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Paper Mario: The NeverEnding ExcessExpressRide

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#436 Lightwulf



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  • Location:Ainrofilac, Ceh Sha Ah (I'm libingual)

Posted 08 May 2012 - 12:23 PM

Just out of curiosity, can anyone guess where I'm headed with this story?
 hr[/hr]Month X Day 70
Joseph Lightfoot

After looking around the fair a bit longer, I told my friends about what I'd talked with the librarian about. I also told them I had directions to get to Chris Samuelson's house from the fair. They conceded that they'd seen enough of the fair and wouldn't mind going somewhere else. We headed past the southern end of the fair and into the housing area.
We located Brambleton Street and went down 2 houses, just like Girdie the librarian had said. It was pretty hard to miss! There were mostly one-story houses around in this area; Chris's two-story house stood out from the rest.

We rang the doorbell. "Coming!" we heard from inside. The door opened and we saw a man about the age of 20, not too young but a bit younger than Girdie was. "May I help you?" he asked.
"We're looking for Chris Samuelson," I explained.
He smiled. "That's me! What can I do for you?"
I had trouble containing my excitement. I got a grip of myself and told him that I'd been reading the Chrono Trigger graphic novel series.
"Ah, I see! You're a fan, huh?" said Chris, smiling wide.
"Yes, very much so!" I exclaimed. "Anyway, I noticed that the author is someone named Melchior, and we were wondering who that is." My friends nodded in agreement.
"Ahhh..." Chris responded, thoughtfully. Chris looked around to see that no one overheard the conversation. "Would you care to come in?"
I looked to my friends, who nodded. I responded, "Sure!"

Chris led us into his living room and offered us to sit on his couches around his fireplace, which wasn't lit because the weather was warm outside. We sat down and Chris began to speak. "If I tell you about him, will you promise not to tell anyone?"
I looked at my friends. I didn't expect Melchior to be a secret. They all agreed and I agreed, too.
"I've been housing Melchior here because... he's not from this world."
"What???" my friends and I all stated together.
"Does that mean he's an alien or something??" added Shyster.
Chris laughed. "Well, not like a little green man or anything; not that kind of alien!" Chris paused and continued. "It's a little hard to explain, but," he directed his attention at me, "you've read the Chrono Trigger series, right?"
I could tell what he was implying with that question. Melchior is one of the characters from the series! "Yes, but I only got up through volume 12. I still have to read 13 and 14. Why? Does the series tell how he got here??"
"No," Chris replied, "we didn't bother to put that to writing because that would draw attention to him. There's no telling what people around here might do if they think he's an 'alien'."
Wow! I thought. Could this series really have happened, somewhere else in the universe?? How cool is that?
"So, are you saying that the graphic novel series is real? That all of it really happened?" I inquired.
"Yep. All this is according to Melchior's memory. He actually was tasked with chronicling Chrono's adventures before he ended up here, so he was able to recall everything well enough to write a script for me to make the pictures for."
I was ecstatic! "Holy cow! Chrono's for real! This is so awesome!!!"
My friends looked at me and smiled. "Looks like we have a good reason to read that series now," remarked Beez.
Shyster gave me a hard time about it. "You knew this all the time! Why didn't you tell us it was that important you read those books?" We all laughed, including Chris.
When the laughter died down, I asked, "So, where is Melchior? Is he here? I'd like to meet him."
"Oh, he's down in the basement. As you may know from the books, he's a master swordsmith. He's forging some swords to sell at a new booth at the fair tomorrow."
Panser was amazed. "This house has a basement?? You sure have one big house here!" Panser's always been the more observant one of us.
Sniffer agreed. "Yes. How can you afford such a big house? Is it from your comic book sales?"
Chris chuckled. "Well, yes. That's part of it. My graphic novels have been a big success for me. Of course, that's partly thanks to Melchior for the excellent stories to base them off of. But I do have other revenues as well."
"Cool," I said. "So, can we go meet Melchior, or is he too busy?"
"Well, he's quite busy," replied Chris, "but he may take a minute to say hello to a fan."

BGM: Donkey Kong Country 2: Mineshaft Melancholy
As we approached the basement entrance, we could hear the clanging of hammer hitting metal. It got louder as we descended. As Chris reached the bottom of the stairs ahead of us, he called out, "Hey, Melchior!"
"Just a minute!" came the reply. Hammer hit metal a few more times, followed by the hiss of hot metal being plunged into water.
BGM stops.
Melchior placed the sword he was working on onto a bench to finish cooling. "There. All done. What do you need, Chr-" He stopped short when he noticed us behind Chris.
"It's okay," Chris said, "they're friends. Joseph, here, is a big fan of the Chrono Trigger books you wrote."
Melchior came forward. He looked almost exactly like Chris's drawings of him in the graphic novels!
"Well, how do you do?" Melchior greeted me warmly and shook my hand.
"It's an honor to meet you, sir!" I replied. He was quite old, so I felt that using formalities was necessary.
Melchior smiled. "Has Chris already told you?" he inquired.
"That it's real? Yes, sir!" I replied excitedly. "So, all that you wrote really happened?"
"Most of it," Melchior admitted. "Some points were guessed upon because I wasn't actually present for most of Chrono's battles. But, I've heard most of this from Chrono's mouth as he and his friends helped me to chronicle the whole thing, from beginning to end."
"Wow..." I was lost in thought about what I'd read already.
"Mr. Melchior?" Shyster spoke up from behind me.
I came to. I hadn't introduced my friends to him yet. "Oh, yes. Sir, this is my friend Shyster."
"How do you do?" Melchior shook Shyster's hand, too.
"Mr. Melchior," Shyster continued, "how is it that you came to our world?"
Melchior sighed, but not with disdain. "I knew that would come up." He motioned toward the stairway. "Shall we discuss this in the living room?"

To be continued...

#437 Orithan


    Studying Scientist - Commission from Silvixen

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 04:33 PM

(Continued from previous post) hr[/hr]
Month X Day 70: Hal.
Midday (1:00 PM).
Battle! BGM: Boss battle (Secret of Mana).
Boss: Anti-Guy. HP: ?.
Hal scans Anti-Guy.
Scandata now verified: This is a Shadow-Guy. Shadow-Guys, a blanket term used to describe Anti-Guys who have desertrd Bowser and they each have diffrent stats. This one is named "Crusher" and has a base HP of 65, an attack of 10 or 14 and a defense of 0. Other than the fact he uses a flail to attack, he is not that diffrent to the standard Anti-Guy. Beware, however, his weaker flail attack can leave you with the Pain aliment if you fail to guard, which stops you from attacking for a turn.
Crusher charges at Hal with the flail swinging wildy.
Hal guards, taking 9 damage. Hal has 71 HP left.
Hal uses 1 FP to use Charge.
Hal gains +6 attack for the next attack.
Crusher whips the flail at Hal.
Hal failed to guard. He took 8 damage and was given the Pain aliment. Hal has 63 HP left.
Hal can't attack this turn due to Pain.
Crusher charges at Hal with his flail swinging wildly.
Hal failed to guard, taking 12 damage. He has 51 HP left.
Hal gets over his pain and uses Long Jump.
Long jump: sucessful. Crusher takes 23 damage.
Normal jump: sucessful. Crusher takes 11 damage.
Spin jump: sucessful. Crusher takes 14 damage.
Crusher took a total of 48 damage. Crusher has 17 HP left.
Crusher uses a Spite Pouch.
Crusher will counter attacks that involve direct contact aimed at him for 3 turns.
Hal uses 4 FP to use Stonecutter.
Sucessful! Crusher takes 20 damage.
Crusher collapses, dropping 15 star points.
Battle won!
To be continued.

#438 Lightwulf



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  • Real Name:I'm not telling you my secret identity!!!
  • Location:Ainrofilac, Ceh Sha Ah (I'm libingual)

Posted 08 May 2012 - 07:31 PM

Month X Day 70 (continued from previous post)
Joseph Lightfoot

After we were seated in Chris's living room again, I introduced the rest of my friends to Melchior, and he greeted them all in turn.
"Now, Joseph, tell me first, have you read all of the books yet?"
"Not yet," I replied. "I still have to finish the last 2, volumes 13 and 14."
Melchior thought a moment. "Okay. You know how Chrono's friends were using the Epoch to fly?"
"Yes," I said. My friends were confused, but I figured I'd explain it later.
"Well, Lucca came to me with a special request: to help her upgrade the Epoch with a special device... Can't seem to recall the name of it..." Melchior thought a minute. "... Anyway, it was a device that was supposed to extend the Epoch's traveling abilities to cross very long distances in space. Lucca had the design ready for it and needed help with smithing new metal parts that were needed for it. After we finished making the parts, I was watching and helping while Lucca assembled the machine inside the Epoch. She was just putting the finishing touches on the machine when she accidentally activated it. Something went seriously wrong, because before I could run, electric bolts shot out from the epoch and opened a portal right underneath me."
My friends and I were mesmerized by Melchiors tale, sitting on the edge of our seats waiting for what heppened next.
Melchior looked at us and smiled. "That's pretty much it! I was warped to this world via that portal. It placed me just outside of Malis City. I met Chris shortly after entering the city, told him I was a visitor and needed a place to stay, and he let me stay here."
"True," Chris added. "After he had stayed with me for a day, I asked him where he was from, and he ended up telling me what had really happened to him. About a week later, I asked him if he had any ideas for starting a new book, and he decided to tell me all that he'd chronicled back on his planet. ..." He paused a second and smiled. "... You'll have to finish volume 13 if you want to know how we came up with the name 'Chrono Trigger'."
My friends and I had to let all this sink in for a few minutes.
Then I, knowing how resourceful Lucca was, asked Melchior if he thought she would find a way to come rescue him. Melchior raised an eyebrow. "Hmmm... It's quite possible she can fix the Epoch. However, space is so big that I don't know how she will be able to find me here on this planet when there are so many others out there."

We talked afterward for quite a bit. I, along with Chris and Melchior's input, brought my friends up to speed on who Chrono and Lucca were and what the Epoch was. Afterward, rather than having us leave so close to noon, Chris invited us to lunch, so we all ate lunch together at his house.

#439 Ica


    Napoleon Bonaparty

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 07:52 PM

Month X Day 70
Dr. Shy

I take a sip of my coffee and resume my watching and thinking. Suddenly, I feel something hitting my head, as I fall from my chair. Comming back to myself in a few seconds, I notice the man who talked to me was taking my pendant away, running.
"Hey, you!" I shout. People around start to stare as I get up "Get back here!"
I start to run.

After chasing him for a couple of minutes, he starts going for the fair, where lots of people were now walking around and talking. Though I was chasing him fiercely, nobody seemed to notice or care.
Now we were running through th crowds of people. The fair was much longer than I thought and it just keep on going. I was running after the man, passing through tents and booths, bumping into people, but he still managed to stay ahead of me.
For a moment, I had lost him. Looking around, all I could see was people and booths. Confused and rather nauseated, I decided to lean on a brick wall. Then I noticed some weird grunty voices comming from an alleyway by me.
I went on to investigate.
Walking in the poorly lit alleyway I see the man who had stolen my pendant.

BGM - Chrono Trigger - Gato's theme

"Hum... Let's ce!" The man was talking to himself. In one of his hands he was holding my pendant and in the other, a little knife, which he was using to poke the rock on the pendant. "Dis luk gud. I thynk de cheif wil liek dis!"
He was still muttering words to himself when I called upon him
"Hey you" I shouted "Who the hell do you think you are?"
"Wah...?" he turned to face me. He stared at my face for a few second and then recognized me, becoming pale "Oh... Ye.. Hi... dis... dis yours?"
"Give it back and you won't get in much trouble!" I said
"Wow... U thoufh, or luk liek! I was bit sceared whem I ce u, boot nou I'm naut! Let's ce waht u wothr!"

BGM- [none]

Saying this, he started walking towards me, taking his bow from his back.

To be continued

#440 Lightwulf



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  • Location:Ainrofilac, Ceh Sha Ah (I'm libingual)

Posted 10 May 2012 - 05:12 PM

Hey guys, unless you have a problem with it, I'm going to have Sword Guy be the only one of the initial three (E. Dagger Guy, Sword Guy, and Bow Guy) to return to Da Boss in a following post. (They wouldn't show their face without something valuable in hand, like Da Boss wanted.) Let me know if you want that to be different.

Zephyr_Eevee, if you don't mind, could you pick up where I leave off at the end of this post? My guys want to know if you have anything for them (like, wasn't someone supposed to attack today?) and if there's a place they can stay in the castle for free. (If you want to get your characters farther into the day first, that's fine; I'll just wait. My guys are already past noon.)
 hr[/hr]Month X Day 70
Joseph Lightfoot

My friends and I said goodbye to Chris and Melchior. As we were leaving, I suddenly remembered something. "Oh, hey Chris! Girdie says hello!"
"Oh," Chris replied, "the castle librarian? Thanks! Could you tell her 'hello' for me, too?"
"Sure thing!" I replied.

As we headed back northward, Beez asked, "Hey, Joe, where are we going?"
"Well," I replied, "you guys wanted to sleep at the castle tonight, right?"
"Yeah!" they all replied together.
"I just thought we'd check in with Michael (or the king) to see if he needs us. And while we're at it, we'll ask him if he has a place in the castle where we could crash during our stay in this city."
My friends responded all at the same time, excitedly, in their own special way. "Sweet!" said Beez. "Awesome!" said Shyster. "Nice!" said Panser. "Allright!" said Sniffer. "Yahoo!" said Ogbert.
We headed towards the castle gates.
When we arrived at the gate, a different soldier was posted there than the one we had passed much earlier. However, it was a familiar one.
"Greetings!" the soldier said as he snapped to attention. "The kingdom owes you it's most decent thanks for aiding in the capture of that thief!" It was the same guard that I had given the necklace to.
"You're very welcome!" I replied.
The soldier eased his stance and continued. "However, I must inquire as to your business in the castle. (It's protocol.)"
We showed him our badges. "We are reporting to either Michael or the king himself for duty."
The soldier snapped back to attention and saluted us. "Pardon me, gentlemen. I should have expected the king's Enforcers would be the ones who would assist us with law and order in the city."
Shyster asked the soldier, "Can you tell us how to get to either Michael or the king? We have a map."
The soldier smiled. "No need. I'll arrange an escort for you." He called to one of his fellow soldiers.

#441 Ica


    Napoleon Bonaparty

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  • Location:São Paulo

Posted 10 May 2012 - 10:07 PM

Month X Day 70
Dr. Shy

Bow guy wants to fight!

Doctor Shy
Level 21
HP 150, FP 25
Attacks - Iron Ball (10 - 30 dmg), punch' kick' punch (30 - 40 dmg, no dmg against good def.), Mask Slam (50 - 80 dmg, 80% of miss)
Technics - Poison Gas (10 dmg, 10 dmg for 5 - 7 tunrs, 10 FP), Ultra Iron Ball (20 dmg - all. 15 FP)
Badges - Medicine (one free revive per battle [only doctors]) [E]
Items - 2x Red Mushroom (15 HP healing), 1x Maple Syrup (20 FP healing)
Armor - [none]


Bow Guy
Level 35
HP 90, FP 60

BGM - Paper Mario - Tubba Blubba Fight

*Doctor Shy's turn

Doctor Shy used mask slam.
Attack missed!

*Bow guy's Turn

Bow guy used Stab.
Attacked OK. Doctor Shy took 25 damage. Doctor Shy has 125 HP left.

*Doctor Shy's turn

Doctor Shy used Poison Gas.
Attacked Perfect. Bow guy took 10 damage. Bow guy is poisoned. Bow guy has 80 HP left. Doctor Shy has 15 FP left.

*Bow Guy's turn

Bow guy used Arrow rain.
Attacked perfect. Doctor Shy took 50 damage. Doctor Shy has 75 HP left.

*Doctor Shy's turn

Doctor Shy used Punch' Kick' Punch.
Attacked OK. Bow guy took 35 damage. Bow guy has 45 HP left.

BGM - [none]


The battle was interrupt by a voice comming from the end of the alley.
"Shy, is that you?"
It was Werio, rubbing his eyes, still semi closed due to his tiredness. "I thought I heard you here. Who is that?"
Suddenly, the thief fleed the battle, jumping over a brick wall and running away. It was thinking of him as a wimp until I remebered the reason I had chased him.
"Wait.. He still has my pendant!" I shouted
"Wha..." Said Werio.
"Come" I told him "We got to get my pendant back. Believe me, it's very important." I then grabbed him by the arm and begun chasing the thief again.

Month X // Day ?? // ???

I wake up on a shore. My head lies on the sand, as I open my eyes and see the clouldy sky. Ahead of me is an ocean, and behind me a jungle. I'm by myself, and have no idea where I am. I don't remeber much. I sit on the beach for a while and figure what to do. Noticing some coconuts on a tree, I take them and eat, then try finding some water and taking a real rest, to feel better.

Month X // Day 70 // Valley of Greens

We have reached the mouth of the Gorge. Ahead of us are gigantic abysses. Nothing but some high formations of rock standing out. Nothing.
"Luccas... How will we cross this..?"
Luccas was laying down, with his eyes closed and half asleep.
"I don't know." he asnwered
"Gee, thanks.." I reacted, sitting down by him.
"Yeah." he added.
"Hey maybe we could go down that slope to the right and see if we find anything." I said
"Sure" he replied.
"Let's go then. I have a good feeling about this!" I got up again
"In a minute." he stoped me
"Come on, let's go" I tackled him.
He was asleep already.

#442 Lightwulf



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  • Location:Ainrofilac, Ceh Sha Ah (I'm libingual)

Posted 26 May 2012 - 03:43 PM

Month X Day 70 (continued from previous post)
Joseph Lightfoot

BGM: FFVI Edgar & Sabin's Theme
The soldier escorted us to the Sergeant of the Guard, who told us that Michael was in his chambers. The soldier then escorted us further into the larger portion of the castle. We went through some hallways and up some stairs and finally came to Michael's room. The soldier knocked on the door and, when it opened, announced that there were some visitors to see him. Michael greeted us warmly and shook our hands, then he led us into his room.

Michael told us that he had a feeling that he would need our assistance some time later in the afternoon. He didn't want to describe it more than that, but I knew sometimes it's just best to not ask certain things, especially when you're being given orders. Michael said we could be out in the city, but not too far away in case the call is given. I asked him how the call will be given, and he told us to listen for the sound of a ram's horn that the guards on the castle walls would blow.

I asked him if there was a place in the castle that we could stay so we didn't have to sleep on the train. Michael chuckled and said, "Getting tired of the train?" He told us there was enough room for us in the castle and asked if we'd like one room or two, since there were so many of us. I looked at the guys and asked what they thought. Sniffer stated, "Well, it would be nice if there was one room that had enough beds for all of us." Panser remarked that he didn't need a bed, just a nice pot with soil in it. Beez, Ogbert and Shyster all agreed that they'd like to stay together if at all possible. Michael thought a bit, and then said he knew of a room that could accomodate us. He made sure we didn't have any more questions he needed to answer, and then called for a guard. After giving the guard instructions, he told us our room would be ready a little later. "If you return later, just ask for the guard named Bruteus. He'll know where your room is."

After thanking Michael, we bade him farewell and left his room. I led us back the way we had come. (Among my friends, I'm the best with directions because of my sense of direction and my visual memory; if I see the way to go once, I can remember the way again.) We got a nice view of the castle courtyard by looking out one of the windows at the top of a staircase. We made our way back to the courtyard.
BGM stops
"What should we do now?" asked Beez.
"Well, anyone want to find out more about Melchior's world?" I asked.
My friends seemed excited about the idea.
"But... will we all be able to read the books at the same time?" asked Shyster. "I wouldn't want to start on volume 2 and miss the beginning while someone else reads volume 1."
I thought for a minute. "Hmm... Maybe the librarian could tell us if there's a room where we can read out loud and not disturb anyone else."
When we reached the library, I told Girdie what we wanted and asked if there's any room like that adjacent to the library. "Well," she said, "we don't have anything like that in the library. Just some storage rooms that only staff are allowed in. However, if you apply for a library card, you can check out some books and read them outside the library." We all agreed and I applied for a library card.
Once that was done, we checked out the first volume of Chrono Trigger and headed to the garden outside the library to sit down and start reading.

Edited by Lightwulf, 26 May 2012 - 04:12 PM.

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