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Screenshot of the Week 338

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#61 William



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Posted 27 September 2011 - 09:10 PM

QUOTE(Ebola Zaire @ Sep 27 2011, 08:56 PM) View Post

He wasn't warned for the first post.

I actually wasn't referring to what you said, but rather what Shane had said.

#62 Colin


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Posted 27 September 2011 - 09:43 PM

I don't want to attack the character of anyone specific. If it's funny to the 20+ people who vote for Rover's screen and use that as their criteria then so be it, but this is how I feel about this situation.

Perhaps I'm out of touch with this community, but I don't see how Rover's shot is funny in any way. Avant-garde? ... perhaps a cheap gimmick.

What I see is 4 solidly designed shots with some good concepts on display losing to what is seemingly a joke.

I've seen "avant-garde" screens in the past, but what they brought was a new experience, new possibilities and were influential in future screen design.

If Rover's screen is the way of the future, perhaps I ought to submit a screen next week consisting of purely dirt tiles... or Zelda sprites... or maybe a mixture of sprites, I'll add my own twist to it -- if it isn't the way of the future, perhaps SotW really is just mostly a popularity contest now. Maybe it has always been, though, and I have just overlooked the fact.


My critiques:

Rover: One repeated tile does not a well designed screen make. I'm sure you knew that, and it is pretty gutsy to submit something like this. But my criteria on voting is based on functionality as a screen as well as general aesthetics. I see none of either. Unless Link's well muscled heroicness is something of general aesthetics, then I suppose this is the best screen ever crafted.

Jared: Now, it's a well designed screen, and I like the fact that the real MC trees are in it. The tones are nice and earthy, but perhaps a spot of color such as red flowers here and there will improve design. Enemies also tend to make screens, at least for me, much more compelling; if I am taking the screen out of context and this isn't an area where enemies make sense, then disregard. I like to also see points of interests in screen shots rather than a random shot in the overworld that looks pretty. Overall, it's good, keep up the good work.

Lightwulf: The action going on in this screen is a plus. The effort to make it look beat up and battered by adding webs and dark spots is good. The custom chest of drawers is decent, but I'd take a look at the cabinet graphics from LttP and SD3 to take a styling reference. A change in palette to something with dark red overtones may give you that burned up appearance you're looking for. Also, perfectly rectangular rooms with little to no wall decorations tend to be a bit boring. Do not forget wall decorations, they will greatly enhance your screen.

Twilight_Knight: -vote here- The design is solid and I like the good effort put in to implement those Pokemon mountains. Perhaps the fence tiles don't match the style too well, or at least they don't seem to in this case. The specks of grey and gold give some nice coloring to the shot. I don't really know what those "things" are that look like enemies, there's one blocking Nargad's way. Perhaps in action it would be more clear. Either way, it's good, and the efforts to make a more unique style are what gained my vote. Also, refer to some of the critiques I gave to Jared, as many apply here too.

linktopower: I was torn between this and TK's shot. This shot is really interesting, something I haven't really seen before. In design, perhaps the only thing I can say is that you have a huge blank wall encompassing most of the screen, if you were to capitalize on that space with some detail, something cool... even if it were just two columns from floor to ceiling and a big window between maybe, the shot would have gained my vote.

#63 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 28 September 2011 - 12:17 AM

Rover this week. By far the best shot, in fact the best SotW shot we've had in five years in my opinion. Can't wait to see the sequel! icon_thumbsup.gif

#64 Geoffrey


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Posted 28 September 2011 - 12:27 AM

I've already expressed my opinions on Rover's shot. However, I'm still curious as to why people voted for it. I'm not looking for just reasons, but also explanations for each reason.

QUOTE(William @ Sep 27 2011, 08:27 PM) View Post
My vote went to Rover strictly because he's my friend. Fair? Sure.

No. In my opinion: immoral. This is (to my knowledge) intended to be a contest of skill, not social status.

#65 Moosh


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Posted 28 September 2011 - 12:35 AM

QUOTE(Ornlu @ Sep 27 2011, 11:27 PM) View Post

No. In my opinion: immoral. This is (to my knowledge) intended to be a contest of skill, not social status.

That's how it's supposed to work, but it doesn't always work that way when you know your friend made the screen. This is once again why I liked the anonymous SotW idea. I believe some people are voting for Rover's shot because of these existing flaws. This won't be the first time a screen that is clearly inferior to the rest design wise wins.

#66 Shane



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Posted 28 September 2011 - 12:48 AM

I want to say my opinion is equal as anyone elses. Two clicks of a button does not make you/me crazy or immature or deserved to get an opinion against yours/mine. Of course, anyone can disagree with my opinion but they cannot tell me to change the overall thing. My $0.02.

Of course, I like TK's, Jared's, LinktoPower's shots but votes don't compare how awesome and well designed they are. I was torn between all three believe me, I loved every single detail plopped how can I not like it? I thought instead of pressing null I'll vote for Rover for fun (and it caught my too (with the exception of TK's Jared's and LTP's) so why not?) since I was gonna null in the first place I was that tied up.

Edited by Shane, 29 September 2011 - 11:13 AM.

#67 Radien



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Posted 28 September 2011 - 05:55 AM

While I do think that joke shots are not really all that great, I think the main problem here is that far too many members on PureZC are unable to take a joke. Everybody: lighten up. Just because you hold an opinion on something doesn't mean you have to defend it to the death. I'd rather a joke shot didn't win SotW, but if it does, it really isn't that big of a deal. I mean, sheesh...

#68 Dawnlight


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Posted 28 September 2011 - 06:10 AM

And I would like to point out one misinterpretation about SotW. It's called "Screenshot" of the Week, not "Most Detailed Screenshot" of the Week.

#69 Moosh


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Posted 28 September 2011 - 07:18 AM

QUOTE(Dawnlight @ Sep 28 2011, 05:10 AM) View Post

And I would like to point out one misinterpretation about SotW. It's called "Screenshot" of the Week, not "Most Detailed Screenshot" of the Week.

THIS! So much this! QFT and sigmatured.

#70 Avaro



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Posted 28 September 2011 - 10:05 AM

Rover - It's a really cool screen. I like the detail, it's a cool sprite.... Of course i didnt vote for it.
Jared - Great, as always! I mean, the palette looks relaxing and I like the MC tiles.
Lightwulf - I like the detail and your tiles, even though it looks so cluttered. I hope you release your quest in the near future, because it's level 8 already. Voted
Twilight_Knight - Yeah, that looks nice! These moutain tiles are so awesome! Great overworld screen.
And Linktopower - The boss looks cool. There aren't so much sideview quests, so I think it's good.

Edited by Avataro, 28 September 2011 - 10:06 AM.

#71 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 28 September 2011 - 10:06 AM

QUOTE(Radien @ Sep 28 2011, 12:55 PM) View Post
While I do think that joke shots are not really all that great, I think the main problem here is that far too many members on PureZC are unable to take a joke. Everybody: lighten up. Just because you hold an opinion on something doesn't mean you have to defend it to the death. I'd rather a joke shot didn't win SotW, but if it does, it really isn't that big of a deal. I mean, sheesh...

Seriously guys, he has got one hell of a point. Jokes are supposed to be funny, not make people mad. If you didn't find this one funny, that's okay, but whining about it for five pages only makes you look bad, and not everybody else. Keep that in mind.

Also, I know, this discussion's been going on far too long, but I haven't really had a chance to say anything due to not being home, so there's my little contribution. Do not take this post as an invitation to start discussing further, I will neither reply nor read possible comments, unless you send me a PM in which case I'll be happy to reply.

#72 Sheik



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Posted 28 September 2011 - 10:32 AM

Perhaps I'm out of touch with this community, but I don't see how Rover's shot is funny in any way. Avant-garde? ... perhaps a cheap gimmick.
I've seen "avant-garde" screens in the past, but what they brought was a new experience, new possibilities and were influential in future screen design.

No you don't understand what avantgarde art is than. The point of avantgarde is not being innovative, the point simply is breaking with the (civic/middle-class) norms and definitions of art and ideas of aesthetics and thusly be new and shocking in a way. Avantgarde sorta died after The White Canvas (art), the silence of the instruments (music) and Dadaism (literature, esp. poetry).
Rover's screen might not have been intented to be avantgarde, but it became avantgarde (by my subtle judgement) when about 40% of the community decided to support Rover's screen and by that not only is Rover breaking the rules of the art of screendesign but the community itself is breaking the norms of this very contest. It's irritating a large number of members and by that these very members also make it avantgarde (because without them letting hell break loose it would not fulfill the "purpose" of avantgarde). Avantgarde at it's best. Eventhough the screen might never have been ment to be avantgarde in the first place.

Edited by Sheik91, 28 September 2011 - 10:35 AM.

#73 Master Maniac

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Posted 28 September 2011 - 10:37 AM

Voted for Twilight Knight. Looks like a Pokemon style screen. Might have something to do with the pokemon mountains...

#74 Colin


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Posted 28 September 2011 - 11:07 AM

QUOTE(Sheik91 @ Sep 28 2011, 09:32 AM) View Post

No you don't understand what avantgarde art is than. The point of avantgarde is not being innovative, the point simply is breaking with the (civic/middle-class) norms and definitions of art and ideas of aesthetics and thusly be new and shocking in a way. Avantgarde sorta died after The White Canvas (art), the silence of the instruments (music) and Dadaism (literature, esp. poetry).
Rover's screen might not have been intented to be avantgarde, but it became avantgarde (by my subtle judgement) when about 40% of the community decided to support Rover's screen and by that not only is Rover breaking the rules of the art of screendesign but the community itself is breaking the norms of this very contest. It's irritating a large number of members and by that these very members also make it avantgarde (because without them letting hell break loose it would not fulfill the "purpose" of avantgarde). Avantgarde at it's best. Eventhough the screen might never have been ment to be avantgarde in the first place.

Hm, I suppose you're right. But that still doesn't change the fact that I'm not impressed. Perplexed? Yes. It still seems more like a cheap gimmick to me which I guess can turn something to Avant-garde depending on the circumstances.

I'd prefer to see something that can be influential in future design in a more progressive way, however. Unless I'm blind and Rover's screen really can start a new trend of screen design.

To each his own. Have fun, I think that is the most important rule of SotW anyway.

#75 Moonbread


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Posted 28 September 2011 - 12:54 PM

Regardless of everything or anything, it is Screenshot of the WEEK. Just wait for next Sunday. It's not like Alison kept posting John Wilkes Booth every week thereafter.

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