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(Done!) I don't know Japanese, let's play メタモード


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#16 Deedee


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Posted 01 August 2021 - 04:42 PM

This LP is so powerful it brought Saffith back from the dead.

Ether, can you cure depression with this LP?

#17 Ether


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Posted 01 August 2021 - 05:05 PM

Maybe one of the ambiguously translated food items cures depression. There's only one way to find out.

#18 Ether


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Posted 02 August 2021 - 11:07 AM

"That's it! That's perfect!
Now it's official, you're a Kools trainee. As proof you'll get this certificate, so please come here."
"This certificate is testiment to your status as a Kools trainee. Take it!"
Ami got the certificate!
"We'll get you through training as soon as possible, so you can be an ace like Knack."
And if I talk to the guard now, I can move on.
The gifts are a Heavy Staff, a Heavy Sword, a Umeboshi (that consumable, I still hate all food), and a Frog Seed.
I guess there's just a lot of animal based seeds in this game? And we mix them for some reason?
Let's set equipment.
...I tried unequipping my knife, but the only option given was to reequip it again. It doesn't seem like I can actually use the sword or staff. All the more reason to get out of this class, I guess.
What puzzles me is the two lines on the bottom, especially the "in need of"s. I can't tell what that symbol after them is supposed to represent. I can see elsewhere that my STR is 12 and my DEX is 20 when I don't have the knife equipped, so maybe the 0s in the first column are actually minimum requirements even though that would mean the numbers are in the wrong order? I don't know.
Incidentally, I seem to be wearing a "paper shirt" that gives me fire vulnerability. Odd. I'm going to continue wearing a shirt for now, at least until the candle monsters start coming out.
"Would you like to start training?"
It's a yes or no question, but he won't let me pass through to the room on the left without the training. The only way to go is through him.
The giftbox contains Muddy Armor, another thing I don't seem to be able to equip.
"All right, let's open the door.
If the monsters are all gone and the door still won't open, keep going in the direction of the door.
Then something will happen.
Well, do your best!"
Please ignore the color change. This is the point where I switched emulators, and for this one screen I hadn't noticed that I had the colors indexed on the Aseprite file where I keep screens saved.
It's a sequence of 6 rooms to fight monsters in. These guys are very simple enemies that move toward you very slowly. They're subject to knockback, so you'd have to mess up pretty hard to get hit by them. I'm not really sure what they're supposed to be.
The "something" the trainer referred to is an occasional second monster wave.
I level up pretty early on in the gauntlet, but I'm not going to spend any skill points until I know how to be a swordsnurse.
On the fourth screen, an extra enemy gets introduced. This bucket shoots a slow water projectile in a straight line. It tries to edge away from you if you get close, but it's easy to back it into corners.
Are you training hard?
When the 'HP' bar at the bottom of your screen is empty, you can't fight back. So be careful.
If you get tired, come to me. I can heal you.
Good luck with your training."
And he's off.
At this point I realize that I can check the map indoors, too. There seems to be a room that's unaccounted for. But unless there's a walkthrough wall, I don't think there's much I can do about it yet.
Desk Kools:
"Do you have the Umeboshi set? It's the best way to recover HP."
Old Woman:
"Will you tell me a story?"
"Well, let's hear it...
Yeah. Yeah.
Thank you for the fun story. This is how I feel, please take it."
Ami got 48 yen!
I'm pretty sure this old woman is a recurring character, and also Ami's sole investor. Does she not have a name? You know what, her name is Tabitha now.


Heading upstairs:
Another gauntlet, then.
This giftbox has okaka, that rice topping consumable.
This time there's eight rooms, and holes in the floor that make it harder to get an opening. These tweedledum looking monsters shoot music at you.
These fireplace guys are dicks. They don't move from their spot, but they spit a short-range fireball that homes in on you.
I don't do super well here. Some of the floor patterns make it really hard to dodge. Also, that paper shirt probably didn't help. This definitely feels shoddier than Zelda...I've realized at some point that monsters don't seem to have iframes, so just hitting the sword button repeatedly as soon as I'm in range is the most effective way to go for anything that won't be knocked away. I haven't fully internalized this yet because it feels very wrong.
I made spritesheets for the enemies on principle, but honestly, I don't like any of them at all. The projectile variety and the fact that they have a frame for when they get hit are cool touches, but they just don't look that good. I don't think I'm even going to bother polishing them for a database release. The bosses probably still get the Ninja Taro treatment when we get there, though.
"How's your training going?
After the fight, use the command 'learn.'
You have to learn new techniques. Otherwise, no matter how long you fight, you'll never be able to change your form.
Once you've learned a lot of moves, go to Shokuan and ask him to recreate them.
Then your transformation count will go up.
Anyway, if you don't learn new moves, you won't be able to change.
Good luck with your training."
"Learn" is the command I'd previously translated as "Memory," the one that broke me earlier. I think "Learn" makes more sense as a name, so let's go with that. Anyway, Shokuan's our only hope, let's see what he has to say.
What can I do for you today?"
remodel consult
"I don't think you'll be able to change your form anytime soon, I'm afraid.
I can't teach you.
Is there anything else?"
God DAMMIT old man.
Okay, I've seen someone getting a class change here in an LP, so I think I have to just YOLO it and pick some skills on my own without consultation. Or...eh, it's probably not YOLOing if I'm totally prepared to use save states if this doesn't work, and to just do exactly what the guy in the LP did if that still doesn't work.
The one thing on this list that's not a consumble. It's described as either the ability to burst into laughter, or the ability to take off my clothes. Uhhhhhh...sure, I'll bite.
Consulting Shokuan again:
"What form would you like to change into?"
Fuck yes, let's goooooooo.
We can scroll down to see the Submariner, Nurse and Swordswoman classes. Their images are just question marks. In the short term I might want a stronger offense class, but healing that doesn't rely on food seems like something I'd want forever. So let's hear about the nurse first.
"To become a nurse...
You need to learn more skills as a Normie. Good luck!"
Fuck you. I wanted to know what skills.
This is also all he says about the other two classes. Okay, maybe it's quantity over quality, and the only important thing is what class you're starting from? I go back to the Learn menu and just pick a bunch of the cheapest crap without reading it.
Shokuan consultation:
You can already take this form. I'm sure you can.
You just have to unlock it."
Submariner is still locked; Swordswoman is also newly available. I guess that did the trick. I tried Remodel at some point during this whole struggle and I'm not totally clear on what he has two options for. Shokuan can't actually unlock a new class for me directly, he just opens up the path to me doing it myself.
And so I do.
...The large costumes in this game are realy goofy, huh. It doesn't matter, I won't let this bother me.
I'm free.

#19 Ether


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Posted 02 August 2021 - 05:02 PM

Let's have a short update to discuss the Transformation menu.
Look at this beautiful count of 5 skills and not 28 skills. Med school was so worth it.
I can use this screen to switch between any classes I have access to. I can switch at will.
What I label as "signature" here is something that I previously labeled as "skill." I think this route makes the skill vs technique distinction clearer. The normie's signature was using items, and all of their S, M and L skills branched off of that. (Even though I'm calling it a signature now, it's worth noting that I still have access to the Normie signature too. As for the swordswoman one, well...)
"Good sword technique is critical to being a swordswoman. I don't think this is going to work!"
This is tied to those License skills, I'm pretty sure. I noticed that the swordswoman class has License skills for equipping swords, helmets and [Japanese is hard], and when I'm actually classed as a swordswoman I can access the swordswoman signature, Kendo, with no problems.
Anyway, back to the Transform menu. This time, Explanation:
I'm not certain, but I THINK this says, "Good at treatment and recovery, but sometimes screws up." Different sources have different takes, like, uhhhh....
Truly, who can say what's correct?
みようみまね * Learn by Imitation
じぶんの ゲンキを かすかに かいふく Faintly recovers HP
じっしゅう Practical Training
じぶんの ゲンキを ちょっとだけ かいふく Recovers a little HP (as opposed to "faintly?")
りんしょう Clinical Practice
じぶんの ゲンキを けっこう かいふく Recovers a good amount of HP
かんご Nursing
じぶんの ゲンキを すごく かいふく Recovers a lot of HP
めんきょ26 License26
たてを そうびできる Can equip......something? I think it might be staves.
They're all S skills. I guess MP cost and the fact that Nursing costs 50 skill points to buy in the first place are differences.
All of these explicitly refer to HP. The zillion status effects are still the Normie's jurisdiction, for now.
I think this just lets me view other classes's information without actually changing class. Viewing the Swordswoman/Kenshi techniques:
S めん Men (Head Strike)
てきの あたまを こうげきして ダメージを あたえる Damage by attacking the enemy's head.
M こて Kote (Wrist Strike)
てきの てくびを こうげきして ダメージを あたえる Damage the enemy's wrist.
L つき Tsuki (Throat Strike)
けんを つきだしたまま つっぱしって ダメージを あたえる Damage by holding out your sword.
P めんきょ03
けんを そうびできるし とくいになる Become proficient in swords.
P めんきょ28
おもいたてを そうびできる Learn to use...a new idea?
P めんきょ32
かぶとを そうびできる Learn to wear helmets
The S, M and L are all Kendo terms for pieces of the armor you're supposed to wear. The class is explicitly called Kenshi and I'm secondguessing the decision to go with swordswoman earlier. Oh well.
I go ahead and take the Nurse's healing ability for a spin. I only have the weakest one, but it still gets me to full with no apparent price paid. I wonder what the bar I'm assuming is MP is even for.
I also go back downstairs to Tabitha, my investor, and collect 104 yen from her for the gauntlet. Next floor:
Desk Kools:
"All that's left is the final test. I'll give you the challenge right now."
I'll leave it on this cliffhanger, for now.

Edited by Ether, 02 August 2021 - 05:47 PM.

#20 Ether


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Posted 02 August 2021 - 10:03 PM



I updated the player character's spritesheet to include the nurse and kenshi classes. (The second post has them as well.)


I've...got to admit, a lot of this looked better from afar. Or maybe the normie and nurse are just particularly meh. Or maybe the male classes just have better sprites. I do kind of like the kenshi, at least.


I did make an alternate design for the normie (or at least her front sprite), but it wound up being such a drastic overhaul that it feels weird to even call it an alternate design. I don't know how I want to proceed yet.


Edited by Ether, 02 August 2021 - 10:03 PM.

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#21 Ether


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Posted 06 August 2021 - 12:48 PM

"The last test...
...is a fight with the head of the Anpo branch here.
Good luck!
If you fight with a knife, the branch manager won't even budge.
You'll want to use a sword."
You might notice that my...MP? is a bit lower than it was at the end of the last episode. I kept casting the nurse healing spell to get sprite frames, and one of them seemed to misfire. I don't know if it also would have failed to heal me or not, since my HP was full.
Also this is the first time in this LP that any character line had a ぬ in it and I was getting really worried that I was transcribing the wrong thing for that syllable. It actually sticks out just fine. I'm so relieved.
...Oh, uh, I also realized that he's not stopping me from going right this time. So I do. It's a Turtle Seed.
"Well done on making it through Tiger's Den.
The only thing left to do is fight me.
All you have to do is defeat me...and then you'll be a member of Kools.
Let's go!"
He gets swole.
Normally this would be silly, but this is a setting where we all have shapeshift powers and he's pretty experienced with them, so actually I guess it makes sense!
The sprites aren't really Zelda styled, but they're not bad. The fight itself is really janky, unfortunately. The hitbox on his attacks makes no sense at all, it's awful. The video LP shows the fight here.
I got 8 frames, not counting flipped ones. Then I threw in a version with a less saturated palette, to bring it a bit more in line with Zelda GBC. There's room for improvement--and given GBC Zelda's lack of giant human enemies, it's hard to know exactly how to fix it without some trial and error--but still, pretty good for no real editing. It really is a shame how the fight actually plays out in practice.
This jank ass motherfucker brings me down to an inch of my health before I beat him. My efforts to get the nurse ability off in the heat of battle fail; I think this is a consequence of the game's distinction between B and B+. But the B+ button did flash and go to S at one point, rewatching the fight, and letting go didn't cause me to use any items either, so I don't know what gives. Maybe I didn't have whichever of the 85764986745 consumables my S was set to on-hand? Such a dumb class.
This levels me up, anyway. My kenshi form gets 30 skill points to play with.
I spend it on the sword license, License 03.
I switch over to Nurse and heal up to full before anything else. It takes two casts. I don't think I burned any MP, unless I'm spending it very slowly in very small increments and not noticing.
I still can't equip swords as a nurse...
...But I can fix that now.
(It doesn't seem worth it, in this case. My staff is 1 less ATK but 3 less MAG. Still, option acquired.)
"Come in, come in!"
Yang: "Nice to meet you. I'm Yang, the head of the Kools.
That was a strong showing against the branch manager. You did well.
And that makes you a full member of Kools.
It's time to get your badge."
He turns to the guy on the right.
Yang: "Bob, you put it on."
Bob: "Yes, sir."
Bob: "I'm Bob, deputy chief of Kools.
As a newly minted Kools member, you'd better not embarass us.
If your actions smear the good name of Kools, I will take this badge right back.
In the meantime, congratulations on getting accepted."
Ami got the Kools badge!
A good boss.
Yang: "I hear you're Knack's cousin!
He's the best at what he does, probably the best of the Kools.
We have high hopes for you too. I'm looking forward to it."
And that's this scene. It's a fairly short update, but next time we'll finally get our first mission! I'll try to post that one today as well.

#22 Ether


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Posted 06 August 2021 - 09:07 PM

"Four of you passed the entrance exam!
Your very first assignment as a Kools will be......
It's time to clean up the Anpo Headquarters!"
"You do the first floor!"
"You're cleaning the building's entrance!"
(to me) "You dust off the pictures on the walls!"
"You clear the weeds around the building!"
"Let's start CLEANING!"
You know, fair enough. It's important to keep cops humble.
Talking to him again, he tells me to let him know when I've finished with the pictures.
One picture down.
Female officer:
"Yang, the head of Kools, is an all-around wonderful man. He's kind and strong.
But Bob, the deputy chief, he's kind of a jerk.
...Oh no. Don't tell anyone I said that."
Anpo branch manager:
"You've got a lot of potential, you know. You and Knack are the only two who've beaten me like that."
Two pictures down.
Third picture down.
"You're the first person who's ever made it through Tiger's Den training so quickly.
Wait...no. I think Knack blazed through it pretty fast too.
Well, whatever. The point is, you were amazing."
Four pictures down.
"Yo, new girl! Good luck with the cleaning!"
Fellow Kools newb:
"...I can't believe this is my first job with Kools..."
The receptionist gets up in my face and asks me what's wrong with cleaning if I try to leave. Whatever, fine.
Fellow newb at the lockers:
"I really hate cleaning.
...I was tempted to storm out, but with Knack around, this is actually kind of fun.
I admire him a lot. It's why I joined Kools."
"Cleaning duty, huh?
Yeah, that's always the first assignment. I had to do it too."
He doesn't heal me. The other Kools member on the screen, who I'm realizing I misgendered last time, doesn't say anything different from last time. I should really pick up Submariner at some point in case I need to swim, I assume that's what Submariners do.
Last picture.
"Knack was so happy you joined Cools. He must have really wanted to work with you."
Time to report back...
"Oh, since you're cleaning the pictures, you'll want to take this."
Ami got the building key!
"This is the key to that south room. Use it to dust off the last of the pictures in this building.
...Wait. Only officers are supposed to use that key.
Eh, don't worry about it. Just finish the cleaning."

(talking to him again)
"Those pictures represent great Kools heroes of history. Take good care of them."
I'm sure it'll be fine.
...The music's off.
It doesn't look like I can fall into the pit, incidentally. That one room on my map remains unaccounted for.
Bob: "And you're certain you've done everything by the plan?"
> "Yeah, I've been getting close to Knack.
But...I think this plan is crazy......"
Bob: "Shut up! Show some respect!
I can use Metamode better than anyone else, and these hippies are wasting my talents on world peace.
We could conquer the world!
Hey! Where the hell is Knack?
Go get him!"
> "Y-Yes, sir!"
Bob: "Knack's a tough guy, and he's popular too. He would be the perfect ally!
Then we could pull in others. We could take on the Kools...
Ugh, what's wrong?"
Bob: "This poor thing. You've heard things you shouldn't have."
I swear I didn't! I don't even speak Japanese!
Bob: "I'm afraid you're being discharged from Kools early.
Here's your severance package!"
Bob: "Argh! Knack!"
Knack: "...are you...hurt...?
...gonna...get you...out..."
Bob: "Grr, we lost her...
Well, whatever. There's nothing a rookie like her can do."
Bob: "Hey! Clean up Knack's wounds right now!
We'll keep him hypnotized to obey me."
> "Yes! Understood!"
We're not in Anpo anymore...

#23 DarkFlameSheep


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Posted 07 August 2021 - 09:34 PM

I didn't know Metamode until Ether told me. I guess character design wasn't cool even then or didn't match with Japanese's taste. If character design was much more cool and matched with our taste, Metamode might be a bit more popular. 

Edited by DarkFlameSheep, 07 August 2021 - 09:35 PM.

#24 Ether


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Posted 08 August 2021 - 06:41 PM

Limestone Caves & Ancient Tomb to the north
Anpo is back at the south end of the map, the spot to the left of that big city.
One of the random villagers back in Anpo mentioned that the monsters around there were very powerful. In hindsight she probably wasn't exaggerating, huh. We've got a long way to go.
There's an exit in the screen just to the south of me. No time for sidequests, this is a race against time.
"I've heard there's a monster in the shape of a tent, that can only be attacked by magic.
The Submariner's 'Water Dart' will work.
Try it for yourself."
"This is a pretty weird surface. Try it out!"
The brown patch below the sign pushes me north when I walk on it. The giftbox has a Wooden Sword.
Ugh, I'm going to need Submariner access, aren't I. Fine, let's go back to Normie. As long as I don't have to actually use its skills.
Anpo's to the southeast, so going right...
Hmm. We can't pass this, not without Submariner. I guess we're taking the gate.
...Never mind! We are not taking the gate! Please don't hurt me.
There's a shop. I don't bother just yet, but I know from outside reading that it should have a bank, stalls that buy/sell equipment and temporary items, and a warp. I can't warp back to Anpo unless I've walked back the long way.
Shokuan's here, too.
"There's something off about you...
You smell of evil. Where the hell did you come from?"
(The giftbox contains ヘボランス, following the consumables system's proud tradition of I have no idea what anything is. EDIT: Actually this is a lance! Thank you, Saffith!)
"The gate to this village is in the southern mountains, and it's warded to prevent evil from crossing it. We don't see a lot of Kools around here, either, since there's no need for them."
"You want to use items through the "Self" command on the menu, right?
There is a way to do that.
If you learn all the Normie techniques, you can use 'okaka' or 'eggs!'"
Unless I'm mistranslating, learning all the normie skills sounds like way too much trouble when I could just never use items. I hope I don't have to do this anyway for Submariner.
"You came here from Anpo?
What on earth brings you so far out of the way?"
Pretty. Doesn't seem like I can get there yet.
"There's an Ancient Tomb behind this house. It marks the resting place of a great man."
Guessing I know who...
Inside the house, there's a man and a boy who talk about game mechanics. The boy warns me that I can't damage some enemies without the right...カオ? Later context suggests it's about how you have to use techniques sometimes. But there's established terms for both techniques and transformations, so eh. Anyway, I assume this is like that tent monster the other guy mentioned.
The man talks about how to reorder skills and equipment with Select.
"Those with the smell of evil can't enter or leave this village.
The only way around that is to ask the head of the village to cleanse them."
Good to know...
"May I help you?"
He's literally saying "May I help you?" in English, just transliterated into Japanese characters. When you leave, his goodbye ends in an English "See you again!"
I don't bother messing around with the mix feature right now, I just thought it was funny.
This dragonfly goes into a kind of whirlwind mode.
The thing in the shell just...walks slowly in one direction toward the edge of the screen and then keeps trying in vain to walk past the invisible screen barrier. I poke it a few times to get its sprites, and then I just leave it alone. In a game that regards monsters as dangerous but friendly, hurting this harmless little guy just feels like police brutality.
The flytrap cactus thing spits spikes at me, I've got no guilt there. I peacefully subdue it, rendering it into bloody fragments.
The gift is eggs, I sure do love consumables.
I have no idea what those...wells? are for. I can't dive in, at least not yet.
The flower walks arounds and sometimes spits angry faces at me. Simple enough. I ignore the north exit for now, but we'll be back.
I've seen this place before...
Old Man:
"A long time ago, the man who lived in this house invented Metamode.
But the man who lives here now is just an ordinary guy."
"Normies can only equip knives, right?
But they could wield a sword.
Do you want to know how?"
"There's a technique you can learn as a Kenshi, License 03. Then equip it. If you do that, you'll be able to use swords.
That way, you could have a Bishop that can swing a sword, or a knight who can get into water.
So that's it."
I already knew this, and in fact am literally a sword-wielding normie right now, but I got yes and no mixed up because of the "want to."
The man is important. He offers me a rest, which heals me. I'm sure that taking a slow leisurely stroll back to Anpo with lots of rests will be fine.
I also go through his drawers and find a Kitsune Seed, because no good deed goes unpunished.
The left side of town is mostly full of monsters, but...
"You know a very bad person, don't you.
If that's the case, you'll never get out of this town.
My father can tell you more."
I guess that explains the smell?
...is this old man this little girl's dad?
Old Woman:
"Hmm? You're not from this village, are you?"
Old Man:
"Little girl...
Have you ever been attacked by a monster or a bad guy?"
> Yes.
"I see...
The smell of that evil is clinging to you. That explains it.
Will you tell me your story?
...... ......
...... ...... ......
I can't believe Kools has people like that.
So you want to stop Bob and his faction from taking over...
That's the plan, right?
That's good! I like your spirit!
But you can't leave the village in your current state.
The gate in the southern mountains won't allow anyone with the taint of evil to pass through.
For the sake of the Kools who fought for world peace, I'll get rid of this stench on you.
Just hold still...
I think he's chanting.
Old Man:
This evil on you is too strong...
I can't cleanse it. Only a holy light can.
You'll have to visit the Ancient Tomb.
First, take this to the Limestone Caves. Then flip the switch in the farthest room.
That should open the path to the main entrance in the forest village.
Once you've passed through the gate, you can reach the Tomb.
If you can reach the light at the Ancient Tomb, that should clear the stench on you."
Ami got the Limestone Permit!
Technically it's just a Permit, but I've already got, like, a certificate and all those license skills to keep straight.
Next time, we head north.

Edited by Ether, 08 August 2021 - 11:26 PM.

#25 Saffith


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Posted 08 August 2021 - 10:44 PM

めんきょ26 License26
たてを そうびできる Can equip......something? I think it might be staves.


P めんきょ28
おもいたてを そうびできる Learn to use...a new idea?

Heavy shields.

(The giftbox contains ヘボランス, following the consumables system's proud tradition of I have no idea what anything is.)

Not sure about that one. I would guess a crude lance, but that doesn't sound like it'd be consumable.

Inside the house, there's a man and a boy who talk about game mechanics. The boy warns me that I can't damage some enemies without the right...カオ? Later context suggests it's about how you have to use techniques sometimes. But there's established terms for both techniques and transformations, so eh. Anyway, I assume this is like that tent monster the other guy mentioned.

He's saying that if you attack a monster and its face doesn't show pain, the attack did no damage and you should use a technique instead.

First, take this to the Limestone Caves. Then flip the switch in the farthest room.
That should open the path to the main entrance in the forest.
Once you've passed through the gate, you can reach the Tomb.

Not sure if the translator screwed up or you're factoring in what you know, but that doesn't say anything about the forest. It should open the building in the center of the village.

#26 Ether


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Posted 08 August 2021 - 11:03 PM

Got it!


ヘボランス does appear to be a lance, now that I actually check where it is in my inventory and see what its icon is. And the Tomb being in the middle of the village definitely makes sense, it would explain that big fancy building blocked off by bamboo.


It does seem like shields and heavy shields are separate categories in this game, going by the icons in the store. Oddly, light shields seem to be associated with magic, and kenshi can't use them by default.

#27 Ether


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Posted 09 August 2021 - 09:24 AM

Minor update from last night! We didn't head north.
Old Woman:
"Young lady!"
"Take this with you."
Ami got the transceiver!
"With this, you can go on adventures with other Kools friends.
All you need to do is go to the Start menu and choose "Connect."
Of course, you'll need to use a link cable."
Yeah, Metamode has multiplayer co-op. I honestly would love to try it. I don't think my emulator supports it, alas.
This is the first screen north of that exit I showed in the last episode, but I'm not going further just yet.
You get skill points every time you beat a monster; it's not a lump at level-up. I've been spending all my points on crappy Normie skills every time I get 10 of them. And I just reached C rank.
I race back to Shokuan. I have to check.
Fuck. Yes.
...I feel slightly uncomfortable about the portrait, but the 16x16 is a cutie.
S アクアラング Aqualung
しんせんな くうきを すって ゲンキを ちょっとだけ かいふく
Take a breath of fresh air and regain a little HP.
S シュノーケル Snorkel
あわで てきを こうげきして ダメージを あたえる
Attack your enemy with foam.
S じばく Suicide Bomb
てきに おおきな ダメージを あたえるが じぶんも キズつく
Does a lot of damage to your enemy, but hurts you too.
M マリンガン Marine Gun (their pun, not mine)
マシンガンのような れんぞくこうげき てきに ダメージをあたえる
A series of machine gunlike attacks to damage your enemy.
P ふじょう Surfacing
みずのうえでも あるける
You can walk on water
So, uhhh...none of these are the water dart ("みずでっぽう") that guy spoke of! Still, hopefully at least one should qualify? Snorkel seems to be effectively a water gun attack, Marine Gun is a literal water gun.
And I absolutely have to get Surfacing too.
I also stopped by the shop to check if heavy shields exist. They do. Bows do too, interestingly. The items here largely don't seem worth it right now...most of the weapons only boost me by like a stat point or two, or are weird types that my current classes might or might not be able to wield. Armor would be great if I could wear it, but I think only Kenshi can and the license is in another class. And other defensive items seem to drop my magic (not directly, I think, but my False Shield and my hat both give me magic boosts).
There is a very nice-looking sword, the Kai, but I only have 338 yen. I'll need 760 for it.
I don't understand the stat mechanics, exactly, but if MAG boosts my healing at all, then I think it's probably better for me than defense? Healing spells only seem to cost 1 MP, so as long as I don't actually die I have an assload of effective HP.

#28 Ether


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Posted 09 August 2021 - 10:25 PM

When there's an island in the middle of the room, keep the monsters away from it to avoid being overrun.
And here's a bonus tip for Limestone Caves:
A monster in the shape of a flowerpot can only be attacked from afar.
Be careful!
I think it's a flowerpot. One of my translations thinks it's a vulture, or possibly a snake. We're going to find out.
Tabitha gives me my paycheck. It's just a little short of that good Kai sword, but if I check back in with her later I should be able to get it.
"I'm the guy in charge of Limestone Caves. I'll never let a suspicious person in!"
You reek of evil.
Dangerous people like you shouldn't be in Limestone Caves."
But I have a permit!
"Oh! That's...a permit from the village head...
Do as you will."
Limestone Caves.
This monster just sits tight and waits for me to come close before popping up. The part above the surface is a mushroom head. It shoots out a music note sometimes, which actually hurts. There's also a chance of a status effect that slows me down, which really sucks--it only seems to wear off by leaving the screen.
I realize at this point that Submariner can already Jesus-walk by default. The Surfacing skill is just a license to let other classes do it too, then.
I go ahead and take Snorkle, the foam attack, since I won't need Surfacing until I leave Submariner, and Snorkle helps me now. Then I remember to actually equip it.
Here's a nautilus that shoots shadows at me.
I think this thing is a millipede? Walks toward me slowly, subject to knockback, seems harmless.
Hmm. This seems like a dead end. I think I might have to beat up this poor tsuburan that never did anything wrong in its life.
...The door doesn't open when I do. But when I go back south and see the nautilus is back, beating it a second time opens the right door.
Speeding through this: I press the button. I'm pretty sure this is the monster that needs ranged attacks, and I don't have any--it turns out Snorkle isn't one (and through save states I learn that Marine Gun isn't either). The man heals me, so that's nice. The giftbox I can open now is sea urchin, a consumable.
Next floor.
I fight through a few more rooms. Not much to report, except that I get 50 more skill points and can grab Surfacing.
Then I switch to Nurse.
Just in time for this screen. (Not that it really matters, since I could have just stayed in Submariner for one more screen.)
"If you're using the Transceiver for multiplayer and your friend suddenly disappears, don't panic.
Just choose "Connect" again, and multiplayer will be restored.
If you think something's wrong, just press the Start button and you'll be fine."
The gift is a frog seed. I hit the switch, but I don't think this is the end of the line. I'm not certain, but I think this entire thing is optional?
This door from back in the beginning is open now. I think that was the closer switch, not the one at the very end behind the water.
And that opens this south exit.
Find switch, open door. You know the drill. Let's just skip ahead to when we open it.
From here it's just a torchlit path. The boss is coming up.
It's a trilobyte. Much smaller spritesheet this time, it's just him moving around. I'll post it with the next update.
Despite having no visible projectiles, he does seem to have a ranged attack. It's very bullshit.
I lose.
This takes me back to the start of the dungeon.
Meh, whatever. I'm going to buy that cool sword and check on Shokuan. Hopefully there isn't anything that gets barred off if I die.
Two new forms are available: Miko and Bishop.
There's something I want in Bishop.
I buy the fancy sword. It is apparently a different type of sword than the kind I'm licensed for. Great.
Miko has 5 skills; Bishop has 10. Urgh. Okay, let's see them.
* ヒール Heal
じぶんの ゲンキを ちょっとだけ かいふく
Restores a little HP
リバイル ....Revile? They probably intended Revive?
トモダチを いきかえらせて ゲンキを ちょっとだけ かいふく
...Revive a friend with a little HP. I think. I guess it's multiplayer-specific?
ヒーラ Healer
じぶんの ゲンキを けっこう かいふく
Restores some HP.
リバイバル Revival
トモダチを いきかえらせて ゲンキを けっこう かいふく
Revive a friend with more HP.
リペア Repair
じぶんの ステータスを なんでも かいふく
Fixes status effects.
シャット ...Shut?
がんじょうさが すごく あがる
It'll make you feel a lot stronger.
ヒーリスト Healist?
じぶんの トモダチの ゲンキを すごく かいふく
Restore a lot of your friend's HP.
セイント Saint
てきに せいの ダメージを あたえる
Damages the enemy.
ラナ Rana?
こうどうするたびに ゲンキが かいふくする
Whenever you take an action, your HP will be restored.
ぼうしを かぶれる
Wear hats.
* くちよせ Channeling
トモダチの ゲンキを ちょっとだけ かいふく
...Take a little of your friend's HP?
おふだ Ofuda
チンモク ドク ゲンエイを なおす
I think it fixes some status effects.
まよけ Talisman
フリーズと フドウを なおす
Fix Freeze and some other status effect.
おいのり Supplication
スロウアクトと ドンソクを なおす
More status effect fixes.
あまごい Pray for Rain
じぶんの ゲンキを けっこう かいふく
Recovers a good amount of HP.
...God, there's so many fucking redundancies. If Repair fixes all status effects, what is even the point of Miko? It's so frustrating, because I like lots of the ideas behind this game, but in practice you wind up getting shit like this.
Classes yet to be unlocked: Ronin (from Kenshi), Witch (from Miko), and...Timegetter? (from Bishop)
Blaaaaaaaaah. I'll kill the trilobyte and do Ancient Tomb next time, I guess.

#29 Saffith


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Posted 10 August 2021 - 12:16 AM

When there's an island in the middle of the room, keep the monsters away from it to avoid being overrun.
And here's a bonus tip for Limestone Caves:
A monster in the shape of a flowerpot can only be attacked from afar.
Be careful!

The translator seriously botched that one. It says you need to defeat all the monsters in the rooms with rocks in the middle, in order from the fewest rocks to the most.

And you're right, the monster is pot-shaped.

#30 Ether


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Posted 10 August 2021 - 12:24 AM

Ohhhhh. It gave some pretty different things with different concatenations, but they were a little janky looking and that one seemed to at least make some sense. Good to know.




Incidentally, Google Translate's attempt was even more fun.

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