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Lost Isle

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Lost Isle

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#241 pixcalibur



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Posted 26 February 2019 - 02:32 PM

Lost Isle has been my favorite 2D Zelda game of all time since I discovered it about 6 years ago. I love replaying video games, so I’ve played through this quest at least half a dozen times. I think I’ll go ahead and write a full review in another post, but one of the many things I liked about this quest was how polished it was. While the world is massive and contains loads to explore, everything felt like it was readily findable and glitchfree without having to go browse help threads. I thought I had single-handedly discovered everything there was to find in Lost Isle.


…I was wrong. Recently I was inspired to finally browse through the (multiple!) Lost Isle help threads just to make sure nothing surprised me. My original goal was to skim through every one of the 174 pages of the original 2007+ locked thread. Yes, I am probably insane. If it makes you feel better, I’ve only gotten to page 106 and probably will lose interest before I finish, especially since nothing new seems to have turned up in the last 50 pages. Anyways, I did find several things that I never knew, so I figured for posterity, I’d post my list of Things I Never Found Out About Lost Isle Without a Help Forum.

  1. There are TWO shield/potion shops. I always knew about the Cultist Cave one, but not the earlier/more expensive one. It’s one of those things that, in hindsight, should have been obvious that it was a suspicious spot that I ought to try bombing.
  2. There is a completely extra 12th key in Bhalstok Castle. As a completionist, I have very mixed feelings about the revelation that there is an extra “cheat key”. Ah well, I shall add it to my list of things to always get—I’ll always get the 11 normal keys anyways.
  3. There are actual clues to the three Oderra Catacombs mazes. I always thought this was just trial and error (helped by mapping out the rooms). I feel dumb for not recognizing the first one; the other two are so subtle that I’m not surprised I missed them (and rather feel they should have been made a bit more obvious).
  4. The left path is definitively easier during Armageddon. I knew that there were two paths you can take, but the nature of that part of the quest doesn’t exactly lend itself to deliberate, drawn-out observation and strategizing what the best route is. =P
  5. I’m apparently the only player who tries to zero-death quests by retrying any time I die, and this has negative consequences…completing the game is much easier (I discovered this time around) when you accept a death during Armageddon and continue.
  6. Not something I found from the help forum, but I did randomly discover something new this playthrough—a hidden bomb cave with no cracked wall to mark it one scene east of the main entrance to Xaagan Wastelands, containing a random tablet talking about the Queen Fairy. I don’t suppose there are any other secret unmarked caves I’ve missed??? (EDIT: Now that I have the spoilers map...yeah, I suck at finding these hidden tablet caves. I see one in every 8x8 quadrant, and I only found one of the six on my own!)

On a related note, there was frequent reference in the 2007 help thread to a spoiler map. However, the link provided there no longer works. Does anyone know where I can find a copy of that map, just to double-check that I have now found all the secrets that the developers say exist in this quest?


2. Since keys are level specific, it's ok to add that hidden key in there.  Maybe if someone wants to skip that one key outside the level that takes a while to get.


5. That's basically what I do with every quest I've done.  Only, in addition, I don't use F6-Continues and no potion use either.  This quest took a bit of time to get the routine down.


6. Those hidden rooms with the tablets do have cracks on the walls outside, but you have to look really hard to notice the subtle cracked walls.

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#242 DarkFlameWolf


    Murana Wolford

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Posted 08 September 2019 - 02:22 PM

Not to bump for no reason, but I was playing Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild the other day and I realized something: These two games have a lot in common!!!

Lost Isle - You're thrown into a vast, desolate and supposedly 'dead' world with no direction and little guidance.
Breath of the Wild - You're thrown into a vast, desolate and supposedly 'dead' world with no direction and little guidance.


Lost Isle - You have freedom to explore the island at your leisure with some blockades due to item acquisition.

Breath of the Wild - You have freedom to explore the world at your leisure with some blockades due to sheikah slate rune acquisition or clothing requirements.


Lost Isle - You have four major dungeons to complete and one final one where you face the final boss.
Breath of the Wild - You have four major divine beasts to complete and one final castle dungeon where you face the final boss.

Lost Isle - You must save the island from an eldritch abomination that killed most of the inhabitants.
Breath of the Wild - You must save Hyrule from an eldritch abomination of Ganon that killed most of the inhabitants.



In Short, Lost Isle was just ahead of the curve here!

:tard:  :bounce:  :slycool:

Edited by DarkFlameWolf, 08 September 2019 - 02:23 PM.

#243 vravelo


    I was killed a lot""---, try me now..!

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Posted 08 September 2019 - 06:48 PM

lost isle . :shiver:,, still remember this.! hard part for me was to get the stepladder ,, I lost my senses, my god never was so out of luck  trying to pass that door.. after that played normal to the end... :whistle: 

#244 Matthew Bluefox

Matthew Bluefox


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Posted 13 April 2020 - 02:34 PM

I'm siriusly considering to "Let's Play" this quest (again). I've done it before, but it was so badly played that I removed it. Lust Isle wakes the lust in me to play Zelda Classic again! :) Who hasn't ever died to a Deafbo in the graveyard tryforce dungeon or in the red mail minidungeon or in Level 5? :)

Edited by Matthew Bluefox, 13 April 2020 - 02:43 PM.

#245 DarkFlameWolf


    Murana Wolford

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Posted 02 May 2020 - 02:39 PM

I'd be looking forward to it.

#246 jwex001



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Posted 01 August 2021 - 01:17 PM

Looking to jump back in and play this amazing quest again (unless the sequel was made that is), problem is it seems to crash in 2.55 (using it since says lost isle build may not work).  Anyone play it successfully in any other builds?


Edit:  Nevermind.  I think I found a build it works on

Edited by jwex001, 03 August 2021 - 03:45 PM.

#247 Matthew Bluefox

Matthew Bluefox


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Posted 04 August 2021 - 04:01 PM

Hello everybuddy. Yeah, I said last year I was considering to LP this beauty of a quest again, but alas, things came between and I had to increase my workload because of financial issues with the insurance that was supposed to pay me monthly since Feb 2020. Now the court has eventually forced them to pay, and this gave me the safety to reduce my workload again ... which means ...


I will most likely be able to (Re)-LP Lust Isle on Youtube. Once the first few parts are uploaded, I will start linking them in the "Let's Play" area of this forum. I just wanted to say thanks to Wulfie and Peteo once more for this unreached effort in ZC history. I'd die to get my hands on an unlocked quest file of this, so I could - for the sake of an entertaining LP - sometimes do a quicksave or a reset in a room of "Ballstuck" castle when I fall too often. =D


Edit: Holy moly, 2.1 million views for Lust Isle ... insane!


Edit 2: This is the link to the playlist of my LI playthrough: https://www.youtube....Kzbyoh0OX8fxkAc - Sadly, due to a lack of savepoint after the final boss (and before the escape), I would have been forced to replay the entire final boss battle (including the never-ending wall of text that can't be skipped) and pick up yet another spare potion from elsewhere (forcing me to spend even more time wandering around). I did beat the final boss, so for me, the game is beaten. That also means the Master Dome won't happen.

Edited by Matthew Bluefox, 08 August 2021 - 09:50 PM.

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#248 Kacy



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Posted 22 June 2024 - 10:03 PM


Edited by Kacy, 23 June 2024 - 09:52 AM.

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