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A Guide To 1st Generation Custom Items.

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#1 ShadowTiger


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Posted 11 November 2006 - 04:33 PM

NOTE: This tutorial is ONLY for Zelda Classic 2.11 Betas 12.9 and beyond!
If you are using any previous version, this information will be useless to you.

It's been a little while since Beta 14 has been released, but this is something I've been meaning to get around to messing with for a while. Beta 14 has "Custom Items" in a state of relative functionality. It's not TRUE customizability yet, as we can't attach scripts to them yet, nor put them in our inventory and/or select them, yet, but we can fiddle with their stack size and item type. Basically, if it alters a number related to Link, (Bombs, Hearts, Magic, Arrows, Rupees, Bomb Bags, etc.) you can mess with that number with these items. It involves the use of the new z___ items. (z087, z254, etc.)

Essentially, I just created a heart container which gives you two Heart Containers rather than only one. It was pretty easy to make, actually. Here, take a look at what it does. You're looking at the upper right corner of the screen; note how his Heart Containers go from three directly to five, skipping four.
IPB Image

I used the normal Heart Container graphics. You can give it any graphics that you'd like though, just like any other normal item.

Here's how I set it up in ZQuest. First of all, note that it's not only the z___ items (The New "Customizable Ones.") that have this ability. ALL items now have the ability to be customized like this. It's just preferred that you stick to the z items so you don't mess up your default items. Try to keep those the same, though it's up to you. There is a default button that you can press, so don't worry about that.

So suppose that you wanted to duplicate this dual heart container. Let's take a look at the normal stats of the Heart Container. Go to Quest--> Graphics--> Sprites--> Items. Press "H" to go to the Heart Container. (Not the Heart; The Heart Container.)

IPB Image

You can see the "Actions" tag to the right of the tab we're on now. Click it.

IPB Image

Okay! Here we are! Let's look at what we have here.

Class Number:
This means that we're dealing with a Heart Container. If it were any other number, the item would be different.

Class Level:
For example: The L1 Sword is a Class level 1. The L2 Sword is a Class level 2. Since we already have a "Heart Container 1" (We just made up that name for our own inscrutable uses.) Let's set it to 2.

Counter Reference:
When you're increasing or decreasing something numerical, you'll want to quantify what that something IS. Thus, if you were increasing arrows, you'd be 3 into this box. If you were altering Rupees, you'd put 1 in the box, and check the Dcounter check box. You'll see why in a moment. (You'll probably want to start memorizing these.)
  • 0 = Life
  • 2 = Bombs
  • 3 = Arrows
  • 5 = Keys
  • 6 = SBombs
Now, for the following, check the Dcounter check box:
  • 1 = Rupees
  • 4 = Magic
. Be aware that if it's not a counter item, keep this at -1; null.

Increase Amount:
Particularly in the case of the non-heart / magic items, (Numerical Counters: Arrows, bombs, rupees, keys, etc.) this will simply increase those by the specific value. The 100 piece rupee has this at 100. The 4-piece bomb supply item has it at four. Simple.

As mentioned above in the Counter Reference description, check this only if the number in the box to the left of this check box is either a 1 or a 4. That is all.

Full Max:
This appears to refer to either Life or Magic. A standard "Hit Point" consists of 16. A Quarter of a hit point is 4. If you pick up a small life-restoring heart, you will gain 16 of these. (Four Quarters of a heart.) If you gain a Heart Container, you will gain a multiple of 16 of these, which is 256. Thus, this number appears to be a natural multiplication of 16. So whatever you want to put in this box, multiply it by 16 first. In order to raise my Heart Container from giving one container to giving two, I multiplied this number by 2, from 256 to 512. The "Small Wallet" has this at 500. The "Large Wallet" has it set at 999. Note that this information probably isn't the most accurate, and an elaboration from jman would be nice. REFER TO JMAN'S DESCRIPTION BELOW FOR SOMETHING MORE CEMENT.

Whereas the earlier was for your health, this is for your maximum health. It essentially deals with how much you can have with this extra upgrade. (Or downgrade, depending on how cruel you're feeling at the moment.) The "Small Wallet" has this at 500. The "Large Wallet" has it set at 999. REFER TO JMAN'S DESCRIPTION BELOW FOR SOMETHING MORE CEMENT.

Keep Item When Collected:
You know how when you get a sword, or a raft, or a shield, it shows up in your inventory, but when you pick up a rupee, an arrow, or a magic container, it doesn't? Well, if this is something that you want to pick up and have placed into your inventory, or a backpack; something that you'd qualify as a "usable, useful item," (Though not necessarily selectable, such as the ladder vs your candle. You can "use" the candle, but not the ladder, but the ladder is still "used" in the game.) then you'd indeed check this check box. If it's something that goes into your arrow / magic / rupee / key / health / bomb / sbomb counter, you'd keep it unchecked. A boss key would be checked though, as you see it in your inventory. So your counters in the passive subscreen (Or even in the active subscreen.) don't count as "inventory" items. They're just sort of "facts about you."

Here's jman's description, from This thread. (I organized this list a bit, so you're better reading this part here. It's a bit clearer.)
Also of note is two things: First, items. When editing items, you'll notice several new options. The explanation of the item attributes is as follows:

Class Number: What type of item this is. Determines ifit's aword, a shield, an arrow, etc. Don't change this unless you know what you're doing.

Class Level: A number from 1-8 representing the level of that particular item class. For example, 1 would refer to the wooden sword, while 3 would refer to the magical sword.

Counter: In the save file, there are now 32 all-purpose counters that can be used for counting just about anything. however, you can't use said counters except for those already defined. There are currently 7 counters defined, and the number from 0-31 specifies which one. -1 means that no counter is referenced. 0 is life. 1 is rupees. 2 is bombs. 3 is arrows. 4 is magic.
5 is keys, and 6 is super bombs. (For counters 1 and 4, check dcounter next to the amount. For the others, leave it unchecked)

Increase amount: Increase the amount of the specified counter by a certain amount. For example, an item with a counter of 1 and an increase amount of 30 would increase your rupees by 30 when picked up.

Full Max: The absolute maximum that the item can increase the maximum of the counter to. For example, a heart container will have a value of 256, which is 16 hearts (one heart is 16 HP), which means that a heart container cannot increase the heart count to above 16.

+Max: The amount to increase the maximum counter by. For a heart container, this is 16, representing one heart. Note that the increase amount for a heart container is also 16. Yes, you can increase the active counter AND the maximum counter at the same time

Keep Item when Collected: specifies whether you keep an item in your inventory when collected. For example, a sword and a shield would have this checked. A rupee and a heart would not.

This is the start of making fully custom items. The next step is giving items scripts, and that may possibly be in the next beta. icon_smile.gif Also note that you now have 255 items to edit. The remaining items besides the defaults are identified by z### (where ### is the item number)

You'll notice that these custom z___ items begin somewhere around z087 or something like that. That would be because all of the previous items (The ones we already had.) are customizable as well. Thus, if you just want to start over from scratch, you actually can.

Now, I'll construct a list of the class items. Keep an eye out for it. There are only 10,000 or so character allowed per post, so I'll have to make another one.

#2 ShadowTiger


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Posted 11 November 2006 - 04:52 PM

As per the following list, I have labeled a few items with the following: [ <- Use this for larger incremental items ] This essentially means that if you are thinking of creating some sort of item like a "Med pack" which will heal you for ten Hearts instead of a fairy, which only heals three, you would use this class, (43, in this case.) but would mark the increment as 160 instead of 16. (16 x 10 = 160) When I say [ <- This is a container for ammunition ] this means that you can set the "+Max" field to a number that you would like to be the new maximum for this item.

Here's a list of what item is what class:

000 = Sword (Default Levels 1, 2, 3, 4)
001 = Boomerang (Wooden, Silver, Fire)
002 = Arrow (Wooden, Silver, Golden)
003 = Candle (Default Level 1 & 2)
004 = Whistle
005 = Bait
006 = Letter, Letter (Used)
007 = Potion (Blue, Red)
008 = Wand <- Just a brief note; notice how this arrangement matches the original subscreen, i.e. boomerang, arrow, candle, whistle, ... wand, etc.
009 = Ring (Default Levels 1, 2, 3)
010 = Wallet (Default Levels 1 & 2) <- This is a container for ammunition
011 = Amulet (Default Levels 1 & 2)
012 = Shield (Default Levels 1 & 2)
013 = Bow (Short, Long)
014 = Raft
015 = Ladder
016 = Magic Book
017 = Key (Magic)
018 = Bracelet (Default Levels 1 & 2)
019 = Flippers
020 = Boots
021 = Hookshot (Short, Long)
022 = Lens Of Truth
023 = Hammer
024 = Din's Fire
025 = Farore's Wind
026 = Nayru's Love
027 = Bomb (Normal)
028 = Bomb (Super)
029 = Clock
030 = Key (Normal)
031 = Magic Container
032 = Triforce (Fragment, Whole)
033 = Map
034 = Compass
035 = Key (Boss)
036 = Quiver (For the Arrows) <- This is a container for ammunition
037 = Key (Level Specific)
038 = Cane Of Byrna
039 = Rupee <- Use this for larger incremental items
040 = Arrow Ammunition <- Use this for larger incremental items
041 = Fairy (Moving, Stationary)
042 = Magic Jar (Small, Large) <- Use this for larger incremental items
043 = Heart <- Use this for larger incremental items
044 = Heart Container
045 = Heart Container Piece
046 = Kill All Enemies
047 = Bomb Ammunition <- Use this for larger incremental items
048 = Bomb Bag <- This is a container for ammunition
049 = (I highly advise against using any class number after 048.)
050 =
253 =
254 =
255 = Dust Pile, Misc 1, Misc 2, Selection 1, Selection 2,

#3 link3505



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Posted 11 November 2006 - 05:13 PM

Stopic tickied

Very nice, Josh. this'll be quite helpful, I'm sure

#4 Animus01


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Posted 11 November 2006 - 05:26 PM

Ooh, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad you pinned this one! I'm going to be referring to this when I make some of my future quests on 2.11!

#5 ShadowTiger


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Posted 13 November 2006 - 10:59 AM

Here's another conversation I had with jman in chat. Read it over, laugh at my goofy inattentiveness, and try to understand what's going on. I can clarify it if you'd like.

[10:44] <ShadowTiger> Hello jman. What else do you know about the custom items at the moment?
[10:44] <ShadowTiger> I still want to solidify that first gen tutorial I made.
[10:45] <Ninja_P> It's Ping Season
[10:45] <ShadowTiger> PING, BYTCHES.
[10:46] <jman2050> you pretty much nailed it
[10:46] <jman2050> just skimming over it at least I noticed that
[10:46] <ShadowTiger> Yeah, I'm *still* not 100% clear on the differences between
[10:46] <ShadowTiger> uh .. .. Full Max and +Max.
[10:47] <ShadowTiger> Does +Max INCREASE the maximum amount the holster (Whatever) can store,
[10:47] <ShadowTiger> like, from 30 to 50,
[10:47] <ShadowTiger> so you'd put it as 20? .. Or as 50?
[10:47] <jman2050> 20
[10:47] <jman2050> you'd put it as 20
[10:47] <ShadowTiger> .. AAAAH, so it's incremental! icon_biggrin.gif Sweet!
[10:47] <ShadowTiger> So you can have little items that increase your Max arrows by 1 permanently,
[10:47] * Jinx has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[10:47] <ShadowTiger> and a whole blown quiver that increases them by 30? .. Both as serpate itemasjeta... .. seperate items, ...
[10:47] <ShadowTiger> And what of the Full Max?
[10:47] <ShadowTiger> Is that like,
[10:48] <ShadowTiger> .. the maximum the arrows can be incremented to by THAT Item, or by ANY Item?
[10:48] <ShadowTiger> It's THAT item, right?
[10:48] <ShadowTiger> Either way, IMHO, you should definitely switch the positions of the +Max and Full Max,
[10:48] <ShadowTiger> as it's giving an odd impression.
[10:50] <ShadowTiger> ... ... ... whoah whoah whoah, wait a minute, jman2050 ... ...
[10:50] <ShadowTiger> If the quivers have their values as 30, 60, and 99 apiece,
[10:50] <ShadowTiger> How is that incremental,
[10:50] <ShadowTiger> Wouldn't both the small and medium have 30 and 30,
[10:50] <ShadowTiger> rather than 30 and 60, .. and the large have 39?
[10:50] <ShadowTiger> Otherwise, if it were 30, 60, and 99,
[10:50] <ShadowTiger> you'd have 90 arrows by the time you'd get the medium quiver,
[10:51] <ShadowTiger> because 30 + 60 = 90.
[10:51] <ShadowTiger> If it were 30 + 30 = 60, .. that 60 would be the medium quiver, and everything would be fine.
[10:51] <ShadowTiger> But apparently, ... ...
[10:52] <jman2050> because
[10:52] <jman2050> what if the quest maker decided to bypass the small quiver
[10:52] <jman2050> and go straight to the medium quiver
[10:52] <ShadowTiger> What if it decided to give them both?
[10:52] <jman2050> then no harm done
[10:52] <jman2050> small will give him 30
[10:53] <ShadowTiger> Well, this ... doesn't make sense within context.
[10:53] <jman2050> medium will give him 60
[10:53] <ShadowTiger> [10:47] <ShadowTiger> Does +Max INCREASE the maximum amount the holster (Whatever) can store,
[10:53] <ShadowTiger> [10:47] <ShadowTiger> like, from 30 to 50,
[10:53] <ShadowTiger> [10:47] <ShadowTiger> so you'd put it as 20? .. Or as 50?
[10:53] <ShadowTiger> [10:47] <jman2050> 20
[10:53] <ShadowTiger> [10:47] <jman2050> you'd put it as 20
[10:53] <ShadowTiger> What about that? o.o?
[10:53] <jman2050> ST
[10:53] <ShadowTiger> That's where I'm getting all this..
[10:53] <jman2050> Full max
[10:53] <jman2050> full max of medium quiver is 60
[10:53] <jman2050> meaning the maximum will never go above 60
[10:53] <ShadowTiger> Full Max is PER ITEM, right? So +Max of Quiver is 30? Full Max of it is 60.
[10:54] <ShadowTiger> What if you had collected a number of +1 max quiver items, giving you like, .. 15 arrow carrying capacity without the small quiver,
[10:54] <jman2050> onlyreason +max is 60 is to ensure that when you collect the medium quiver, the end result is that you have a max of 60 arrows
[10:54] <ShadowTiger> then you pick up the small quiver, so instead of getting 45 arrow carrying capacity, you get 30?
[10:54] <ShadowTiger> mm, okay, .. .. ..
[10:54] <jman2050> yes
[10:54] <jman2050> solution?
[10:55] <ShadowTiger> This makes things rather interesting.
[10:55] <jman2050> either don't use the mall quiver or change its properties
[10:55] <jman2050> icon_smile.gif
[10:55] <jman2050> small*
[10:55] <ShadowTiger> Yeh li'l bastard. GG sir. icon_razz.gif
[10:55] <jman2050> the quivers and bomb bags are meant to act like the rupee bags
[10:55] <jman2050> as in, each wallet grants you a hard maximum
[10:55] <ShadowTiger> Right. Gotcha.
[10:56] <ShadowTiger> So any little incremental pieces should only be gotten after the quivers, if even at all, .. .. ..

To pull out a few key lines from this chat:

[10:53] <jman2050> Full max
[10:53] <jman2050> full max of medium quiver is 60
[10:53] <jman2050> meaning the maximum will never go above 60
[10:53] <ShadowTiger> Full Max is PER ITEM, right? So +Max of Quiver is 30? Full Max of it is 60.
[10:54] <ShadowTiger> What if you had collected a number of +1 max quiver items, giving you like, .. 15 arrow carrying capacity without the small quiver,
[10:54] <jman2050> onlyreason +max is 60 is to ensure that when you collect the medium quiver, the end result is that you have a max of 60 arrows

#6 Nimono


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 07:25 PM

Question! Would it be possible to, oh say, grab the Arrows (Not Arrow Ammo) and at the same time, increment the Arrows counter? To put it simply, is it possible to increase your Maximum amount of arrows when you pick up the Arrow/Silver Arrow/Golden Arrow item?

#7 Bayta


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 09:46 PM

Awesome topic! Glad it was stickied! icon_biggrin.gif
And Revfan, I don't think that's possible. I'm not entirely sure though... icon_unsettled.gif

#8 Theryan



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Posted 17 November 2006 - 10:15 PM

You, sir, may take any internets you want for the rest of your life.
I really think this could come in handy to a LOT of people. Thanks, ST.

#9 ShadowTiger


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Posted 23 November 2006 - 03:01 PM

QUOTE(Matthew @ Nov 17 2006, 07:25 PM) View Post
Question! Would it be possible to, oh say, grab the Arrows (Not Arrow Ammo) and at the same time, increment the Arrows counter? To put it simply, is it possible to increase your Maximum amount of arrows when you pick up the Arrow/Silver Arrow/Golden Arrow item?
I would actually assume so. icon_shrug.gif Under your Wooden Arrows (Whatever) you could go into the Action tab, and place a "30" into the bottom two prompts, (Full Max and +Max) rather than 0.

At least I think that's how it'd be done. I'm still a bit shaky on the differences between Full Max and +Max relative to other items of the same category and purpose.

#10 Linkus



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Posted 23 November 2006 - 07:18 PM

QUOTE(ShadowTiger @ Nov 23 2006, 03:01 PM) View Post

At least I think that's how it'd be done. I'm still a bit shaky on the differences between Full Max and +Max relative to other items of the same category and purpose.

Full Max is the maximum number of an item you can carry. +Max adds to that maximum number. For example, let's say you have a carrying limit of 20 bombs. Then you pick up a Medium Bomb Bag, which has a +Max of 30. The Full Max from the Small Bomb Bag (20) is expanded by the +Max the Medium Bomb Bag(30), therefore the total bombs you can carry is 50.

As for the difference, I'm pretty sure you have to set Full Max on the first item and set +Max on its upgrades, I think....

#11 Anthus



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Posted 23 November 2006 - 07:22 PM

Hmm. So, does this mean Pieces of Heart can immediately affect you? By that I mean, if you get one, can you increase you hearts by 1/4 heart at a time?

#12 Moonbread


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Posted 25 November 2006 - 11:36 AM

Is it possible to make Heart pieces like in Twilight Princess (where you need 5 for a complete heart container)?

#13 ShadowTiger


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Posted 25 November 2006 - 08:56 PM

QUOTE(Moonwhisper @ Nov 25 2006, 11:36 AM) View Post
Is it possible to make Heart pieces like in Twilight Princess (where you need 5 for a complete heart container)?
I don't quite see a way. Take a look at the HCP in ZQuest. Other than its Class (45) and its counter, (-1) there's no additional information which would set it apart from what it could be. I don't think this is quite possible.

#14 zeldafan


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Posted 27 November 2006 - 09:06 PM

icon_confused2.gif How did you get the BETA version of 2.11? I have 2.10 and I really want to try out the new item feature!

#15 Lotus Eater

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Posted 27 November 2006 - 09:12 PM

Check the forums

And how about if you make the amount you increase smaller. It says "Increase Amount" 16, making it 4 means you need 4 of them, 2 means you need 8, how about 3, you'll need 6, but that's close to 5 right icon_smile.gif
Try 3.2, that might work, or might crash, who knows icon_smile.gif

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