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Teen sex, what do you think?

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#31 Mowzr



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Posted 25 June 2005 - 01:39 AM

Very good point, Jaivaz.. I can agree with the whole condom thing. I see nothing wrong with getting your son condoms for his birthday, I think it's a pretty damn good idea, acctually..

#32 Daniel


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Posted 25 June 2005 - 07:37 AM

Yes it is a good idea, or another idea is oral sex, it is much more popular now than it used to be for obvious reasons. And condoms it is cheaper to just pull your cock out before you cum. But a condom would be nessicary if your on a bed and your parents don't know you don't want to risk "wetting" icon_lol.gif the bed. I have heard that all members of the primate family masturbate and my dog has problems licking himself which is disgusting.

#33 Jaivaz


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Posted 25 June 2005 - 08:14 AM

There is enough sperm in "pre-cum" to cause pregnancy so coitus interruptus will not work. And as for non-human animals masturbating, as I've said earlier, all animals masturbate. And dogs do that to clean themselves. You'd be surprised by the fact that their penises are cleaner because of that. And speaking of clean.. you know how everyone thinks feet are dirty and nasty?.. Well, your mouth is dirtier. No matter what, your mouth will always be dirtier than your feet. You can take monthly baths but still your feet will be clean compared to your mouth.

#34 Mariogirl



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Posted 25 June 2005 - 12:06 PM

Im definetly against teen sex...that is if im involved...if i have nothing to do with it, i dont care!

#35 Sprotret


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Posted 25 June 2005 - 12:08 PM

I think teen sex is wrong there still to young.

#36 Anthus


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Posted 25 June 2005 - 01:40 PM

There are a lot of different opinions here...


First of all... age... who is to say that when you turn 21, or 18 or whatever depenidng on what state youl live in, you are magically mature enough to have sex? That is just stupid. If two people love each other and make a commitment, regardless of age, they should be alowed to have sex. You can say "Oh, they're not mature anough to understand love..." So? That is true, but it is still there choice, their bodies, and their future, so let them **** it up if they want to.

I would like to have a little more hope for the American teen, and assume that they will be smart, and use some form of birth controll... Even if they don't work, you need to be mature enough regardless of age to take on the responsiblity, and you know what? If you don't want the kid, you can have it removed for $300, or put it up for a closed addoption... That is what I would do anyway... If I love somebody enough, I would have to prove it and not leave them... Instead I would get rid of the kid... **** it, if I'm not ready, it won't have a good future with me, so I would "give" it to somebody that could provide agood future for it... And if they want to keep the kid, they can keep the kid...

I would use a condon anyway. Unfortuantly, there are a lot of hypocrits... They will tell you that it is wrong, but they will give you a condom... They will tell kids that it wrong, but they will create the illusion thats it is bad, but that it is also required... unfortuanantly, people actually buy this crap, and then there are more idiots spreading this...

On an emotional level, it is something special that should be shared, yeah I can relate to this, but who has the right to decide what is the right age... No answer? Exactly! The government has no right to tell me what age is mature enough, and what age isn't! If I was feeling really brave I'd take my girlfriend (though I don't have one...) and **** her right there on capital hill! That would be a worth the underage "misdomenor"... ... believe me my friend... very well worth it...

Also, who gets the right to say that sex with the same sex and sex with more than one person (at the same time) is wrong? Exactly! We need sexual release, and yeah you can go beat off, but we need something real...

So, I'm going to "hell" for what I believe?! Well my friend if such a place exists, it will be a haven for the smart people, and I'll be sure to send you all a postcard from hell!

Edited by Tobias Daboi, 25 June 2005 - 01:41 PM.

#37 Mowzr



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Posted 25 June 2005 - 01:50 PM

Did someone say sex with the same sex was wrong? Kill them.

You cannot give a law to lovers. It's not limited to color or gender. Don't get me started on this subject, because it really infuriates me.

If you're going to say a homosexual is going to burn in hell, then you're just as bad as you consider him/her to be. I was told at a friend's dad's FUNERAL that I was going to BURN IN HELL. The kid, being 15, told me it RIGHT OUTSIDE the funeral home as they were carrying the casket out. I just couldn't believe he claims to be such a damn up-high christian and would tell someone they're going to burn in hell in a damn funeral home.

Edited by Mowzr, 25 June 2005 - 01:51 PM.

#38 Anthus


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Posted 25 June 2005 - 02:06 PM

I agree with you Mowzr...

You can't controll who people are natrualy attracted to..

DISCLAIMER: I am not attemting to start a reloigious debate, I am using this example to make a point!

Most of the politicians are christians... most true christians believe that gay is wrong, its a sin blah blah blah... That is why they try to make these laws of love as you said... Its stupid... I don't think you're religion should affect your political beliefes at all... After all isn't this country suppose to be all about freedom, of happyness, and religion? Also, our country is ran by the constitution of America, not the bibble...

Thats a good one... freedom of religion... HA HA!!!

Edited by Tobias Daboi, 25 June 2005 - 02:07 PM.

#39 Aaron


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Posted 25 June 2005 - 02:41 PM

QUOTE(Tobias Daboi @ Jun 25 2005, 11:06 AM)
I agree with you Mowzr...

You can't controll who people are natrualy attracted to..

DISCLAIMER: I am not attemting to start a reloigious debate, I am using this example to make a point!

Most of the politicians are christians... most true christians believe that gay is wrong, its a sin blah blah blah... That is why they try to make these laws of love as you said... Its stupid... I don't think you're religion should affect your political beliefes at all... After all isn't this country suppose to be all about freedom, of happyness, and religion? Also, our country is ran by the constitution of America, not the bibble...

Thats a good one... freedom of religion... HA HA!!!

I am not sure about most Christians, but most Catholics believe that homosexuals were born homosexual, God made them that way, and that's the way God wants them to be. He loves everybody, including homosexuals. This is true... according to the Chrisian faith: God loves everyone. I can see what you meant by "True Chrisians", but who you call "True Christians" aren't exactly following their faith, just what they were taught probably by their parents or other peers icon_shrug.gif.

I am a Catholic, and I am proud to be one. If given my choice of faith, I would choose Catholosism. It fits me best, and the faith matches me perfectly icon_thumbsup.gif.

#40 Stungun


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Posted 25 June 2005 - 06:56 PM

Since teens can't marry, under no circumstances.

#41 Mowzr



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Posted 25 June 2005 - 08:06 PM

Happiness my god damned ass.

Yeah, America claims to be built for people's happiness and freedom, but what is there? You have the freedom to speak, but you run the risk of getting beaten to death in your sleep, or assassinated just because you don't fit the straight christian ways!

I'd give anything to kill one of the dumbass bastards who stand in the street with signs protesting against gay rights. Why does it matter to them? If you're a christian, you're supposed to love everyone. Obviously they're not such good christians, are they? Hmm.. I think I'm seeing a pattern here. Oh! AMERICA IS RAN BY HYPOCRITS!! YAY!!

All of the homophobes, and ignorant assholes who pretend to KNOW their religion, what they "BELIEVE" in, is exactly what's wrong with the god damn world. It's not the homosexuals or lesbiands. It just makes me so damn mad. Christians aren't christians. They just pretend to be, or say they are, when they're misguided by the god damn church or their community. THE CHURCH even misguides people, it's all about freaking money. Christianity isn't about hating gays, which most people seem to think that's what it's all about.

In the bible, several things are labeled as WRONG or SINFUL, so a 5,000 pound country bumpkin woman can go around saying "Gays are wrong." when the Bible even says Gluttony is wrong. Been eating when you're not supposed to, hmm? Tsk tsk tsk..

This is why I've said "screw it" all together. It just doesn't make sense to me. I do not hate god OR the bible at all, I just don't want to believe in half of it, I believe in god, what little I do, but I'm just not a christian.

Edited by Mowzr, 25 June 2005 - 08:55 PM.

#42 OMEG



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Posted 25 June 2005 - 08:49 PM

most true christians believe that gay is wrong, its a sin blah blah blah...

No, but just a lot of Christians in general do. I'm a very true Christian, I win all debates I get in, and I'm gay. icon_shrug.gif
(forced debates, of course; if someone has their own belief going on I respect them, if someone I liked was a satanist I'd still like him/her regardless)

On the topic of "teen sex":
Their problem. They decide. I don't give a crap. If I get a boyfriend, then we pretty much have no limits for obvious reasons.

#43 Aaron


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Posted 25 June 2005 - 08:55 PM

QUOTE(Mowzr @ Jun 25 2005, 05:06 PM)
I'd give anything to kill one of the dumbass bastards who stand in the street with signs protesting against gay rights. Why does it matter to them? If you're a christian, you're supposed to love everyone. Obviously they're not such good christians, are they? Hmm.. I think I'm seeing a pattern here. Oh! AMERICA IS RAN BY HYPOCRITS!! YAY!!

You are now officially marked an ironicly hypocritical American icon_thumbsup.gif. It's wrong to judge other people. I ain't judging, just telling you that icon_heh.gif.

#44 Mowzr



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Posted 25 June 2005 - 08:56 PM

Excuse me, did i ever say I didn't judge people? Who doesn't.

Say what you will, Aaron. Was that some sort of joke? Because it really pissed me off. Yes, I judge people, big whoopdy doo, but I'm not going to judge people for the sole fact of their sexuality.

I'm crazy! I know! What's new. I'm crazy and proud I'm damn crazy. icon_biggrin.gif

Edited by Mowzr, 25 June 2005 - 08:59 PM.

#45 Aaron


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Posted 25 June 2005 - 09:03 PM

QUOTE(Mowzr @ Jun 25 2005, 05:56 PM)
Excuse me, did i ever say I didn't judge people? Who doesn't.

Say what you will, Aaron. Was that some sort of joke? Because it really pissed me off. Yes, I judge people, big whoopdy doo, but I'm not going to judge people for the sole fact of their sexuality.

I'm crazy! I know! What's new. I'm crazy and proud I'm damn crazy.  icon_biggrin.gif

Yeah, it was kind of supposed to be a joke. It's a really serious political discussion, so I thought I'd lighten it up icon_blah.gif. Sorry I made you mad icon_confused.gif.

Edited by blaster_master, 25 June 2005 - 09:04 PM.

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