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What Anime are You Watching?

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#76 LinktheMaster


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Posted 17 May 2013 - 06:57 AM

Getting into Steins;Gate now, up through the first six episodes. Enjoying it pretty well so far, it's funny, intelligent, and intriguing.

Nice!  Steins;Gate's really good.  It's honestly one of the best executed anime series (you'll see what I mean).


Anyway, I've been watching Suisei no Gargantia and Attack on Titan.

Oh, both of these are pretty good, and they're the only two series I'm watching this season.  Gargantia has a nice look into people adapting to new environments, and I think they handle a lot of that very realisticly (though I'm not sure how I feel about the two newest episodes).  Attack on Titan is just a really well done action anime that really does a fantastic job of portraying the brutality of what's going on.


I'm watching a bit of Jojo.  It's definitely interesting how they were really able to capture that 80s feel well.

#77 Russ


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Posted 17 May 2013 - 12:16 PM

Well, seeing as pretty much everybody I talk to is watching it, I started Steins;Gate... and I'm gonna be honest, I'm not liking it so far. The main character's great, but his female sidekick falls into every single annoying anime girl trope that drives me crazy, and while I really like the ideas they're going for with the plot, and making it intentionally confusing, it feels like it's handled kinda badly. Rather than make me more intruiged, it's just kinda making me disinterested.

#78 The Satellite

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 06:38 PM

Steins;Gate completed. Really enjoyed it, glad I gave it a shot.


Future anime plans were just probably gonna be attempting to watch through Gurren Lagann and Madoka Magica again, but I just learned that Steins;Gate was actually a sequel series to a series called Chaos;Head, though the premise seems like it's pretty self-contained and unrelated to Steins;Gate. It's only 12 episodes... anybody know anything about that? Worth watching?

#79 LinktheMaster


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 06:49 PM

Steins;Gate completed. Really enjoyed it, glad I gave it a shot.


Future anime plans were just probably gonna be attempting to watch through Gurren Lagann and Madoka Magica again, but I just learned that Steins;Gate was actually a sequel series to a series called Chaos;Head, though the premise seems like it's pretty self-contained and unrelated to Steins;Gate. It's only 12 episodes... anybody know anything about that? Worth watching?

I hear Chaos;Head is really bad.  There's another series, Robotics;Notes, and that one is supposed to be okay, but no where near as good as Steins;Gate.  There is the OVA of Steins;Gate (they go to America, so expect some more fun Engrish :blah: ) if you haven't seen that.  Just FYI, there's a movie coming out in a few months in Japan for Steins;Gate, so look forward to that!

#80 The Satellite

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 07:02 PM

Hrm... guess I'll avoid both, then. And yes, I watched the OVA before posting, it was a nice little after-story sort of thing.


Welp, Madoka and Gurren Lagann it is then.

#81 Mr. Z

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Posted 19 May 2013 - 03:00 AM

I hear Chaos;Head is really bad.  There's another series, Robotics;Notes, and that one is supposed to be okay, but no where near as good as Steins;Gate.  There is the OVA of Steins;Gate (they go to America, so expect some more fun Engrish :blah: ) if you haven't seen that.  Just FYI, there's a movie coming out in a few months in Japan for Steins;Gate, so look forward to that!


I didn't think Chaos;Head was bad, I really liked it. Those bad comments probably came from people who played the game and thought the anime was rushed (as usual when it's not an anime original)

#82 Arkhanno


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Posted 24 May 2013 - 07:19 AM

Well I was going to go watch some Dansai Bunri but then I stumbled on this topic.


Robotic;Notes was pretty good imo. It wasn't as good as Steins;Gate, but I really liked the story. I haven't seen Chaos;Head because everyone I've talked to that's seen it has told me to stay away from it. I might try it out when I get really bored one day to see if it's as bad as people say.


As for anime that I'm watching this season: Hunter X Hunter (2011), Shingeki no Kyojin, UtaPri2000% (Shut up, it makes me laugh a lot), Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge, and Devil Survivor 2: The Animation are what I'm watching. Suisei's synopsis didn't interest me, but I've heard it's pretty good from a few different places. I'll check out a few episodes later on to see if I like it. I'm still a little sad from all the amazing anime that ended last season. :(

#83 The Satellite

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Posted 26 May 2013 - 03:18 AM

I think Dan might be planning on watching Chaos;Head, and since I tend to trust his opinion on anime recommendations, I'll wait if he decides to and see what he thinks. If he doesn't watch it, well, I'll save it for a rainy day or something.


As for a right now, a friend of mine who's really big into Clannad got me to start watching it with her. Seven episodes in, so far. All I know about it is that it's pretty heartbreaking and sad and I was expecting it to pretty much be just one big romantic drama, but fortunately it's more than that, it's got good characters, funny situations, and is more than I expected it to be. And also confusing. It's early to give an opinion on it, but I don't really mind it so far. Not particularly a fan of the dubbing but I'll stick it out.


On the same token, I'm attempting to get her into Madoka, which doubles as an excuse for me to watch it again. And I'm picking up on things I missed the first time, which is always awesome. Might do the same for Steins;Gate, but that'll be sometime down the road. I have my eye on Gurren Lagann in the near-future too, but might watch it subbed this time; I've seen it three times through in the dub, and my version has dual-languages, so I think the sub's worth a shot.

#84 Dawnlight


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 07:08 AM

I just found a classic anime called Fruits Basket. I hope its nothing like School Rumble which I found to be a disgusting piece of garbage.

Edited by Dawnlight, 28 May 2013 - 07:12 AM.

#85 Orithan


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 02:27 AM

Finished Soul Eater. A ridiculous, well-executed anime that satirizes the flaws in each of the main characters (Black*Star's enormous ego, Death the Kid's complete obsession with symmetry). I'd say that it is a solid anime, but it does not deserve a position anywhere near shows like Death Note and Black Butler. Particularly because of it's pretty anticlimactic (and ridiculous, in a bad way) ending:



Just begun Fairy Tale. Up to episode 2.

Edited by Orin XD, 29 May 2013 - 02:27 AM.

#86 Dawnlight


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 06:12 AM

Finished Soul Eater. A ridiculous, well-executed anime that satirizes the flaws in each of the main characters (Black*Star's enormous ego, Death the Kid's complete obsession with symmetry). I'd say that it is a solid anime, but it does not deserve a position anywhere near shows like Death Note and Black Butler. Particularly because of it's pretty anticlimactic (and ridiculous, in a bad way) ending:



Just begun Fairy Tale. Up to episode 2.

My problem with Soul Eater's ending was how overly rushed it was. You defeat the bad guy and you're done. The epilogue was poorly executed and resorted to showing everything in the credits in one tiny little cut-in screen. I didn't have a problem with how "the character" defeated "the bad guy".


#87 Arkhanno


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 12:19 PM

I couldn't get into Fairy Tail or Soul Eater. I just don't like the art style. :(


One anime that I finally got around to watching recently is Kuroko no Basuke. I normally don't like sports anime, but the Generation of Miracles is just too strong: I had to watch it. I also rewatched all of Umineko and I picked up on a lot of stuff I missed the first time through. Both pretty good, although don't expect Umineko to be like Higurashi if you do watch it. It also doesn't cover all of the arcs, so you'll be left hanging after the 4th arc and have to go to the VN or the manga. Really, only watch Umineko if you're already into the series and want to see it animated.


I hear Fruits Basket is a good pick if you're into shoujo anime. Let me know if you stick with it or not.

#88 Tree


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 12:39 PM

I couldn't get into Fairy Tail or Soul Eater. I just don't like the art style. :(

The art style is beautiful...

#89 Dawnlight


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 06:21 PM

Watched the first episode of Fruits Basket. First impressions: I actually really like the feel of this anime. I was afraid it would be a disaster like School Rumble where it fails at being a humorous anime, but after the first episode, I immediately got hooked. And :sigh: yes Laura Bailey voices the main character Tohru. Don't get me wrong, she's an amazing voice actor, but she appeared in about 80% of all of my video games. I really want to see new English voiceovers like Cassandra Lee Morris and Micah Solusod.

#90 Dawnlight


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Posted 30 May 2013 - 10:35 PM

UPDATE: I watched 4 episodes of Fruits Basket and so far, I absolutely love it! I especially love how the story gives us a closer background of all the characters without using generic cliches. And this anime is actually funny. Tohru is such an airhead that its funny.


And also, I found a deal for Death Note on Amazon. $19 for the first half and $25 for the second half on DVD. You think that's a great deal to worth taking a plunge for Death Note? I never watched it and apparently its one of the best animes of all time. NO PIRACY!!!!!!

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