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The Official PZC "Lounge" Interaction Thread Engine #1

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#2266 Magi_Hero



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Posted 05 May 2016 - 02:44 PM

I bowled my highest game of 241 last night.

I missed a 600 series by 13 pins.

That is one damned spare somewhere. :(
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#2267 Eddy



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Posted 17 June 2016 - 06:42 AM

So as I was about to watch Nintendo reveal Breath of the Wild on Tuesday, my internet cut off for the next 3 days. Apparently a group of workers near some place in south London accidentally cut a bunch of optic fibres which connected everyone in the area to the internet. When this cut off, everyone in the area could no longer use the internet for the next 3 days until they finally fixed it. Sucks that I had to miss out on a lot of E3 stuff, but oh well, at least I got to catch up on Breath of the Wild I guess...

#2268 TK8305


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Posted 17 June 2016 - 09:55 AM

I bowled my highest game of 241 last night.

I missed a 600 series by 13 pins.

That is one damned spare somewhere. :(


Aww...you'll get the 600 some time!  I've shot several 6s before.  My best games were 2 278s.  (One I shot in a league a while ago and the other practicing!)


Still trying to get my first 700 series.  Almost had it one night but a 7-10 Split denied me.  (695 Series that night)

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#2269 Shane



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Posted 29 June 2016 - 05:15 PM

Gouanaco is going to visit me next week, so excited. :D It's been a while now (2014 I believe) since he last visited.

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#2270 Deedee


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Posted 29 June 2016 - 05:30 PM

So as I was about to watch Nintendo reveal Breath of the Wild on Tuesday, my internet cut off for the next 3 days. Apparently a group of workers near some place in south London accidentally cut a bunch of optic fibres which connected everyone in the area to the internet. When this cut off, everyone in the area could no longer use the internet for the next 3 days until they finally fixed it. Sucks that I had to miss out on a lot of E3 stuff, but oh well, at least I got to catch up on Breath of the Wild I guess...


The world has 2 types of people: Those who spend their time doing something important; and idiots who ruin said first groups activities with their own incompetence. I hope they got charged :P

#2271 Eddy



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Posted 20 July 2016 - 05:58 AM

Had a bit of a scary experience this morning... at around 11am, a car just outside our house caught into flames and was at the point of exploding. Thankfully the fire brigade came along and extinguished the flames before anything worse happened. But yeah, the car that was on fire was right in front of our car, so the fire could have easily spreaded over and destroyed our car, destroying our holiday tomorrow. Very thankful our car didn't get affected and no one got hurt, but man, things could have gotten bad real quick.

#2272 Magi_Hero



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Posted 20 July 2016 - 10:29 AM

Aww...you'll get the 600 some time! I've shot several 6s before. My best games were 2 278s. (One I shot in a league a while ago and the other practicing!)

Still trying to get my first 700 series. Almost had it one night but a 7-10 Split denied me. (695 Series that night)

Last week I hit a 249 with a 601 series.
Movin' on up. 8)

#2273 Koh


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Posted 21 August 2016 - 09:16 PM

Ugh, this is one shitty way to have your evening ruined.  So I'm here watching a discussion with  Steven Crowder and Ben Shapiro on some hot topics, and a huge as cockroach, fresh from the thunderstorm outside, bombards its way under my chair while I'm here eating and watching.  I wasn't wearing any shoes, and it startled me, so I mounted the chair and shouted in surprise.  I moved from my chair onto my bed, in my plan to get to the door, my shoes and vacuum, but then it crawled INTO MY SHOES I was going to wear.  I was like "AARGH! NOT THERE!"  in frustration, and mom heard me, and got to the vacuum first, but then it ran from my shoes to the blanket for Shadow (our 10+ year old dog) outside my door.  After some horseplay, we finally got it vacuumed, but, still, what a shitty way to have an evening XD.


Ugh, I hate roaches.  I'm not afraid of them, but I don't want them on me either!  Their biological function is to help with decomposition; who knows what shit they got into before they get on you XD

Edited by Koh, 21 August 2016 - 09:18 PM.

#2274 Shane



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Posted 29 September 2016 - 06:00 AM

So my entire state had a blackout for over 24 hours but we'll be getting another one in 2-3 hours and probably will last a week this time around. We're currently experiencing the worst storm in 50 years and the worst has yet to come. A lot of disasters have happened or are about to happen such as floodings, broken powerlines, torn buildings and potential injuries and death. School and everything else has been closed excluding emergency services.


Me and my family will be safe, I think the only issue will be the boredom. And with that, I might see you all next week (or sooner). Sucks that 1/2 of my school break is most likely gonna be a blackout.


Edit (6 hours later): Might be back on for good, but the storm hasn't passed, so that's just an assumption. Edit: Yeah, think it's back on for good. Yay.

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#2275 Anthus


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Posted 29 September 2016 - 02:16 PM

Stay safe, Shane, I hope it goes better, and the power doesn't go off for you guys again. I know it can be boring.

#2276 MarinaraSauce



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Posted 29 September 2016 - 07:17 PM

I have a question: What exactly were the "Quest Project Forums"?


I've been on here for a few years, and I've seen it in the list of archives, but I never checked it out. I just assumed that it was just the system that was in place before the quest project feature, similarly to the old script and quest databases in the same archive list. But after getting the curiosity to read through some of the old archives earlier, it seems that there was more to it than that, with small groups of quest makers similar to actual game developers (at least from what I can tell). So that makes me wonder, what were the Quest Project Forums? How did they work, and why were they ditched?

#2277 Eddy



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Posted 30 September 2016 - 03:06 AM

Well, they were pretty much what you described at the beginning, just a forum for quest projects before the feature came about. It's been quite a while since I looked into it though so I can't remember much, but I'm just gonna assume it works similarly to the current quest project feature, except without all the cool stuff you have now. I'm gonna also assume the forums were ditched because people started using the new quest project and the forum kinda became useless.


I'm probably wrong on that though, but I think that's all it was :P

#2278 Russ


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Posted 30 September 2016 - 03:58 AM

Well, they went through quite a history. Originally, they were forums shared by three members to show off their work. Originally, members would just show off whatever, and when one left, the other two members would choose a new one. This got replaced with a system where the site voted for members to fill vacancies. Then, the entire system changed so that a group of members all working on a group quest would get a QPF, though they were free to advertise their own solo quests as well. The Quest Projects system made them obsolete however, and by the times they were rolled out, there were only three QPFs left anyway, so they were archived.
I miss Underneath the Armos very much.
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#2279 Moonbread


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Posted 15 October 2016 - 02:41 PM

I love my babies.




I fear for my cat's life if it ever gets in though.

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#2280 ShadowTiger


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Posted 21 February 2017 - 09:41 AM

So yesterday was President's Day in the United States. Neither of my two jobs was off, but it was certainly slow. It was so slow, in fact, that we made a tally for every phone call we got. We divided it into three categories.

1) "Other" - Telemarketers, pharmacy reminders, and spam. We got 5 calls.
2) "Customers" - Actual clients or new clients. We got 6.
3) "Owner's Wife." - The Owner's Wife. We got 18 calls. Yep.

So, about as many as we usually get from her on a daily basis.

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