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Hyrule Warriors

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#61 Jared



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 07:14 PM

There's a difference between expressing your opinions and just bashing everything about the game and putting other people down.

Edited by Jared, 18 December 2013 - 07:14 PM.

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#62 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 07:15 PM

Opinions are overrated. Unless they are mine.

Edit: btw. this was a joke! *hides*

Edited by NewJourneysFire, 18 December 2013 - 08:32 PM.

#63 Air Luigi

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 07:27 PM

Sorry Jared, but I don't impose my opinion to anyone, and If I don't like this game, I will have the right to complain about it. Do you like the game? Perfect. I don't care. For me it's pretty clear that this game is trash, is clear like water. You don't have to care about my opinion, is that easy.

Your attitude isn't the way to go.

Edited by Air Luigi, 18 December 2013 - 07:28 PM.

#64 Aevin


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Posted 18 December 2013 - 07:28 PM

We understand that you do not like the game. But you don't need to keep on making everyone else feel bad about liking it because you keep pushing down on what the game features and what it is like. Just stop posting your negativity.

Okay, this is the thing that gets me. Why on earth does ME not liking the game make YOU feel bad? Edit: Cutting some of this out to stay on topic and because Koh pretty much said what I said better.


I agree with AirLuigi. The movements and the idea of Link mowing down foes like grass just feels wrong to me. It's a problem I've had with Dynasty Warriors in the past. Tons of enemies just sort of milling about, waiting to be attacked, because if they all attacked in a realistic way it would be overwhelming to the player. Dynasty Warriors is about playing characters who feel like gods because of how much stronger they are than the masses, and it just feels weird with Link in that role.

Edited by Aevin, 18 December 2013 - 08:13 PM.

#65 thepsynergist



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 07:29 PM

For people that don't feel as though this game feels very zelda, you have to remember its just a spin off title that's not even being made by Nintendo.  I'd rather give it a chance, than to discount the idea entirely after seeing one trailer.  I can see where people are coming from as well though, hoping that the first Zelda title for Nintendo's new home console would have been a core title, rather than a spinoff.

#66 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 07:42 PM

I think the argument speaks for itself.

I remember when the staff kept telling me to show tact. This forum unlike other message forums online have a lot of value in tact.

In other words, the old saying our mommies once said "if you got nothing good to say, say nothing at all". But more accurately, it is encouraged in these forums to be tactful when expressing frustrations and complaints.

Blunt honest simply doesn't cooperate here.

That's what the forum members who speak "what about free speech" doesn't get. It is kind of a rule to show tact? (Note I said kinda). Any thread emotionally fumed with the blunt honest truth (opinion) tends to escalate into flame wars quite like where this thread is starting to go.

I'd suggest some time to cool off.

Also, if I recall, debates is a difficult subject as well here at PureZC because of how debates tend to escalate. While I like a good debate, I think this thread has indeed now gone out of hand.

Edited by NewJourneysFire, 18 December 2013 - 07:45 PM.

#67 Shane



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 08:12 PM

Okay maybe I should edit that in the OP. This isn't canon. This is a spin off just like Link in Smash Bros being a spin off rather than canon.


Also Anime fans can appreciate Link being bad ass. This isn't Hyrule Farmville. It's Hyrule Warrirors and for a hack and slash game, generic attacks would make this boring.

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#68 Koh


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Posted 18 December 2013 - 08:25 PM

What about Hyrule Puyo Puyo.  Now THAT'S a bandwagon we can all jump on =3.

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#69 NoeL



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 09:04 PM

Well, considering I just bought a Wii U and am eagerly awaiting my copy of Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper to come in the mail, I'm... not as excited by this as I should be?

I LOVE Zelda, I LOVE Koei games (Dynasty Warriors in particular), but the best thing about those games was the character rosters (I think Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper has over 100 playable characters). Since they're all based on real people each character has their own backstory and military campaign. If this game is just Link it's going to get old REALLY fast, but hopefully it's just too early in development to show any more. The problem with Zelda is that there just isn't enough fleshed-out characters to fill a roster, and Zelda's dynamic art style means they can't easily pull characters from other games (can you imagine Tetra appearing in that environment? Unless she was completely remodeled to look like a human child it's not going to work, and if they did that it'd destroy her character). Besides Link, Ganondorf and Zelda, who do we have?

Oh, and Skyward Sword bokoblins are ugly as shit and don't fit the aesthetic.

(and is it just me or does the ground look really wet? That grass is so vibrant!)

Either way, definitely looking forward to see how this develops. Didn't look quite ready for a reveal though.
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#70 Omega



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 09:15 PM

Well hey, don't like it, don't play it. That's the beauty of third-party spinoffs. The people who love this stuff get to enjoy it, while Nintendo spends their time working on the actual main-series games for you. It's basically a win-win situation. Not sure why everybody's so negative about it; does a non-canon third-party game really have to be that big of a deal?

This post sums it up, there's no need to act like this is what Nintendo is giving you instead of the type of game you expect(story, exploring, etc). There's a term called don't sweat the small shit, it's a useful thing to remember folks. In this case, don't sweat the small shit.

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#71 Omega



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 09:31 PM

Also, even if you don't like the video, calling the game trash is idiotic. For one you've not even tried it yet, and for two it doesn't look that bad, the main gripe from people is combat only. Hardly a reason to call it trash. You sure have some taste in video games.

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#72 Shane



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 09:33 PM

You know Nintendo doesn't have magic, right? It's like people assume Nintendo has this bag of magic powder and they throw onto their games so that makes their games better. But other companies with their hands on their concepts are hated and despised.


Read: Super Smash Bros is a Zelda spinoff by Nintendo that isn't hated for not having the magic.


And it's not like Zelda U was going to be flawless. I know there would be a few who would complain regardless... :rolleyes:

Edited by Shane, 18 December 2013 - 09:35 PM.

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#73 NoeL



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 09:35 PM

Actually, if they kept if based solely on OoT lore but stylised the crap out of it by beefing up the size/detail of the environments to more realistic proportions and giving the different races their own armies and original officers... it could be fucking awesome. Have the factions as Hylians (led by Zelda, with Link as a high-ranking officer), Gorons (Darunia), Zoras (King Zora), Gerudo (Nabooru) and "monsters" (Ganondorf). Each faction would have a smaller roster than Wei/Wu/Shu but there would be alliances between groups in all the major large-scale battles (have the Gerudo's side with Ganondorf for the final showdown against the other three). You could even have "pre-Triforce" era battles without Link, Zelda or Ruto - back when Hyrule still had a king and Ganondorf was leader of the Gerudos. Kind of like how Wu's leader switches from Sun Jian to Sun Ce to Sun Quan over the course of their story.

There's actually enough depth in OoT alone to flesh it out into a full scale epic - especially during the years of Ganon's invasion that goes totally unwitnessed in the game (just a shame these will probably go untouched because you couldn't stick Link in there). The more I think about it the more I'm hyped to see what they do with it, but I just know I'll be let down if I get my hopes up too much. I'm betting they go the route of fan service and pull characters from all over the Zelda timeline, just because. It'll be a damn shame too.
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#74 Shane



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 09:40 PM

They could do a lot with the storyline: The Hylian Civil War or the Dark Interloper war or even Demise's Invasion. Who knows?


Even a game centered on the Sheikah could work.


Also the whole "hey I can disagree with your hype, but don't disagree with my complaints" attitude in here astounds me. Because God forbids everyone to look forward to stuff that you don't like. People seriously wanted this. They have voices that are no more or less deserving to be heard like yours, so let them be heard. There are people who are going to love slash and hack. There are people who going to like Anime. There are people who are going to like spinoffs. Because you don't like them, doesn't mean Nintendo is going factually downhill. Yeesh.

Edited by Shane, 18 December 2013 - 10:07 PM.

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#75 Octorockoncrack


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Posted 18 December 2013 - 10:17 PM

I'm along the same lines as NoeL, this could be really, really good. But it has the same chance of coming out really bad. If they do end up making the game so you can choose from an array of characters, I will be more than happy, but I would still be just fine with playing as Link the whole way through (though the game wouldn't be nearly as re-playable). I'm finally seeing a game where Link acts like the hero he should be. The closest we've gotten so far is probably Link being charged by the army of bokogoblins near the end of SS. 


My opinion, is that this looks epic as all hell, but perhaps I'm just easy to please. I loved seeing Link fight that Lizalfos like a total boss haha.


But seriously, I feel like games in general are too competitive now-a-days. Everything seems to be set with a certain standard that's just too high for most games. But, that's just me thinking aloud. In short, I really hope this game turns out well, and I'll definitely keep my eye on it.

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