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What did you accomplish in ZC today?

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#4171 Lüt



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Posted 03 July 2017 - 07:44 PM

Spent about 3 hours trying to find the right color for a text string  :glare:


At first the new rug seemed an "obvious" downgrade to the previous one, but after looking at it for a while, then moving back up to the original, I think it's the better choice.


The new color depth on the plant by the bed is good, and while the angled pillars are better than the straight ones, are each of them using the same graphics? Because it may be a perspective trick, but the ones next to the door seem to be pointing way more inward than the ones at the far sides of the walls.

#4172 Sheik



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Posted 04 July 2017 - 01:59 AM

As for the downgrade - do you refer to the black outlines on the furniture? I kind of agree that the last word has not been spoken here yet. The pillars next to the door are "pointier", yes. That is because the door would be too tight else. I might fix that around a bit, too (basically making the door and edit of the windows could work somehow).

Edit: These are the changes on the doorframe:


It now uses the same little arc I used on the window and the pillars don't look as pointy anymore.

Edited by Sheik, 04 July 2017 - 02:22 AM.

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#4173 Orithan


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Posted 04 July 2017 - 06:01 AM

Started on some very ambitious endeavor for my entry into the Metroidvania contest. Oh boy, I am going to have a bad time...

#4174 Shane



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Posted 05 July 2017 - 05:42 AM

Looking good Sheik, sounds like nice progress. :)


Been busy spriting something inspired by Breath of the Wild for my Metroidvania contest. A little behind schedule but that's okay; I'm still pretty far into my preparation.

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#4175 Old-Skool


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Posted 05 July 2017 - 09:13 AM

I completed Panoply of Calatia early this morning. 

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#4176 TheRock


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Posted 05 July 2017 - 11:39 AM

Puzzles! For a place... 

#4177 Lüt



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Posted 06 July 2017 - 07:38 PM

As for the downgrade - do you refer to the black outlines on the furniture?

Actually not really, I kind of like those. Outlines are hard to do at this resolution, because they end up so much thicker than they would be if these graphics were drawn for today's standard desktop resolutions. On one hand, the headboard of the bed looks like it doesn't fit with the smoother shading of the walls behind it, but I still think it looks a lot better that way rather than where it's practically disappearing into the wall in the first shot. The compromise I typically suggest/do in these situations is to use darker shades of colors for the outlines rather than solid black. The black works in darker areas like the bottom of the bed, but the headboard should use dark brown outlines at the least.

What I was originally referring to was the rug. The first version looked really fancy with its golden-red stitched border and somewhat-rustled-up green material, almost like a royal rug, whereas the second one just looked like solid color bars. But the frilled edges round it out, and maybe the first version was almost too attention-grabbing, so I came around to liking the second version.

The pillars next to the door are "pointier", yes. That is because the door would be too tight else. I might fix that around a bit, too (basically making the door and edit of the windows could work somehow).

Edit: These are the changes on the doorframe:

Well, first off, I do like the look of the newer ones better.


But what I was getting at was the angle of the pillars.


For example, they look like this to me...




...when I'd think they'd look more like this:




So maybe you have the same tiles for each set of pillars and they only look like that because they're in different positions on the screen, I don't know, but it's a thing that jumps out at me each time I see the screens. Maybe it doesn't have the same impression fullscreen. But I was just suggesting, in the event that you may be angling the door pillars inward more than the wall pillars, I'd do the opposite, so the door would actually be wider rather than tighter.

Puzzles! For a place...

Is the place in an area? :ohmy:

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#4178 TheRock


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Posted 06 July 2017 - 07:53 PM


Is the place in an area? :ohmy:

It's for a dungeon... That wasn't planned to be in the game. 

#4179 Lüt



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Posted 06 July 2017 - 10:41 PM

Content overflow, eh?



Made permanently-pounded hammer pegs :D

#4180 Sheik



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Posted 07 July 2017 - 08:03 AM


Oh, as for the rug, I somehow missed that, though you clearly are talking about the rug. I must have not been paying attention. I think it was too fancy and I also think it didn't look that great at all. The new one is much more modest. I took it from Firebird. Also, the pillars are all the same and given how they are edits from the BS tileset, there has to be some strange perspective magic be going on with the original tiles, too.


Actually not really, I kind of like those. Outlines are hard to do at this resolution, because they end up so much thicker than they would be if these graphics were drawn for today's standard desktop resolutions. On one hand, the headboard of the bed looks like it doesn't fit with the smoother shading of the walls behind it, but I still think it looks a lot better that way rather than where it's practically disappearing into the wall in the first shot. The compromise I typically suggest/do in these situations is to use darker shades of colors for the outlines rather than solid black. The black works in darker areas like the bottom of the bed, but the headboard should use dark brown outlines at the least.

As for the above suggestion about the outlines... I agree with you:


Edited by Sheik, 07 July 2017 - 08:04 AM.

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#4181 TheRock


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Posted 08 July 2017 - 05:39 PM

Made a really hard puzzle for the dungeon that wasn't planned to be in the game. Somehow I made two completely different ways to solve it and both of them are completely ridiculous to do. It's not required though. 

#4182 Naru



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Posted 10 July 2017 - 04:13 PM

I tried reorganizing the item-tiles in firebird. I tend to overdo it with such pointless things. As nice as the default for this might be though, it just takes far too much space for my taste.
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#4183 Anthus


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Posted 10 July 2017 - 05:15 PM

I made a desert area. Well, started one anyway. It's about 50% complete. I've never really tried to make a desert like this before, and I think I found a pretty good way to keep the screens interesting. We'll see. :)


EDIT: I also got a good chunk of the rough outline for my Metroidvania entry done. The map is intentionally small to avoid spoilers. The layout is subject to change, obviously, but probably not too much. The way I see it, if it is finished in time, it will be a "basic" version. Not incomplete, but not as complex as a full featured quest. Mainly I'm talking about adding in custom enemies, and modifications to existing enemies and items, and custom weapon sprites. These things would extend the time needed, and I already need time to test this. A "DX" version would hopefully add in all that stuff at a later date. There of course will be minor instances of these things, mostly to accommodate the arrow/ bomb expansion system I'm using, among a few other tweaks.


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#4184 TheRock


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Posted 10 July 2017 - 09:18 PM

Got around to getting this puzzle to work right in that dungeon. Hopefully it works perfectly when people play it... I have a feeling something about doesn't work despite me play testing it really well.

The puzzle involves more then one screen. Let's keep it at that.

#4185 Anthus


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 12:27 AM

Made some very well designed enemies that totally won't need to be nerfed in any way.





I heard someone ask for Silver Lynels, right? Right?

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