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Screenshot of the Week 59

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Poll: Which pic? (49 member(s) have cast votes)

Which pic?

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#16 Dart Zaidyer

Dart Zaidyer

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Posted 30 June 2004 - 03:19 PM

Link3505 definitely wins this week's eye candy contest. PX8 was the only other one that really stood a chance, but his shot is really dark and it doesn't make a lot of sense.

#17 DarkFlameWolf


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Posted 30 June 2004 - 04:55 PM

they all suck except for two. I voted for one. icon_wink.gif

#18 Fox


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Posted 30 June 2004 - 07:35 PM

Just to clear something up, I wasn't really serious about this week's shot. I just put it up, expecting to get no votes. So none of you have to pretend to like it or try to be nice while showing how you don't like it. This was my first attempt at modifying tiles in a classic quest. It clearly draws its inpiration from the demo quest. It was what... two, two and a half years ago? More than that? Just don't worry about it, since it wasn't a serious shot. icon_razz.gif

Also, FYI, I did change two pixels for Link. His eyes (which you can't see). So HA!

#19 plith


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Posted 30 June 2004 - 09:10 PM

Y'know, BH4... I had an uncle whose name was Jeff. He found a squirrel once in his mailbox. Two weeks later, BAM, herpes.

Just kidding. His name was actually Jeremy.

#20 Exate



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Posted 30 June 2004 - 10:26 PM

PX8 was the only other one that really stood a chance, but his shot is really dark and it doesn't make a lot of sense.

I believe it's the caption. I just had the X-Ray Scope as my item, so I just put that caption. icon_shrug.gif I'm not very good with captions, I usually ask others for them. Oh well, the next I send in will be better, if I get that far.

#21 link3505



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Posted 01 July 2004 - 12:09 AM

QUOTE(PolygonX8 @ Jun 30 2004, 12:02 AM)
BTW, link3505, when will that tileset be complete? I actually would love to use it. icon_biggrin.gif

well, I said it'll come out with the DX tileset, but, at this point, I ver much doubt that. it'll be a while after that, actually. it's coming along nicely, though, so it won't be that long of a wait

#22 Shoelace


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Posted 01 July 2004 - 03:13 AM

I voted for BH4 because if that was a game that would be a moment for the game. But really I also liked link3505's picture, those trees were awesome, however, my vote is for BH4.

#23 Deepfreeze



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Posted 01 July 2004 - 11:17 PM

Poly: I will not critique JPEGs. It doesn't matter how good the shot is, if it's a JPEG, it's ruined.

Radien: The castle tiles were the first thing that hit me about this shot, which usually means it's something poor. In this case, it wouldn't hurt to brick-ify them, instead of leaving them plain. I didn't eve notice the bridge until someone mentioned it, but it looks nice. Also, those rock tiles going into the water could be recolored to gray, it might help make the castle blend in with them better (or might not). Also, the edges of the castle seem to hang over the rock, my point being that the rock doesn't quite fit with the castle walls.

LtM: OK, that wall is too thin. Otherwise, it's a pretty good shot, I like the resized LttP trees.

BH4: Joke submission, eh?

link3505: The trees are pretty good, my only complaint being that the front root is rather large. The bush under combos also look like switches or something. O_o

mjctraider: The old man and the owl are in the wrong CSet (well, the owl's a matter of opinion). Also, the waterfall's a bit... large (and it doesn't add much to the shot) And what's that in the cave on the right?

StarFox: Nice recoloring, not nice bushes (and I don't mean the small trees). Waitaminnit, did you rip those bushes from the 8 medallions (or whatever that godawful quest was called)?

I must say, I have seen better weeks. *null vote*

Edited by Deepfreeze, 02 July 2004 - 10:23 AM.

#24 NoeL



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Posted 01 July 2004 - 11:18 PM

i voted for link3505 (but now i wish i voted for polygon.. can i change my vote?) because it's something i havent seen before and i like the look of it. I'm a little upset that some people liked the bright colours in this shot but didnt like my bright colours last week icon_cry.gif Anyway, it REALLY needs recolouring and i'm sure in a week or so someone would've ripped and recoloured then for the Pure tiles icon_razz.gif that seems to be the norm with any zelda tiles these days!

#25 4matsy



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Posted 05 July 2004 - 05:04 AM

Nice dark Metroid look here. You'd think the BS trees would clash, but here they don't seem nearly as awkward as in that other overworld shot you entered a few SotWs back (or was it last SotW? I forget).

The castle walls look a bit plain, but I see you fixed that in that other thread. Drawbridge looks pretty w00ty though. icon_cool.gif

Y'know, for the longest time something bothered me about this shot, and I couldn't figure out what it was, and then I realized...how are those torches still burning? icon_blink.gif Other than that, though, it looks pretty good.

ROFL! icon_lol.gif

icon_eek.gif...Uh...yeah, what everyone else said. *begins feverishly humping the big, beautiful trees*

Hmm. First time I can remember seeing a waterfall used like that. Good effect.

The grass/plant thingies and the BS water/shorelines are the only additions, yet they seem to add so much to the scene. Nice.

Final vote:
Tossup between PolygonX8 and link3505...both are making good use of their new graphics...I think I'll go with link3505. It's just so bright and colorful and...oh, who'm I kiddin'? THE TREES, MAN, THE TREES!!!!! icon_lol.gif

#26 Praethus


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Posted 05 July 2004 - 02:27 PM

link3505 wins.

#27 LinktheMaster


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Posted 05 July 2004 - 06:20 PM

I don't get it, people don't understand how fire and water can exist in the same screen. :\
There's actually 2 things that I don't like about this comment.
1. If a fire is big enough, rain won't do a lot to it.
2. The animation shows that the rain is going from the upper left corner, so, technically, the castle wall is blocking the rain. icon_shrug.gif
I dunno, I just had to defend myself. Though I didn't expect to win, I did kind of expect more than one vote. :\

#28 ShadowTiger


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Posted 05 July 2004 - 06:32 PM

Hey, tell me about it, LTM. icon_wink.gif icon_rolleyes.gif My fire temple shot got ZERO votes, AND I was going to submit the tiles to PureZC. Kinda gave me a sharp kick in teh nutzors in response. But hey, the public wants what it wants. icon_shrug.gif

#29 Guest_mjctraider (Guest)

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Posted 06 July 2004 - 02:22 PM

Wow I figured I'd at least get a vote even. Oh well at least there were one or two people that like the shot. I doubt I will post any other screenshots seeing how I'm a newbie and it seems that there is a biasness towards newbies with SOTW, but I could be wrong.

On a side note I thought LinkTheMaster should have gotten more than one vote. I thought his was one of the better ones here., but what do I know I thought my shot was great, but too many people think it is borning , but I've seen pretty boring screenshots when playing certain people's quests who post here, but they shall remain nameless. Sorry, but I had to vent a little. Everyone is entitled to their opnion and so am I.

#30 Kite


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Posted 06 July 2004 - 03:05 PM

QUOTE(mjctraider @ Jul 6 2004, 03:22 PM)
I doubt I will post any other screenshots seeing how I'm a newbie and it seems that there is a biasness towards newbies with SOTW, but I could be wrong.

It is more that there is a bias towards shots that don't have awesome tile artists. icon_sweat.gif

I remember back when I started SoTW... it was shots from various tilesets against other shots from various tilesets. Now, with the 3-4 people awesome at graphics being expected to enter weekly, others are just shoved out of the way with sub par ratings and "this shot sucks".

As much as I have to respect some opinions, this discourages people from entering. If some certain people would actually TRY when making commentary on shots, people might be more encouraged to enter, if for nothing else, to get advice on how to improve. However, comments like "They all suck except for two" do not help any!

Edit: I figured I should add a note about the first part of my post. I'm not trying to get custom tileset people to pack up and leave. This was aimed at commentary. Sorry if that was confusing. icon_shrug.gif

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