts?

#12 LostInHyru1e


    Can you take me as far as PureZC?

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 07:35 PM

Hmm... I just might enter this... and make a huge, giant Classic dungeon... heh heh heh... muah-ha-ha...

#13 Russ


    Caelan, the Encouraging

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 07:37 PM

QUOTE(LostInHyru1e @ Mar 3 2008, 04:35 PM)  

Hmm... I just might enter this... and make a huge, giant Classic dungeon... heh heh heh... muah-ha-ha...

You just read my mind. If we use classic, but import some tiles from Pure/DoR, but recolor them to make them look "classic like", would it still count as classic, or would it be considered a DoR/Pure hybrid. I was thinking like importing one tree or two to replace using those dang little bushes that classic has.

#14 LostInHyru1e


    Can you take me as far as PureZC?

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 07:42 PM

You can rip as much as you want into classic, it's still classic. icon_biggrin.gif I'll experiment with palettes as well.

Say, what if I have little mini overworld sections in the dungeon? Like, to get the dungeon items, you get warped to a little 4x4 Overworld section, but it's enclosed, like a dungeon, and the items are there.

Just so that it isn't so repetitive, as far as dungeon rooms go... could I please do that?

#15 Russ


    Caelan, the Encouraging

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 07:44 PM

QUOTE(LostInHyru1e @ Mar 3 2008, 04:42 PM)  

You can rip as much as you want into classic, it's still classic. icon_biggrin.gif I'll experiment with palettes as well.

Using that logic, I could rip every tile, combo, and palette from DoR into the classic set and get 20 points. ^_^

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