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Design Concepts and Ideas

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#76 Anthus



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Posted 10 March 2015 - 10:59 AM

Betting an item would be interesting too. I kind of like that idea better for a dungeon though. MAybe there's a dungeon with several paths, and each one focuses on a specific item, and at the beginning, Link has to choose one item to give up, or something.

#77 SkyLizardGirl


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 07:49 PM

Betting an item would be interesting too. I kind of like that idea better for a dungeon though. MAybe there's a dungeon with several paths, and each one focuses on a specific item, and at the beginning, Link has to choose one item to give up, or something.


Are you talkings about Item Deactivation maps? Where you have 1 map with an item activated and a cloned map for it when it is deactivated? -using the instant 'no screen flashing teleport' or something?


Where you still have the Item - on you/with you:  You just can't use it unless you activate a switch or trigger rights??


That dungeon

It can all be one or many mazed multiple pathways, but you must constantly pull levers or switches just to get from one area too another corrects? ..*

Edited by SkyLizardGirl, 10 March 2015 - 07:50 PM.

#78 Dark Ice Dragon

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Posted 11 March 2015 - 05:09 PM

i was thinking to something of more simple on the bet item, i'm glad to see the idea is evolved.

Another idea i had : why don't add a "trophy", something useless but that you must collect just for test youself..like the games of PS3, some request for unlock this things are almost impossible, but a lot of people like collect them until they got the platinum

I made 3 golden statues of the 3 main characters of a quest I'm working , just for test the idea, i put one easy to mid game , one is dropped from the final boss and the third is a  well hidden place ...i think someone will find funny search them.

You could do a set of trophies like one sell at shop for a impossible amount of money or put one after a super hard optional puzzle..the possibility are unlimited

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#79 SkyLizardGirl


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 03:41 PM

Wishing for an Arcade score - script on in the Zelda classic game that counts up numbers like Pacman or Mario Bros 1 Nes or etc 'scores' mainly would be awesome also.


Like every some - said points:  You'd get a TIme Clock or a Fairy or even a big rupee or bomb or item if your score reaches certain aspects to reward the player for slashing alot of enemies and what not.* <3


instead of the basic item drop chances or use both if one would likes with the scoring system installed in.

Edited by SkyLizardGirl, 12 March 2015 - 03:43 PM.

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#80 Air Luigi

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Posted 12 March 2015 - 06:13 PM

It exists:




Score systems work better with linear games, though. Farming experience points is the replacement in adventures, usually.

Edited by Air Luigi, 12 March 2015 - 06:13 PM.

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#81 MusashiAA



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Posted 14 March 2015 - 07:06 PM

Dynamic sword techniques:



Here's a sword mechanic I came up with not long ago: splitting the stab attack from the slash attack in terms of combat. Instead of making the slash technique a straight upgrade from the stab, why not keep both techniques each with their advantages and disadvantages?


The stab attack would push enemies further in the opposite direction of the player character, and could possibly deal slightly more damage than the slash attack, at the expense of not covering as much range. The slash attack would be able to cover slightly more range than the stab attack, at the expense of less knockback on enemies and potential slightly less damage than the stab attack.


Player input mechanic to differentiate each would have to be similar to Smash Bros. input: pressing the sword button while holding a digital directional button will result in a stab attack in that digital direction, while pressing nothing but the sword button will result in a slash attack in the direction the player is facing.


In such same fashion, the sword beam could also be affected by these same rules: the stab beam being a small beam that pushes enemies further a-la TLOZ, and the slash beam having a bigger hitbox than the stab beam a-la LTTP.

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#82 KingPridenia


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Posted 14 March 2015 - 07:31 PM

Dynamic sword techniques:



Here's a sword mechanic I came up with not long ago: splitting the stab attack from the slash attack in terms of combat. Instead of making the slash technique a straight upgrade from the stab, why not keep both techniques each with their advantages and disadvantages?


The stab attack would push enemies further in the opposite direction of the player character, and could possibly deal slightly more damage than the slash attack, at the expense of not covering as much range. The slash attack would be able to cover slightly more range than the stab attack, at the expense of less knockback on enemies and potential slightly less damage than the stab attack.


Player input mechanic to differentiate each would have to be similar to Smash Bros. input: pressing the sword button while holding a digital directional button will result in a stab attack in that digital direction, while pressing nothing but the sword button will result in a slash attack in the direction the player is facing.


In such same fashion, the sword beam could also be affected by these same rules: the stab beam being a small beam that pushes enemies further a-la TLOZ, and the slash beam having a bigger hitbox than the stab beam a-la LTTP.


Somewhat reminds me of how Willow on the NES did it, although in that game, if Willow lunged with a stab, he had more range directly in front of him and a faster rate of attack at the expense of range. Willow's slash had more coverage but was slower. Also that game had a mechanic of sword "weight", where at certain levels, a sword would be slow. Once you hit a certain level, it would speed up a bit and at the next level, it would swing at its maximum speed. Take the Long Sword for instance. At level 1, it's slow. At level 2, it's medium speed and at level 3, it's uber fast. Then you get the Battle Sword so if you're at level 3, you have to decide whether you want the faster speed of the Long Sword or the stronger damage of the Battle Sword (it doesn't get to its fastest speed until level 5). Both your idea and Willow's are equally nice in their own rights.

#83 justin



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Posted 14 March 2015 - 08:08 PM

I've been meaning to write a stab/slash script for awhile. Press your sword button to stab, hold to slash. The amount of time for the hold is customizable. The stab therefore becomes fast, and the slash slower depending on how many frames it needs to be held.
The script is actually pretty easy. Just have two sword weapons of each level, one has the "can slash" set the other not. The script just gives/removes sword based on how many frames the attack button is held. The spin attack can still be used. And it is easy to give the stab sword more power if you want.

#84 MusashiAA



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Posted 14 March 2015 - 08:24 PM

Press your sword button to stab, hold to slash. The amount of time for the hold is customizable. 


Just sword button? I'm not very fond of that method of input, as my suggestion of combined directional input gives the player a sense of conveyance to the actions the in-game character will do, and such conveyance is greatly enhanced by TLOZ's limited cardinal representation of the game world. It also makes sense in battle, as the player would try to combo stab attacks against one tough enemy, said enemy being constantly pushed in one direction, that is, the one corresponding to the directional input the player is pressing to keep putting pressure, and therefore the one needed to trigger the pushing stab attack.

EDIT: Not only that, but the hold-to-slash mechanic is not consistent with Zelda games, as players will expect to do a spin attack when holding the one sword button. Since the spin attack is a stronger variation of the slash attack, a single press of the sword button would be logical to trigger the slash attack. This input mechanic also gives room to keep and potentially improve the spin attack, instead of removing it entirely.

Edited by MusashiAA, 14 March 2015 - 08:27 PM.

#85 justin



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Posted 14 March 2015 - 09:00 PM

If I write the script it's easy to modify the controls that swap between stab and slash. And my controls still allow the spin attack.

Edit to say that the hold to slash wouldn't be like holding to spin. It would be the difference of a few frames holding compared to just the quick press to stab.

Edited by justin, 14 March 2015 - 09:01 PM.

#86 MusashiAA



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Posted 14 March 2015 - 10:07 PM

Edit to say that the hold to slash wouldn't be like holding to spin. It would be the difference of a few frames holding compared to just the quick press to stab.


Easy to say on paper that it's a matter of frames what determines a slash from a spin...but in live application, what conveys this difference to the player?

In any 2D Zelda game after AoL, one quick button press was one slash, and one hold press was one automatic slash and then the charge to spin. There was no frame-dependant input here: it's either tap or hold, and in both a slash is executed first.


In your proposal, one quick button press is a stab, then one hold button press before and after a set number of frames of is a slash...and then one hold press after a set number of frames is one automatic slash then the charge to spin. IMO, it's not easy to convey frame windows for certain mechanics in games unless you explicitly say so, and leaving the most basic action to timed presses. This sounds fair for an scenario where the player learns a more advanced ability, after hours have been spent into the game.


I'm not trying to say your input method is not appropriate or non-functional: in fact, there's probably more than one way to do this. But IMO, my directional input proposal doesn't only fit into this late game scenario, but also for a game scenario as early as the very beginning, since mixing directional buttons with other actions to obtain different feedback is so much more intuitive to convey (press forward and attack for forward attack) and likely to be found than figuring out a frame window. It's why 3D Zelda combat is the way it is (despite not having realized this potential mechanic until much later).


And regardless of that, the main point of my suggestion was to differentiate these two attacks from each other in terms of gameplay, while having both available at the same time.

#87 justin



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Posted 14 March 2015 - 11:20 PM

who says that whoever is using the script (if written) is making a zelda game?  and i fail to see how a quick press vs a slight hold to distinguish the two needs to be explained.  pretty sure the player will quickly figure this out just as fast as they'd figure out your directional method.  but as i said, once the framework of the script is written it is quite easy to change the input method to trigger it.


and with that, the script is actually written.  just actually trying to figure out how to correctly setup the items to make it work.  my initial attempt involved having both stab and slash swords the same level, but it doesn't seem to be working as intended.  a small rewrite to account for the different levels, and a bit more bug testing and hopefully i can submit it.  if i get it working, i'll include your key combination as well, so whoever might be using it can choose the method they like better.



edit:  that moment of "i'm a dumbass" after you rewrite the script that was probably already working but you didn't know it because you totally forgot to turn "slash" on in the first place...  script works.  just needs a bit of tweaking for spin attack. (which would have worked the first way i'd scripted it)

Edited by justin, 14 March 2015 - 11:45 PM.

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#88 Timelord


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 02:05 AM

Of the list of ideas tht I had in the winter, and now spring-ish seasons, was to make a quest entirely based on the (pseudo)-canon of the Valiant comics; if anyone remembers those. Really, read 'The Power/The Price' and you'll enjoy it


The basics: The game starts in a Z1 feel, rescuing Zeelda and the TF  of Wisdom, but instead of vanquishing Ganon, the game continues after rescuing Zelda (from the vast, interconnected 'underworld'), alternating between characters in which the lpayer either controls Link (starting with obtaining the TF  of Courage), and switching to Zelda, including chapters where you can shift one character for the other as desired. All of this leads to 'The Price', and adds some other things on after that, all while having Ganon as a recurring villain with dialogue throughout most of the game.


It's on my ideas list, but not likely something I'll do anytime in the near future, as AI'm too busy working to manage any time for my already-open projects.


Other ideas lists would be far too much to post at present, but may be in  my future docs for RPG.zh, andother libraries as additioonal lain-text files to describe the intent of varioous things...


P.S. I hope that you are all well, and going strong.

#89 Shane



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Posted 22 March 2015 - 04:51 AM

Some random minor ideas:

  • Traps can be destroyed like enemies with bombs and the hammer. They could be destroyed in Twilight Princess with a statue's hammer.
  • Having an Armos deactivate after a certain period of time or with the hit of a paralyzing item. If they are on a switch, the switch would activate.
  • Having only keys and small items be affected by the boomerang and hookshot. Anything like Heart Container Pieces and major items cannot be brought to you with such items.
  • A reverse hookshot that pushes you away. Combine that with the normal hookshot and you are sure to have some interesting puzzles. That or the magnet gloves, but these double shots are two items of their own.

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#90 justin



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Posted 22 March 2015 - 09:01 AM


Some random minor ideas:

  • Having an Armos deactivate after a certain period of time or with the hit of a paralyzing item. If they are on a switch, the switch would activate.


this is cool and probably not that hard to script.  maybe i'll do so...

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