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#361 pixcalibur



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Posted 17 March 2013 - 12:00 AM

Where you got the 2nd key, there's more to that room. Start pushing against the walls in that room.

#362 schoochie662



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Posted 22 March 2013 - 05:31 PM

My kingdom for a red candle!

#363 linkismyhero



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Posted 22 March 2013 - 05:52 PM

if you are asking where the red candle is then do this.

From where you start the game go all the way to the right and use the raft to end up in a new area. In that area you will find someone that offers to sell the red candle. If you do not know where the raft is you purchase it in the first town of the game after you get the first wallet.

#364 schoochie662



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Posted 22 March 2013 - 05:56 PM

QUOTE(linkismyhero @ Mar 22 2013, 06:52 PM) View Post

if you are asking where the red candle is then do this.

From where you start the game go all the way to the right and use the raft to end up in a new area. In that area you will find someone that offers to sell the red candle. If you do not know where the raft is you purchase it in the first town of the game after you get the first wallet.

Thank you! Missed that shop somehow.

Edited by schoochie662, 22 March 2013 - 06:01 PM.

#365 OzzieAstaroth



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Posted 30 March 2013 - 02:07 AM

I must say I'm really impressed with this quest, but some of the puzzles are so cryptic and difficult to spot that an FAQ or walkthrough would be greatly appreciated. I've found a lot of the answers I needed on this thread, but not all.

That being said, I'm stuck in Level 9. I found a bunch of keys in hidden walls, and even the one that the lens of truth doesn't show, but there is a room on the far left side of the map, in the third room down. There is a sealed door there that won't open no matter what I do. I'm not sure if I need to come from the other side or what, but I've looked in every room I went through, tried waiting in every room, tried blowing the whistle in every room, bombed the walls in every room just in case the lens of truth was lying again, and used all the items in my inventory to no effect. So could someone please tell me, in detail, how to open that door or what room I need to go to to proceed? Thank you.

#366 Jamian


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Posted 30 March 2013 - 10:11 AM

Walk around that room and look for crumbling tiles... You actually need to fall down there.

I may write a walkthrough for this quest at some point, though that's also what the quest help forum is for icon_smile.gif

Edited by Jamian, 30 March 2013 - 10:53 AM.

#367 schoochie662



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Posted 31 March 2013 - 03:12 PM

Jamian - A fantastic, creative, fun, and bug-free game! Great job, and I'll be looking forward to checking-out more of your work soon!

Edited by schoochie662, 31 March 2013 - 05:19 PM.

#368 Jamian


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Posted 31 March 2013 - 03:45 PM

Thank you very much icon_smile.gif

#369 OzzieAstaroth



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Posted 01 April 2013 - 12:05 AM

Thanks Jamian! With that info, I was able to get through the rest and beat it. About 21 hours and missing two pieces of heart, but I found everything else.

I have to say this was an amazing quest, and would give the designers at Nintendo a run for their money. It deserves all the praise it has gotten! I think my favorite parts were the new enemies and incorporating a lot of the stuff from later Zelda games into what, on the surface, looks like the old NES Zelda. The wizrobes in the final dungeon were amazing, if a little annoying. I think there should have been more use of the feather and hammer though. I also felt like it was kind of annoying having to re-fight the wizrobes that can only be killed by reflecting their own magic back every time I had to backtrack in the 9th dungeon. Not that they were too hard to defeat, but kind of tedious to have to do over and over again. Some parts of puzzles needed more hints or some sort of indication as to what to do next, but other than that it was a really great quest, and I felt satisfied after completing it. I look forward to any more you have coming. :-)

#370 zelosthetraitor



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Posted 30 April 2013 - 05:39 PM

Great quest so far, Jamian. I've made it past money fortress, and I've found my way to blue cave. I've made it into all but one room, and that's the room directly to the right of the blue ring. Frankly, I'm stumped... I've tried walking through every wall, checked for bombables, and even tried (and failed) to get the bomb octorock to blast the passage open... any hints?

#371 Jamian


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 08:41 PM

There's one room where you have to use the whistle again.

#372 wailuaok



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Posted 06 May 2013 - 02:19 PM

Please help!. Need to purchase the raft, but I can't find the wallet. "Ughh"

#373 Jamian


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 02:48 PM

It's in level 4.

#374 wailuaok



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Posted 06 May 2013 - 06:05 PM

That explains it then. Ummm.... a hint to level 4? A great quest Jamian!

#375 Air Luigi

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Posted 06 May 2013 - 06:35 PM

I haven't played this quest yet! Is it as good as HR and LinkedTTP? I mostly liked the variety, custom enemies and bosses in these quests. Has this one the same style of gameplay?

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