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Design your own MegaMan boss!

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#31 Jack_of_blades


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Posted 07 September 2009 - 01:24 AM


Type: Unknown prototype from an alternate universe. or Ultimate Robot Master
Creators: The Supreme "Maggot" race, allied to Dr. Wily for the relic of power which will return him home.
Story: It was created to save its world similar to Megaman's mission, until it realized that it was working for a worthless race of creatures, and went on a hell-bent rampage.
General Malcontent: A violent, cruel, and has no pity for mankind, or their pathetic robots.
Attack 1: Hail storm - sends a rain of bullets that can literally block out the sunlight. see mode 1
Attack 2: Rattler attack: Attacks in a rage firing bright beams of light that can melt through anything even rifts of time. see Mode 2
Attack 3: DEATH march- an unavoidable combo when Rattlerman is low on health [1-2 bars], a form of saving himself. only used in RattlerMan form. see mode 3
Super Attack: touch of Death laser: One hit from this laser is will end one Megaman life. Rattlerman gives a hint before he does this, He thrusts his arms rapidly and flashes five seconds before the blast. Avoid it, and he is ripe for a full force attack.
Mode 1: humanoid - a megaman like creature.
Mode 2: Terminate Rattler His second form, A massive train dragon, which fires a beam at five second intervals
Mode 3: RATTLERMAN- His true form, has tank legs, armor, and two Gatling guns on his head, two semi-automatic machine guns, and a laser emitting core. An ultimate monstrosity that destroyed its creators.

Item earned: Nothing except the end credits for its a massive 3-boss battle final boss. Although start a new game, and you will have a Gatling cannon replacing your mega blaster plus a laser shield which sends the death beam back at Rattlerman causing massive damage.

Edited by Jack_of_blades, 07 September 2009 - 01:31 AM.

#32 ShadowDancer



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Posted 15 June 2010 - 08:16 PM

Name: Pounce Man

Type: Robot Master

Creator: Dr. Mikhail Cossack

Story: He was meant to be built following the features of a panther, but Dr. Cossack ran out of money to pay for parts and ended up using old pieces of Tango, recolored, to create Pounce Man. He was originally meant to be used in a robot circus until the other robots built for it went wild and ran off.

General Malcontent: Pounce Man is mostly a golden-orange color. He has large cat ears and a tuft of spikes on the top of his head. He has very long whisker-like extensions on the sides of his head, sharp retractable claws on the end of his gloves, and a long spiky tail. Cossack had a good giggle when he realized he spilled pink paint on Pounce Man's nose. This made the cat-like RM look like he had a cat nose. He is rather quiet most of the time and loves to sleep and laze about. He is, however, very quick-witted and light on his feet despite his personality. When he isn't feeling in a quiet mood, he is snarky and cynical.

Swoop Claw: He leaps above you and slashes downward.
Disease Snap: He jumps in front of you and bites with poison fangs.
Mouse Trap: He goes behind you and locks his claws togetheraround your body and pushes himself forward to bowl you over.

Super Attacks:
Constrictor Tail: He spins around quickly and jumps on you, wrapping you with his barbed tail.
Frisker Whisker: He gets on top of you and uses his whiskers to slip in between your robot parts and rip out things. This move can only be used after the use of Mouse Trap.
Fatal Glare: He stares at you with bright green eyes. If you are not facing him, the move will not affect you.

Attack Learned:
Feline Grace: You are totally prevented from falling off ledges while using his power. You wear a cat ear hat while using it.

Wow, that was long. I'll try to make the next one shorter. :/
BTW, I'm not a furry. I just thought a cat RM would be cool so I could make puns about mice and nine lives... XD

We all know it's a rat race anyways. icon_razz.gif

#33 Moosh


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Posted 16 June 2010 - 08:31 PM

Name: Spiked Wall Man
Type: Robot Master
Creator: Dr. Wily
Story: Built by Dr. Wily, who surprisingly wasn't smart enough to build an inescapable death trap before he built a Springman.
General Malcontent: An empty room full of spikes.
•Block Spawn: Spawns the disappearing blocks, which is more helpful than harmful
•Spike shot: Shoots spikes from the sides of the room (but they grow back)
•Trap floor: Opens a hole in the floor, out of which come 5-10 clones of Quickman
Superattack: Shoots a beam that drains Megaman's weapon energy at a rapid rate.
Attack learned: Spike shield: Creates a coil of spikes around Megaman so he can roll around like a big ball of...well...spikes.

There: I took a traditional Megaman joke and expanded on it.

Edited by Pokemonmaster64, 16 June 2010 - 08:32 PM.

#34 Guest_really big octo (Guest)

Guest_really big octo (Guest)
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Posted 26 February 2011 - 05:11 AM

name: krakadragon
type: robot master
creator: ?
story: he was born when forged steel fell into lava, liquid nitrogen and toxic waste, making him virtually indestructible.
general malcontent: in a room with fire on steel for walls
gigantoblow. he puts a claw up in the air and brings down a ball of light
dragolazer. he opens his chest and fires a red laser
speedwing. he dashes into megaman
claw cleave. he swipes megaman with a claw.
special attack:
radioactive fumes. he breathes toxic fumes.
attack learned:
dragospirit. megaman gets enveloped in fire, runs to the opponent, leaves the fire there (that causes a nuke), and runs back icon_lol.gif

Edited by really big octo, 26 February 2011 - 05:16 AM.

#35 Tree


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Posted 26 February 2011 - 01:44 PM

^Robot masters are humanoid robots. Mavericks are Animal robots. So yours would be a Maverick.

Name: Snipper man
Type: Just a snipper Joe on crack
Creator: Dr. Right
Story: Dr. Right was creating an ultimate robot that could stop Wily without being a pussy about killing him so he reprogrammed a
ordinary Snipper Joe with crazy weapons and such. But, when he turned him on, he went crazy and ran off.
Stage: Central City
Attacks: Snipper shot. Machine gun, Rocket Shot.
Superattack: Grenade Bomber
Attack learned: Rocket shot.

OMG I was looking through the pages and I found someone else who had the same idea. I though this was so original icon_cry.gif
P.S. wtf did all these newbies come from and why are they all making there first post on this thread?

Edited by Keiichi123, 04 March 2011 - 04:02 PM.

#36 Orithan


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Posted 26 February 2011 - 07:28 PM

Name: Foxer beta. 5

Type: Maverick.

Creator: Unkown.

Story: Mega Man accidentley discovered this fox-maverick, whose creator and purpose are unkown. Foxer was phisicaly weak in his quadriped form and looked exactly like a Red Fox, complete with digitlized fur, but his speed outclassed any veichle and any other maverick known. When MM finally cornered Foxer in Dr. Willy's old fotrtess, he stood up and shifted in to his biped form. He was extremley powerful in this form and grew sharp claws and canons on his sholders that could quickly tear MM apart.

Stage: Dr Willy's old fortress.

Attacks: Fox rush, Vulpine mortar, Fury swipes and Pounce.

Fox rush: An all out attack that involves Foxer charging at MM and then shooting lasers from his cannons if he misses. If he does hit MM with the charge, he then tears at MM with his sharp claws. Deals very heavy damage if caught in the charge and deals small damage for each laser that hits. Uncommly used and easy to evade. Use the moments after he crashes in the wall to deal heavy damage.

Vulpine mortar: Foxer fires firey cannonballs from his cannons at MM. They follow a curved path and they remain on the ground for a few seconds. Deals medium damage for each cannonball that hits. Frequently used and is difficult to evade.

Fury swipes: Foxer gets up close to MM and starts swiping at him. Deals small damage for each swipe that hits. Rarley used and is easy to evade, but it is difficult to get out of if MM gets hit until the attack ends.

Pounce: Foxer jumps to the background, unable to be hit by MM, and then leaps at him. Deals medium damage if it hits. Most commonly used and it is quite hard to evade.

Superattack: Vaccum dash: Foxer reverts back to his quadriped form and then dashes around MM, leaving him confused about where he is, Foxer then jumps to the background and changes back to his biped form and attempts to suck MM in using his mouth. Kills MM instantly if he manages to suck him in. MM has to avoid being sucked in for five seconds to evade the attack. If MM manages to avoid the attack, then the battle continues as normal.

Attack learned: Vulpine Dash: Allows MM to rush through hordes of enemies by pressing the shot button and foward at the same time when equipped. While he has it equipped, he is covered in digitlized fur in the same pattern as in the Red Fox.


Edited by Orithan, 24 November 2013 - 09:14 PM.

#37 Guest_really big octo (Guest)

Guest_really big octo (Guest)
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Posted 04 March 2011 - 12:29 PM

QUOTE(Keiichi123 @ Feb 26 2011, 12:44 PM) View Post

^Robot masters are humanoid robots. Mavericks are Anime robots. So yours would be a Maverick.

thanks icon_wink.gif
i mean, after all, krakadragon is based on magma dragoon.
like, he's a maverick coz hes in mmx4.icon_cheese.gificon_toast.gif

name: Rising Condor
type: maverick
creator: SunCloud Nature
general malcontent: crystallised clouds top
story: born by the clouds and the sun, he has never left his spot. he believes that the ground is one realm and the sky is another.
attacks: eagle screech, wingin' it, rapid peck, talon grab, flurry.
special attack: feather burst.
limit attack: 999,990 bird armada.
attack learned: spiritual rising condor.

name: mr. eye
type: maverick
general malcontent: the evil woods, 98th sector
creator: pure evil
story: he was born in the woods.
attacks: paralaser, copycat, eye can see you, punch, superpunch, taunt.
special attacks: multieye, boss summon.
limit attack: bloodshot.
attack learned: too many eyedrops.


Edited by really big octo, 05 March 2011 - 02:46 AM.

#38 Nightmeres



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Posted 04 March 2011 - 07:10 PM

Name: Data
Type: Maverick
Creator: dr. light
Story: He was built by Dr. Light to be similar to protoman if he were in mmx. He became rivals with megaman x and kept evolving. he was eventual corrupted by a virus and started going on a killing spree to absorb his enemies' powers.
General Malcontent: 2 feet taller than mega man. black and red armor. similar to protoman. tentacles like doc oct but with electricity on them
Attacks: Data sword (has 3 versions), Data shield Flame weal, cloning, data blast, data tower, triple data tower, Databuster (similar to megaman's except a little stronger), flame buster and electric tentacles
Superattack: Data Deletion. (creates a dome of data that if your hit by it your destroyed and all your abilities are absorbed)
Attack learned: Data shield
stage: his own castle deep within the forest

Edited by Nightmeres, 04 March 2011 - 07:11 PM.

#39 skulduggery



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Posted 04 March 2011 - 08:05 PM

Name: Bobby mcBobington XIV v2.4.0 Beta

Type: MMX

Creator: Skulduggery

Story: He was built by yours truly to stop action 52 from taking over the world, however action 52 caused him to go insane and he started eating planets, bite by bite.

General malcontent: Twice the size of MEGAMAN, has a disturbing smile, is endorsed by REAL MEN, is wearing a pie as a hat. One arm has been replaced with the MASTER SWORD.

Swipe: Strikes with the MASTER SWORD: Medium range, Light damage uses often.
Combo: Does a 7 hit combo with the MASTER SWORD, Medium range, each hit does half as much damage as "Swipe" Final hit does HEAVY damage. Uses after he has been hit
Insane FIRE: A burst of fire, medium damage, Uses occaisionly

Superattacks: Fire Blade: Covers the MASTER SWORD with fire, and does a giant long rage slash: VERY HEAVY damage.

Attack learned: Master Sword: its a master sword.

#40 Guest_really big octo (Guest)

Guest_really big octo (Guest)
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Posted 05 March 2011 - 03:15 AM

name: PixelMan4399
type: robot master (megaman) (megaman x)
creator: scientist group
general malcontent: decrepit laboratory, 97th sector
story: a group of scientists made it in the computer. then there was a powercut and he escaped. icon_awesome.gif icon_omg.gif
the scientists abandoned him and he went on a very big rampage, breaking the computers by passing in them.
attacks: pixellate, snake, pacman, donkey kong, jumpman, annoying bloop.
special attack: pixellated beam.
limit attack: enter and out.
attack learned: pixelslime engulf.

name: corrupted megaman
type: robot master
creator: Dr.Wily
general malcontent: Hell Pillars, 99th sector
story: wily managed to create a megaman and he finally did it. corrupted megaman is faster, stronger, bigger, better, badder and has more weapons than light's.
attacks: gigablast, trithunder, shotgun ice, charged shot, attack, rocket launcher, slide in, flying fist, plasma shot.
special attack: plasma beam.
limit attack: attackapack.
attacks learned: copycat, attackapack.

Edited by really big octo, 05 March 2011 - 03:37 AM.

#41 Old-Skool


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Posted 05 March 2011 - 09:50 AM

Kaizer Man

type: Robot Master (Megaman)

Creator: Dr. Tessa

General Malcontent: High-performance, Octet-leading robot, much like Quick Man or Tengu Man. Primarily white body, with black thighs and upper arms. Chest and waist are very similar to that of Shadow Man, but with red lines in place of Shadow Man's ninja badges. White helmet with red band across the top of the face, like a turban. Basically, he resembles Ryu from Street Fighter, which may as well be intentional.

General Story: This one is a little more serious than it oughta be; There was a time when I was sketching out ideas for Robot Masters in a ZC Megaman game. Kaizer Man was one of them. Kaizer Man is one of the last in Dr. Tessa's robot master octet, and quickly proved his strength to his master. What she originally designed him for though is unclear, and it may be possible he was some sort of superhero.

Although it is not his primary theme, of the basic elements, he most closely reflects fire.


1st: After leaping toward Mega Man in tall arcs, Kaizer Man suddenly darts forward with a flying kick. Whatever he hits, he'll bounce off of by doing a backflip to where he started.

Upon landing, one of two things will happen.

2nd: either

A) Kaizer Man will pull a fist back, then dash toward you with a punch. If it connects, Kaizer Man will uppercut you into the air. This is very similar to Captain Falcon's raptor boost attack in the Super Smash Bros. series, except with a longer, faster dash.

B): TIGER BURST. Kaizer Man will briefly turn red and burn, during which time he is invincible. He will throw a punch into the air, launching a HADOUKEN upwards. Afterward, he'll jump to the center of the room and punch it as it falls back down, creating a shower of flames all about the room.

3rd: Once Kaizer Man's HP has fallen below half, he will automatically perform his hadouken every time he uses his "raptor boost", whether he hits Megaman with the latter or not.

Mega Man gets: Tiger Burst (T. Burst). In ZC, this is actually Din's Fire.

Stage: Warrior's Dojo


Name: Dr. Tessa

Type: Human/Creator

Creator: N/A

General Malcontent: Young female, with a shapely body, generous bust, and stylish cleavage (Hey, this *is* Capcom we're talking about.) Wears pointy glasses and rarely smiles, unless she's gloating about her schemes or laughing maliciously or something like that. She also sports a pair of large electrical coils on her shoulders, which may or may not be for decoration only. Wears long, red hair and mostly tight black underneath her lab coat, with red high heels (fridge logic abound, as to how this was a good idea for her.)

Story: An old colleague of Dr. Light, Dr. Nichole Tessa claims that Light stole many of her ideas and is in fact a fraud. As part of her retaliation, she has built eight robots of her own, targeting the good doctor and his creations. Dr. Light is scared, but also confused: He honestly didn't take anything from her, and admits this isn't how he remembers her...


Phase 1: Dr. Tessa is concealed inside of a large room-filling machine, with two very large Tesla coils on both ends. The trick here is to shoot the coils, but get out of their way when they flash, or you'll get caught in an electric current. Large energy balls fire forth from the machine itself periodically.

Phase 2: Dr. Tessa can now be seen operating a smaller (but still very large) machine, controlling it via the Tesla coils on her back. The machine itself also has large coils, always sparking. They will fire large wads of electrical energy in Mega Man's direction. The machine itself is a sort of mecha, with a round, clear canopy on the front. One of the arms will be firing bouncing beams at you.

Destroying this phase will fling her from the canopy and break the coils she is wearing. She starts crying, which Mega Man assumes is just defeat, until she tells him otherwise.

Attacks learned: N/A

Stage: Dr. Tessa's lightning tower, stations 1-4.

#42 Haylee


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Posted 16 April 2011 - 11:16 PM

Name: DeathKnightMan
Type: Robot Master
Creator: Gannon
Story: DeathKnightMan has always been evil. icon_razz.gif
General Malcontent: Its looks like a black DarkNut that kills everything in sight with sword beam.
Attacks: Dark Sword Beam. After use he gets stuned for a few seconds.
Superattack: Dark Sword Beam happy attack!
Attack learned: Dark Blast!

Edited by sonicfan350, 16 April 2011 - 11:17 PM.

#43 cybeastnet


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Posted 19 September 2011 - 11:14 AM

Name: Plane Man
Type: Robot Master
Creator: Dr Wily
Story: One day Dr Wily was in a plane named Plane XR and decided to build a robot of the same design but with better features.
General Malcontent: Plane Man has a glider on the back of him and he is red and has a anger problem
Attacks: (1) Plane Dive, Plane Man turns into a plane and then comes crashing down into the area which megaman is in.
(2) Bullet Storm, Plane Man open up his hatch in his back and fires out bullets
(3) Radar Bomb, Plane Man targets where megaman is and fires bomb at him
Superattack: Plane Storm is used when he has low health and this attack sends out planes 2 or 5 and crashes into megaman
Attack learned: Plane Bomb, you summon a mini plane and it fires out bombs on the enemy till it is hit

#44 Shane



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Posted 20 September 2011 - 01:48 AM

Name: Invincible Man
Type: Robot Master
Creator: Shane
Story: One day Shane was so bored he decided to waste 10 years on building this bloody thing. Yeah no reason. Really none. Stop reading this and read what's below... Fine I'll end it here.
General Malcontent: Invincible man is practically invincible only Shane knows it's weakness... *reading for a mob to come at my door*
Attacks: (999) Hit
Superattack: (999,999,999,999) Super Hit



#45 Cukeman


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Posted 20 September 2011 - 02:23 AM

I designed an Egg Man boss, he opens his middle, and the yolk slides out.
The yolk can't move on its own, but the room rotates, and the trick is to
avoid the yolk since it can damage you when it is sliding around.
Meanwhile, you have to avoid the boss as well icon_thumbsup.gif

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