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Screen Guy "Empty" Spawns/Displays Tile Number "0"

2.55_win_Alpha47 Help

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#31 Bagu



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Posted 31 December 2019 - 10:25 AM

First I used the StepMsg ffc script, to make walking/talking villagers, which was the first script I ever loaded.
( about two months ago)
Now I found NPCScript/SimpleNPCScript, and have to Change most villager ffcs to this.
I already made these changes to 2 of them (when I tried it first.)

So, yes I'm still in the working progress. But I stopped map building, when I learned first things about scripting.
I found it more important to know, that all these nessessary functions (that I never dreamed, they were possible) for the game I ever wanted to make, will work in the end (and how to use erverything Right) ...before I continue map building


Yesterday I made a new version of my "Titlescreen", after I learned how to grab tiles from images

Edited by Bagu, 31 December 2019 - 10:24 AM.

#32 Bagu



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Posted 31 December 2019 - 10:41 AM

Feel free, to make changes to this Testfile as you want.
...maybe you find more, than the errors I know of.

Everyday I learn new things.

Saying "thank you" is not enough for your help.
You both have done so much to help me, getting this game working as I want.

Hope you're not disappointed that a guy, you're always trying to help makes fatal Errors like I did with the headers.
But yes,I'm only two months into scripting.
When some scripts failed but I saw they rquiered things like ghosts, headers etc, I tried to add them to the script on my own.
Often compiling scripts, (which failed before) was successful after the addition.
(without reported errors/warnings in Alpha 39 - so I dindn't even know/notice that I made mistakes - thought I made everything Right, when compiling was just successful)

Didn't want to post too many questions.
...and also it's always an extra challenge for me, to figure out what I mean and understand all answers in english.
Usually my english is good enough for simple dialogoues, but this is more like lessons in two languages the same time - english and zscript

Edited by Bagu, 31 December 2019 - 11:08 AM.

#33 Bagu



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Posted 31 December 2019 - 01:52 PM

This is the allegro.log of the error report, that I get when I remove the wrong placed headers.
Compiling fails in this case, like it did in Alpha 39 before.

With the headers everythings working fine in 39.
In 47 I get warnings but compiling is still succesful, only wolfie freaks out.
The Motion 2 heigth 1 width when walking uo down, but 1 heigth 2 width when walking left/right works still perfect.
But I can't control his speed

#34 Emily


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Posted 31 December 2019 - 07:19 PM

Not a single thing there says `float is not declared`. That can't happen, float isn't something you decalre, it's a TYPE.


'Function SelectPressInput(float) has not been declared.' does not mean 'float has not been declared'. It means the function 'SelectPressInput' , which takes one 'float' type argument, has not been declared. This means that you removed 'SelectPressInput', and you did not import the file you originally got it from. So, you are missing an import.

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#35 Bagu



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Posted 31 December 2019 - 09:58 PM

Alright, now I got it..
sorry but sometimes it's difficult for me, to understand those reports.
...but I still don't think I can fix it on my own.

btw I found a solution for the wolf npc.
Changed it from "other" to "walking enemy", it allowed me to Change speed + framerate.

Without those wrong placed headers it's still not compiling succesfully.
With it, I get the warning that line 34 is too Long.
...but it's an empty line.
But it compiles and everything is working perfect, after I made these last changes to the wolf npc.

Edited by Bagu, 31 December 2019 - 10:00 PM.

#36 Emily


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Posted 31 December 2019 - 10:16 PM

The error doesn't just say line 34, it has a file name. It's telling you line 34 of a CERTAIN FILE has an issue. Again, this is an issue in our files, not yours; you can ignore it safely. It'll be fixed in a future build.
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#37 Bagu



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Posted 31 December 2019 - 10:21 PM

Ok that`s great.
Then I am not so afraid anymore.
In except of a short visit at a new year Party, I was trying around the whole Long day.

:tard:  :tard:  :tard: 

For the moment I ignore this warnings, I made a few test runs and not one single error disturbed gameplay.
...so I continue map/level building and wait for a Masterbrain to reorganize my script.

It includes almost everything I need for the game.
...some last "little" things I'm still looking for.

Don't know what I must add/change to compile the "NormalLadder" global script.
It seems to have a Problem with "include LinkMovement".

Edited by Bagu, 31 December 2019 - 10:24 PM.

#38 Emily


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Posted 31 December 2019 - 10:22 PM

Pastebin the script file?

#39 Bagu



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Posted 31 December 2019 - 10:47 PM

Should I paste it there?
You mean the normal ladder script? ..or my whole script including it?

That's the normal ladder script (sorry the command was "Import" not "include" LinkMovement.zh


import "LinkMovement.zh"

const int ComboType_NormalLadder = 143; //combo type for ladders. "script 1" by default. see std_constants.zh for a list of combo types.
global script NormalLadder{
	void run(){
		bool OnNormalLadder;
			if ( Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(Link->X+8, Link->Y+8)] == ComboType_NormalLadder ) {
				OnNormalLadder = true;
				//disable A and B
				Link->InputA = false; Link->PressA = false;
				Link->InputB = false; Link->PressB = false;
				//slow down link
				OnNormalLadder = false;

			if ( OnNormalLadder )
				Link->Dir = DIR_UP; //make link face up

there's another global script (without slow walk) that doesen't ue "LinkMovement.zh"
That version is compiling succesful when I combine it, with my global script.
My set up (combo Type) was correct, but it seems to do nothing (while all other global functions DayNight, MooshPit, FlowingWater etc, work perfect).


it's this one...

const int ComboType_NormalLadder = 143; //combo type for ladders. "script 1" by default. see std_constants.zh for a list of combo types.
global script NormalLadder{
	void run(){
			if ( Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(Link->X+8, Link->Y+8)] == ComboType_NormalLadder ) {
				//disable A and B
				Link->InputA = false; Link->PressA = false;
				Link->InputB = false; Link->PressB = false;
			if ( Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(Link->X+8, Link->Y+8)] == ComboType_NormalLadder ) {
				Link->Dir = DIR_UP; //make link face up

I already changed it to "scripts 2" combo type, in my script.
So I also edited it in the post

Edited by Bagu, 31 December 2019 - 10:44 PM.

#40 Emily


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Posted 31 December 2019 - 10:48 PM

So, it doesn't like the import?
...Did you download LinkMovement.zh from the database?

#41 Bagu



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Posted 31 December 2019 - 10:51 PM

Know, if it's not included in the Alpha 47 zip, I don have it by now.
Didn't know I need it.

So, when I got  it...
(gonna get it, of course)
...what exactly to do with it?
(don't want to make more mistakes)

Edited by Bagu, 31 December 2019 - 10:52 PM.

#42 Emily


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Posted 31 December 2019 - 10:55 PM

You... put it in the zc folder. Or the include folder. Either works.
Why do you need that script, by the way? You just have a need for combos that make you face up and walk slow?

#43 Bagu



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Posted 31 December 2019 - 11:03 PM

Yes, exactly…
Is this possible without the script?
for example theres a ladder to a treehouse and somme climbable walls, that I would use it for

#44 Emily


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Posted 31 December 2019 - 11:17 PM

If you want it to be a sideview screen, then yes, as of 2.55. Use a sideview screen, and a combo odd the slow walk type, with the 'Sideview Ladder' flag inherent on it

#45 Bagu



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Posted 31 December 2019 - 11:33 PM

No, that's it.
It just a few parts in a normal gravity screen.

I put LinkMovement.zh in the include Folder, cobined the script  with my global and YES, compiling successful.

But now I have the same Problem I had with the other Version of the normal ladder script.
I tried different Settings. (143 "scripts2" , 144 "scripts 3") but know matter what Setting/combotype I use…
it's doing nothing.

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