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Like-Like descendant of the Deku?!

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#1 Chakaa


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Posted 11 July 2009 - 11:48 PM

Ok, one of my weird Zelda theories from Casual Zelda Classic. So I figured I'd bring it here to see what the reaction is.

Also my debut topic on PureZC.

Hi to anyone who recognizes me.

OK, here it goes:

I have strange thoughts. This was one of my moderately strange ones.

I'll explain everything at the end.

1st Step: Deku People.
2nd Step: Unknown Species #1 - Mad Scrub
3rd Step: Unknown Species #2
4th Step: Mini Baba
5th Step: Deku Baba - Bio Mini Baba
6th Step: Deku Baba (Joint) - Bio Deku Baba
7th Step: Baba Serpant - Big Deku Baba - Unknown Species #3
8th Step: Unknown Species #4 - Unknown Species #5
9th Step: Boko Baba - Giant Deku Baba
10th Step: Unknown Species #6
11th Step: Deku Like
12th Step: Like-like

Now, your probably wondering what that chart means.

OK, at Step one, you have the plain old Deku People. Now how are they related to the deku?

Step 2: The Deku people evolve into two separate species, the Mad Scrub, a modified Deku scrub built to fight. The other way, they are at Unknown Species #1. This would probably look like a small Deku with a big nose. Similar to Deku Link.

Step 3: To get here you need to consider one thing. Do Deku's have infinite supplies of Deku nuts because they really have Baba heads growing inside them? This topic cannot continue if you don't consider that. Unknown Species #2 must be something like a Deku Scrub, with a small body, big nose with a baba head sticking out. Because it is part plant, the Deku's arms and legs would probably revert back to roots. If that happens in this step, the could probably still use the roots as something to move around with. The roots would be grounded if this happens in Step 4.

Step 4: The roots become grounded and the top of the deku takes over the rest of it's skin/bark. This would cause it to look like a flower, or pile of leaves. The baba head would split and give it a mouth. This would be the Mini Baba.

Step 5: There may be a sub-species in between the Mini Baba and the Deku Baba. The Mini Baba grows a thin trunk and shoots up in the air. Now that it is a plant and not a person, they could be harvested for sticks and nuts. Some of the Mini Baba's adapted to live in wet areas be growing to escape the water, others became Bio Mini Babas, or water Mini Babas.

Step 6: From constantly being harvested, the Deku Baba needed a defense mechanism to keep the race alive. So it grew teeth and began to bend at the middle. Also, at the same time, the Bio Mini Babas would grow, with unknown circumstances behind the reason for the growth. This caused them to evolve into the Bio Deku Baba. The race would not continue to evolve after this point in time.

Step 7: After a few hundred years, the race for resources would get fiercer and the babas would continue to evolve, but becoming more violent and bigger. First off, Big Deku Babas would just be bigger Deku Babas (joint). Next, the Baba Serpant would be born. This would no longer have a joint, but be completely mobile, like a snake. When it was cut, it was adapted to have most of it's organs and everything important in it's head, so when cut it would have a while before it needed to be re-attached. Unknown Species #3 would appear like a Baba Serpant, but with the head of a regular Big Deku Baba.

Step 8: Unknown Species #4, would appear to be a Baba Serpant with a bigger, bag-like base, and a more leaf-like or better, Venus fly trap-like head. Unknown Species #5, would be a bigger version of Unknown #3.

Step 9: Unknown #4 would evolve into the Boko Baba. Unknown #5, would evolve into a Giant Deku Baba after the base adapted to it stays alive after the head got cut off.

Step 10: Giant Deku Baba would evolve into Unknown #6. Unknown Species #6 would start to lose it's vine and the head would grow into it's base.

Step 11: Unknown #6 would have a few modifications to it's body before becoming a Deku Like. First the two halves of it's head would split in two and morph into it's body. The base would become much larger. The body would lose it's ability to attack unless something is within a foot of it.

Step 12: The Deku Like would lose it's leaves on the body, the teeth would move into it's body, and the Deku Scrub is done on it's journey to a Like Like.

The Unknowns:

Unknown 1: Small Scrub
Unknown 2: Scrub Baba
Unknown 3: Big Serpant
Unknown 4: Boko Serpant
Unknown 5: Giant Serpant
Unknown 6: Baba Like

If anyone can come up with other names, I'll list them.

#2 GanonThePig97



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Posted 12 July 2009 - 05:07 AM

that's an interesting theory.

#3 Adem



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Posted 12 July 2009 - 08:34 AM

And obscure. icon_blink.gif But interesting.

I'll never look at Deku Scrubs the same way.

#4 Feenicks


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Posted 12 July 2009 - 04:42 PM

If this is true, then how/why do the two species always seem to coexist in roughly the same time period?
Disregarding the above, nice (if a bit stretched) line of logic.

#5 Alestance


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Posted 12 July 2009 - 04:46 PM

its a life cycle, not an evolutionary cycle.

Dekus begin as, sometimes, peaceful creatures with cognition and intelligence, but grow, then, into monsters driven by instinct. Thats what Fefe seems to imply.

#6 MrMister



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Posted 12 July 2009 - 05:30 PM

At least your theory isn't as nuts as the ones seen on Zelda Universe.
Now those guys have time on their hands. O_O

#7 Radien



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Posted 12 July 2009 - 05:36 PM

I think Hyrule is a fantasy world, and it doesn't necessarily follow the rules of evolution. Like-likes are termed as "monsters," as are most of the Zelda series enemies, and monsters are supposed to be somewhat fantastical. Check out some of the definitions:


1. a legendary animal combining features of animal and human form or having the forms of various animals in combination, as a centaur, griffin, or sphinx.
2. any creature so ugly or monstrous as to frighten people.
3. any animal or human grotesquely deviating from the normal shape, behavior, or character.

Definition #1 is used often. Combinations of different types of animals is usually only possible through magical or otherwise fantasy-based means, so it's not terribly important to analyze it scientifically. In other words, I think Deku Likes are a unnatural creatures probably created through unnatural means. They might even be products of the Twilight.(shrug)

#8 Fabbrizio



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Posted 12 July 2009 - 08:54 PM

You are a very strange person.

I like the way you think! icon_thumbsup.gif

#9 MoscowModder


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Posted 13 July 2009 - 08:52 AM

That is insane and makes no sense. How is a deku scrub/baba related to a like-like, and what in any universe is a Deku Like?!

Nice theory, though icon_lol.gif

#10 Chakaa


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Posted 13 July 2009 - 10:21 AM

QUOTE(MoscowModder @ Jul 13 2009, 09:52 AM) View Post

How is a deku scrub/baba related to a like-like, and what in any universe is a Deku Like?!

Deku Likes are enemies from TP, they are basically Like-likes that do not move. When you kill a giant Baba, they leave behind similar enemies. The Deku Like attacks and is killed with bombs. The Giant Baba Base doesn't attack, looks similar, and is also killed with bombs.

Anyway, I said on CZC that the first 3 steps involving scrubs can be killed off, because I understand that those steps are really hard to believe, and are the ones I really guessed on and didn't have any proof of.

From CZC:

"I actually have heard a few things that do support some of my theories, as for the Deku Scrubs, I agree, that is hard to believe.

-All of the Deku Babas are related, though this is obvious
-The Boko Babas are descendants of the Deku Babas
-There had to have been something that happened to cause such changes in the Babas
-Deku Likes are related to Deku Babas
-Like-likes are related to Deku Likes
-For one of my next theories, Deku Scrubs are related to Octorocks

Things without evidence:

-Both Deku Babas and Deku Scrubs both have the name Deku, so I pieced together a possible evolution chain
-I also paired the Scrubs and Babas together because the both have Baba heads and they are plants. "

#11 Beefster


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Posted 16 July 2009 - 11:07 PM

1st Step: Deku People.
2nd Step: Unknown Species #1 - Mad Scrub
3rd Step: Unknown Species #2
4th Step: Mini Baba
5th Step: Deku Baba - Bio Mini Baba
6th Step: Deku Baba (Joint) - Bio Deku Baba
7th Step: Baba Serpant - Big Deku Baba - Unknown Species #3
8th Step: Unknown Species #4 - Unknown Species #5
9th Step: Boko Baba - Giant Deku Baba
10th Step: Unknown Species #6
11th Step: Deku Like
12th Step: Like-like

I don't think that they'd be descendants... More like cousins... The timeline wouldn't accommodate that sequence. So many of those species are around at once.

So we start off with a base species- the Deku Flower.
Some Deku Flowers begins to mutate a vicious bud over a long period to defend itself. Some stay as Deku Flowers.
The Deku Flower is in two small, but distinct, areas at this point. One area's Flowers develop stems to reach out for food, (Deku Baba) while the other retains the bud and begins to develop a tongue. (Deku Like)
The Deku Woods become swamped at some point, so the Deku Like slowly develops a noodly skin to become the Like Like. Some Deku Babas were amphibious and survived. (Bio Deku Baba) They also developed walking appendages. A section of the Deku Baba's area was at a higher altitude and was not flooded, so those Deku Babas stayed for the most part; the sizes polarized, however.
Some Bio Deku Babas began to walk on land and developed leafy skin and a woody snout and face. (Deku Scrubs) Perhaps they bred with trees?
Deku Scrubs eventually became an intelligent race. Their social order separated Business Scrubs from Mad Scrubs and many other types of Deku Scrubs.

Edited by Beefster, 16 July 2009 - 11:10 PM.

#12 Russ


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Posted 16 July 2009 - 11:22 PM

It makes sense, but I can't see the Deku scrubs becomes Like Likes. I agree with Beefster more; they might be related, but not like that. Or, a Deku Like may not be at all related to a Like Like, and might just have been named that since it acted similarly. Plus, Deku Likes were only in TP, and TP didn't have Like Likes. But OoT, which comes before TP, does. So it would make more sense to assume that Like Likes that lived in the forest evolved into Deku Likes.

#13 Beefster


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Posted 16 July 2009 - 11:48 PM

Didn't LttP have the Grappler Bug, which is awfully similar to the Deku Like?

I find it odd that we're discussing something that was probably never contemplated by Nintendo themselves. icon_razz.gif

#14 Russ


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Posted 17 July 2009 - 02:05 AM

Yes, LttP did have those, but they were meant to be Like Likes, and if you open LttP with Hyrule Magic, they're actually marked as Like Likes. However, OoT came along and made them look like they did originally, so in the LttP GBA version, they actually added normal Like Likes.

And ya, I do find it kind of funny. Fanboys do strange things sometimes. icon_smile.gif

#15 ZebraStallion


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Posted 17 July 2009 - 08:05 AM

Nintendo definitely wasn't thinking about this kind of stuff when they created Zelda. I think fans just try to take every last thing and change it into a theory of some sort. icon_razz.gif I think it's just coincidence really.

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