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The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

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#61 Hoff123


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Posted 19 April 2013 - 01:25 AM

QUOTE(Aevin @ Apr 19 2013, 08:18 AM) View Post

Hmm ... Looking at this, I'm starting to get concerned they're going to make things too similar. This place looks like the Tower of Hera. It had the same music as the ToH. And the same boss. And the same boss music. If it isn't the tower, then it might as well be. And if it IS the tower, then I wonder if these "all new dungeons" are really the same locations with different layouts. In a new game, I want to visit new places, and I'm starting to fear the whole project is based in nostalgia without very much new to offer. It looks and sounds great, don't get me wrong ... But the point seems to be "look how much this looks like Lttp!" and not "We're making something new and fantastic because we're inspired!"

Maybe they thought: "If we make something new, it will take years, and fans will complain, but what if we take an old game and 'remake' it with updated music(though still same songs lol) and graphics and slightly changed dungeons, then people will love it, because they loved the original?"

Yeah, I'm both positive and negative about this game. I'm just saying what I feel icon_smile.gif.

EDIT Oh, and this: http://gengame.net/2...se-for-comfort/ It seems they LITERALLY meant the same overworld icon_smile.gif.

Edited by Hoff123, 19 April 2013 - 01:28 AM.

#62 Sheik



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Posted 19 April 2013 - 01:34 AM

This could be fun exactly because it is so close to the original. And I disagree with the idea that a game needs a long development period to be a quality game. All it needs are high standards (Nintendo has proven to have these, at least) and dedication (which Nintendo seemed to lack with previous remakes, but this is bringing a 2D world into three dimensions, so I will give them that).

#63 Nicholas Steel

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Posted 19 April 2013 - 01:47 AM

How are the dungeons slightly different to there LttP counterpart?

#64 Shane



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Posted 19 April 2013 - 02:01 AM

ToH was completely redesigned but still kept some elements (red/blue blocks, moldroms, boss).

Edited by Shane, 19 April 2013 - 02:36 AM.

#65 Hoff123


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Posted 19 April 2013 - 02:32 AM

Eh, I was just thinking of what Aevin was saying earlier...

#66 Shane



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Posted 19 April 2013 - 02:42 AM

Well, honestly, I don't see how Nintendo is just doing this for nostalgia's sake. I mean, sure, the base of the game is most likely going to be from aLttP but I'm pretty sure most of that stuff seen inside the dungeon wasn't from straight out of aLttP. I mean if you're going to have a sequel you can't just restructure the whole world. "Where's the tower from the prequel?" "Oh, we changed it because it was too similar to aLttP." "So the Hylians broke the fourth wall? Lovely."

But yeah, I'm a little afraid the overworld will be too similar though. But judging from the demo, there should be a ton of new elements.

Edited by Shane, 19 April 2013 - 02:56 AM.

#67 Aevin


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Posted 19 April 2013 - 03:59 AM

Well, I think there are plenty of in-game reasons to have new places to go. Maybe the world is larger, and there are new things on the outskirts to explore. Maybe time has caused some cliff sides to weaken, and cave-ins and such have revealed new caves while closing others. Maybe this game's "dark world" is a new dimension entirely with new places to go.

All I'm saying is that if they want to remake LttP, that's one thing, but if it's a sequel I hope it won't be just more of the same. And for me, that should extend not just to gameplay or rearrangements of previous dungeons, but new experiences entirely. I think the best game would be a balance of new and old, and I worry they're erring on the side of the old. Of course, we've seen only one dungeon and little pieces of an overworld, so who knows?

Edited by Aevin, 19 April 2013 - 04:00 AM.

#68 The Satellite

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Posted 19 April 2013 - 04:13 AM

There's no guarantee the entire overworld is the same as it was in ALttP just based on that one screenshot. And even then it's not perfectly identical. Practically though. It might have some minor adjustments made to it to make it feel a bit new and different. I personally have mixed feelings about overworld recycling, but honestly I think it's fine. I mean, it's the first time we've seen the same geography return in a future game, Zelda II notwithstanding (which dwarfed the Z1 overworld and focused more on the new one so it barely counts). Plus considering ALttP is practically my childhood, seeing it in a completely updated form will be a wonderful experience; I'm sure many felt the same about Ocarina of Time 3D. Only, unlike OoT3D, we get a revamped familiar overworld but with a whole new story and dungeons, so it's a step up. I'm curious to see how they'll treat the overworld in this sequel, but it's too early to tell. Once more info's out, we should have a clearer vision of what to expect.

Also the music, now that I've heard it in direct feed, is even more glorious than I previously thought.

#69 NoeL



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Posted 19 April 2013 - 04:54 AM

QUOTE(Aevin @ Apr 19 2013, 12:18 AM) View Post

Hmm ... Looking at this, I'm starting to get concerned they're going to make things too similar. This place looks like the Tower of Hera. It had the same music as the ToH. And the same boss. And the same boss music. If it isn't the tower, then it might as well be. And if it IS the tower, then I wonder if these "all new dungeons" are really the same locations with different layouts. In a new game, I want to visit new places, and I'm starting to fear the whole project is based in nostalgia without very much new to offer. It looks and sounds great, don't get me wrong ... But the point seems to be "look how much this looks like Lttp!" and not "We're making something new and fantastic because we're inspired!"

Well Reggie did say it was set in the same universe, so we should expect to see common areas - just like how a corner of Zelda 2's map had the entire Zelda 1 overworld in it, or how Spiral Mountain exists in both (or all three, if you count Nuts and Bolts) Banjo games. I think that could work, where LttP's overworld is a smaller part of a larger overworld, or even just shares some overlap with the new place. If it's the SAME place and you go to all the SAME dungeons... eh.

EDIT: What TS said. icon_razz.gif

Edited by NoeL, 19 April 2013 - 04:55 AM.

#70 Anthus


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Posted 19 April 2013 - 01:26 PM

I love the way this is looking. The airbrushed texture look on the mountain borders will prolly be changed, as that does lookd kinda WIP. I think this video (excuse the annoying blurbs, the map is what's important) shows how the mountains could be done a little better, but it is hard to turn something like those tiled 2D mountains into actual 3D geometry on some parts. I would like to see the water, but maybe Nintendo didn't rip those tiles yet. It looks leaps and bounds better than the garbage that was PH/ ST, and since the action takes place on the bigger, top screen there will most likely be no awful touch controls icon_biggrin.gif

I suspect that some of the jaggies, and shadows will be smoothed over come release, cause we must remember, this game is not going to be done for another 8 months, and it is a WIP after all.

I am incredibly excited about this game, and I am sooo glad they moved ahead with this before a MM remake. Not that a MM remake would be bad, but we already got OoT3D, so it would seem a little redundant. I wonder if they will include a darkworld as well. The ability to turn into a drawing actually doesn't looks that bad. It reminds me in a way, or the side scrolling areas in the GB games.

I have a good feeling about this game, cause if they are seriously sticking to the LttP formula as a base, I think it'd be hard to screw it up (unless they force gimmicky controls on you D:).

EDIT: Anyone else notice that the buzzblobs now act like Chu-Chus though? Hm.

Edited by Anthus, 19 April 2013 - 01:28 PM.

#71 Lightwulf



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Posted 19 April 2013 - 05:30 PM

I don't know. I think electrified buzzblobs were quite annoying that way. It may be an improvement.
Heck, maybe they're intending to make them like Chu Chus to kind of tie the games together. OoT, MM, and even TP (though named slightly differently; maybe in other Zelda games I haven't played yet) are set in times prior to ALttP, but ALttP was released before all those other games. Doesn't it make sense to include some kind of continuity with those games now that they're remaking this one?

Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if the story changes will help syncronize the story inconsistencies that caused everyone to break Hyrule's timeline into 3 different timelines (see Legend of Zelda Timeline for complete details). I read somewhere that Nintendo (or someone in Nintendo) said that there is a single timeline, so maybe they're altering the storyline of ALttP to unite the overall storyline.
Again, this is a maybe. Don't take this as doctrine; I'm not on the development team or anything! icon_heh.gif

Anyway, I think this looks great! Yeah, I grew up with the gaming systems (lucky me, huh?) and I remember being excited when ALttP had been announced for the then-new Super Nintendo. I know it'll be nostalgia for me! icon_biggrin.gif

Unfortunately, I can't afford video games, nor do I have much time for them in the first place. icon_sorry.gif I'm just lucky to have won a Wii system a few years ago and to have gotten TP for Christmas a couple of years ago.
I've tried the 3DS in the stores, though. Pretty tight! icon_smile.gif I love how you can manually change the depth of view! If you have one, you must be having fun with it.
Sooooo, I'm probably going to miss the time when this game comes out, too. icon_frown.gif Oh well.

BTW, the heiroglyph-thing reminds me of Paper Mario. It also reminds me of the dream scene in that 1998 movie called "The Prince of Egypt" where the main character and his dream are all hieroglyph-style and on a wall even though they're moving. You even see some people hiding on the other side of a column that sticks out from a corner of the wall!
Anyway, I just wonder what item makes Link do this, or if it's an ability granted to him or something like that. Or, like in Paper Mario, it could be an ability he is "cursed" with!

#72 Anthus


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Posted 19 April 2013 - 10:36 PM

QUOTE(Lightwulf @ Apr 19 2013, 06:30 PM) View Post

I don't know. I think electrified buzzblobs were quite annoying that way. It may be an improvement.
Heck, maybe they're intending to make them like Chu Chus to kind of tie the games together. OoT, MM, and even TP (though named slightly differently; maybe in other Zelda games I haven't played yet) are set in times prior to ALttP, but ALttP was released before all those other games. Doesn't it make sense to include some kind of continuity with those games now that they're remaking this one?

Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if the story changes will help syncronize the story inconsistencies that caused everyone to break Hyrule's timeline into 3 different timelines (see Legend of Zelda Timeline for complete details). I read somewhere that Nintendo (or someone in Nintendo) said that there is a single timeline, so maybe they're altering the storyline of ALttP to unite the overall storyline.
Again, this is a maybe. Don't take this as doctrine; I'm not on the development team or anything! icon_heh.gif

Anyway, I just wonder what item makes Link do this, or if it's an ability granted to him or something like that. Or, like in Paper Mario, it could be an ability he is "cursed" with!

I actually hated BuzzBlobs too (but for some reason, spent time bringing them into ZC), so I don't mind it. It was more of something I noticed.

This crossed my mind too, and it would make sense in a way, but I don't think they'd do that since they just put out an 'official' timeline that incorporates the current ALttP story. I bet it will take place after the Oracle games or something, like if/ when Link comes back to Hyrule. I'm pretty interested to see where the story goes. It would also be interesting if it was a prequel leading up to ALttP, and possibly explores Link's relationship with his uncle/ other friends or whatever, since they seem to be giving Link more elaborate back stories lately, which I like.

In the video of the demo on this page, it looks like A is an 'action button' that allows you to "Merge" and "Exit" walls. But I also wonder what gives him the ability to do so (besides being a video game character and all that).

As far as the overworld, I wonder if it will be contiguous like it was in AlttP, and OoT, or if they will take a more modern hubworld type area that connects disjointed areas of the ALttP world, plus new ones.

#73 Russ


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Posted 19 April 2013 - 10:38 PM

QUOTE(Anthus @ Apr 19 2013, 08:36 PM) View Post

I bet it will take place after the Oracle games or something, like if/ when Link comes back to Hyrule.

Except Hyrule Historia said that Link never made it back to Hyrule. The next Link to ever come back to Hyrule was the Link from the first two games, who's LttP Link's descendent.

#74 The Satellite

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Posted 19 April 2013 - 10:45 PM

QUOTE(Anthus @ Apr 19 2013, 11:36 PM) View Post
As far as the overworld, I wonder if it will be contiguous like it was in AlttP, and OoT, or if they will take a more modern hubworld type area that connects disjointed areas of the ALttP world, plus new ones.

Hopefully contiguous, I don't like the hub world idea that Skyward Sword gave us. Well, I won't like it if it becomes the standard; I was quite fine with it in SS itself, but I don't want it to be a repeat venture. I don't mind if, say, we have to open sections of the overworld first, like Twilight Princess did, but Twilight Princess was huge, and ALttP's overworld was much smaller, so maybe that doesn't really hold as good a thought as before. So... hoping the entire thing is open from the start, minus the small sections you need equipment to open (gloves, flippers, etc.).

#75 Koh


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Posted 19 April 2013 - 11:10 PM

Yes, we don't need any extreme linear bullshit in this. Pokemon Black and White, and Black and White 2 has pretty much been the epitome of linearity this generation, and I don't think we need any more.

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