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Starting Weapons

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#31 ShadowTiger


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Posted 31 July 2006 - 03:22 PM

QUOTE(Speak with Bread @ Jul 31 2006, 12:21 PM)
Hmm, darknuts might not be used in the first part of the game, you don't know that.  And snarwin, you can't MOVE while using the hookshot.  Plus you can shorten the links it has.

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... Wow. It's unusual that I have this much to say in reply to a quote, AND get to use all of it. Of course, I'm not speaking to anyone in particular, so...

Hmm, darknuts might not be used in the first part of the game, you don't know that.
Oh, I've seen red darknuts in level 1. That's all you'd need to confirm that hookshot-kill-darknut issue.

And snarwin,
* ShadowTiger prefers Snarwin's name capitalized.

you can't MOVE while using the hookshot
But you're not utterly invincible while using the boomerang either. ;-p Unless it's the fire Boomerang, you'll have a very, very hard time defeating even normal darknuts with the normal boomerang. Use the hookshot for that. Seriously. You can stun them even while they're facing you if the hookshot "hook" is behind them going toward you, just coming back from being shot out. Then again, you can't fire the hookshot diagonally. Interesting tradeoffs here. Of course, the boomerang can't get you places and across cliffs, unless it's secret-based, activating a bridge or something. Then again, the hookshot wouldn't need to activate a secret to get you across if there's a waiting hookshot grab combo on the other side. ... ... Boy. icon_razz.gif

Plus you can shorten the links it has
This is really why I posted. You can decrease the amount of links in the chain, but the hookshot travels the same distance even with NO links in the chain. There's a longshot and a hookshot. The hookshot hasn't been implemented yet, and they're still calling the longshot the hookshot.


How about bombs. you could aslo give them lots of rupies and a conviently placed shop if they run out.
It'd work, but it's not the best method because it's quite possible for the player to run out of bombs AND Rupees, and become stuck.

Again though, let's just be happy that this is the beginning of the game, and having to start over really isn't that big of a loss, unless you do it over and over and over again. icon_razz.gif

#32 NoeL



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Posted 02 August 2006 - 12:45 AM

When he was talking about Hookshot Invincibility I think he was refering to the fact that if you're shooting your hookshot enemies and stuff pass straight through you... so if somethings coming at you fast you just shoot your hookshot and the enemy doesn't hurt you.

#33 ShadowTiger


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 10:15 AM

Naturally. o.o It just isn't the best of choices to do that with. Enemies tend to walk right onto you if given the chance, so when the hookshot returns to you, guess who's occupying the very space that your body is. icon_razz.gif

This works surprisingly well with Darknuts. It stuns them on its way back.

#34 Moonbread


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 10:44 AM

I really prefer the boomerang over the hookshot, just because you can move while using it, so I can score multiple hits easier.

#35 Adem



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Posted 02 August 2006 - 01:13 PM

How 'bout you make the wooden sword invisable? And you could make the sprite a glove or something and then Link (or whatever) would punch! Just a thought.

#36 Moonbread


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 01:36 PM

Let's watch Link punch, but hit nothing, Link R us. If there is no weapon sprite, Link won't hit anything.

#37 Tatsudoshi



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Posted 02 August 2006 - 06:39 PM

I'm liking the Red Candle idea. I overlooked that as a weapon completely. icon_razz.gif

It works because I'm starting the character out in a desert without any weapons. Since it's in the middle of a sandstorm, not too many monsters are out in the beginning of the game. Just a red Leever or two. Then, once you make your way to the nearest town, there's a small cave you have to get through. A few Keese, but nothing that would cause the average player to rip their hair out. Solve two simple block puzzles and your on your way to the first boss battle where you'd recieve the weapon in a cutscene.

Also, take note that the character is unable to get out of the desert or town because I've blocked the exit via slashable bushes and dried out (burnable) trees.

Blue Candle: I was also considering this, but it would seem kind of tedious to have to leave the screen if you wanted to use the candle again.

Bow: Personally while playing quests, I can't wait to get the bow. It makes rooms with a lot of flying enemies a heck of a lot easier. The only problem is that it seems a bit too convinient, and equals the White Sword in strength.

Hookshot: I would want to hold off on giving this weapon out too early, since it would most likely give access to a lot of areas (ex: mountain ranges). And there's always the invincibility thing. Never knew you could stun Wizzrobes with it, though. icon_blink.gif

Magic Shield: A good idea, but I wasn't really planning on putting any fireball/sword-shooting enemies this early in the game.

Mirror Shield: Kinda makes the character a walking tank against projectiles. I think it even blocks flamethrower-type enemies.

Bombs: Another I was considering. The only thing that turned me away was the limited amount.

Ocarina: A pretty good idea as well. If I manage to remember this, I might use it in another quest.

Letter/Bait: ... I would so use this if I put a potion shop or a "Feed the Goriya" room. Never would've thought of that. icon_smile.gif I'm thinking I might give this early on as well.

Thanks for all the input. icon_biggrin.gif

#38 Moonbread


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Posted 05 August 2006 - 02:02 AM

Blue candle is more useful just for lighting dark rooms and torches for puzzles, not really for fighting (unless you do the 1st quest swordless)

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