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What's your response to the Console Wars between Sony, Microsoft,

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Poll: What's your resopnse to the Console Wars between Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo?

My resopnse to these Console Wars is that...

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#16 Tatsudoshi



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Posted 14 June 2007 - 02:49 PM

I read something before. I can't remember where it was (either GameFAQs or deviantART forums), but I thought it was kind of interesting. It went something like:

"Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft care about winning the console war. Consumers should just have fun."

That's basically where I fall. I don't really have a huge bias for any company (not anymore, anyways). I grew up with Nintendo systems, starting with the NES all the way up to GCN. Then I finally decided to check out other systems and finally got a PS2, and later an Xbox. Each system has their own set of awesome games, hence the reason I bought the system.

This current generation (Wii, PS3, Xbox 360), I really have no bias. As of right now, I'm leaning towards buying a 360, and eventually a Wii. Reason being, the 360 has several games I want, and more coming out. So I'm almost sold on one (a price drop would be nice). As for the Wii, I'm waiting for more games to come out for it. I want SSBB and Metroid Prime 3, but that's it right now.

As for the PS3, I really see no need to get one. The games that interested me before are moving to the 360 (Devil May Cry 4, Assassin's Creed), and what's left of the exclusives don't intrest me, unless FFXIII pulls something interesting out of nowhere.

Personally, I just want to have fun. Give me Zelda, Halo, or a (good) Final Fantasy, and I'll be happy. icon_smile.gif

#17 Deathbringer



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Posted 14 June 2007 - 05:13 PM

I personally find just a way for companies to make the most money which in the end is stupid. I do believe Nintendo will sell the most technically, "winning". People don't spend $400 let alone $600 for a Video Game system. Sony was too arrogant treating their fans like cattle assuming they were made of money and would eat it all up. Microsoft is here so they can try to create a monopoly and seize control of this business. The 360s break down alot.

QUOTE(CastChaos @ Jun 14 2007, 04:24 AM) View Post

The PS3 don't have too big titles yet, but PS and PS2 had the biggest titles in their time, so logically PS3 will keep up with it. Final Fantasy and such.

Wrong. They had the biggest titles because they were the most popular systems at the time. Now, they are the least popular. Do you really think Square is going to stick with the system that sells the least? Square goes for the most popular and that is the Wii. The limits of a system don't matter to square. They just do the best they can with it. Look at Dragon Quest IX. Went from PS2 to DS. I can easily see Square going to the Wii, putting their main series on Wii while porting all their main Final Fantasies on the Wii. (The NES-PS2 ones.) 360 is out of the question as it is doing poorly in Japan. Soon after that, RPG companies will be confused and start developing their titles on future Nintendo systems unless Sony gets a grasp to 1st place next time.

#18 Revfan9


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 05:18 PM

Aahh... I remember these old debates. Good times, good times...

I used to be a hardcore Nintendo fanboy. I remember spending days writing ZogDog 100 page essays on the subject...

But then I got laid and stopped caring.

#19 Mitchfork


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 05:22 PM

Assuming that one company is going for a monopoly is wrong. They're ALL going for a monopoly, just like almost every other corporation worldwide. It's not that they don't care about the fans, it's just good business [/Pirates 3 ripoff].

Oh, and to Deathbringer: the 360s break down because people plary Halo 2 online for ten hours straight and they overheat. Treat it right, and it'll last ya. I have had mine for 18 months, and had only one problem. The problem was that we left it in a cabinet while it was running. icon_deformed.gif Oops.

#20 Deathbringer



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Posted 14 June 2007 - 06:18 PM

QUOTE(Ebola Zaire @ Jun 14 2007, 06:22 PM) View Post

Assuming that one company is going for a monopoly is wrong. They're ALL going for a monopoly, just like almost every other corporation worldwide. It's not that they don't care about the fans, it's just good business [/Pirates 3 ripoff].

Oh, and to Deathbringer: the 360s break down because people plary Halo 2 online for ten hours straight and they overheat. Treat it right, and it'll last ya. I have had mine for 18 months, and had only one problem. The problem was that we left it in a cabinet while it was running. icon_deformed.gif Oops.

No, going for Monopoly is illegal. Nintendo and Sony haven't done any thing that suggests them of creating monopoly. They haven't tried to eliminate things that were to make less money. Microsoft has, repeating dissing Nintendo as soon as it starts to sell quickly while before they were supporting it while it wasn't out yet, as if to create fan attention thinking that they are nice. Microsoft has also made some questionable acts as to try to bring down every program that is free that puts them in danger of making less money.

About your second response, I'm sure people have played Wii for 10 hours straight for several days yet I haven't heard of any breaking down. Same with PS3. Most people have had their 360 break down at one point or have a problem. I haven't had any with my Wii save for the Shop Channel never being able to connect and thus is an endless loop and that only happened once.

#21 Animus01


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 06:39 PM

QUOTE(Deathbringer @ Jun 14 2007, 06:18 PM) View Post

About your second response, I'm sure people have played Wii for 10 hours straight for several days yet I haven't heard of any breaking down. Same with PS3. Most people have had their 360 break down at one point or have a problem. I haven't had any with my Wii save for the Shop Channel never being able to connect and thus is an endless loop and that only happened once.

Same here. My sis and I have played Twilight Princess back-to-back, and my Wii never overheated (even with that weird stand my parents got for me). I also had that same problem you did, also, only once.

#22 Alestance


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 07:17 PM

Meh. Play the game and shut up - thats my policy icon_razz.gif

#23 Radien



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Posted 14 June 2007 - 07:58 PM

I think it's good to have competition, so I'm fine with all three entities still staying in business... though I wouldn't shed a tear if XBox disappeared. icon_razz.gif

That aside, I'm mostly happy if Nintendo stays in business. I wouldn't mind, however, if XBox was in third place rather than Nintendo. Nintendo may be gaining some market share, but I think most of it is coming over from Sony, rather than from Microsoft.

#24 The_Amaster


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 09:13 PM

I think in the long run, Nintendo will win, because it's my belief that you can only build bigger(i.e, better graphics, better processors, etc.) for so long, before you hit the wall, and you have to start building innovative. And that's what Nintendo has always excelled at. Short run, though, I think the 360 will get the regular gamer market, the PS3 the ultra ultra hardcore gamer market, and the Wii the family market.

#25 MarioBrosCom



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Posted 14 June 2007 - 10:44 PM

It's true, only nerds find the need to debate about which console they think will win. Well, some nerds, I should say; "nerd" is a broad term that encompasses all of those who play games... we're all nerds here.

At any rate, I think that as far as sales go, Sony will ultimately win, but the true winner of this generation will be the consumer who owns all three consoles. They're all going to have many must-have titles by the end of the generation at this rate, so those who choose to stick with only one or two (or can't afford more than one or two) will end up missing out on a lot of games.

#26 CastChaos



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Posted 15 June 2007 - 02:02 AM

The reason for the nonsenseless of the console debate is that nobody gets hurt if others don't choose his/her system. So, if I buy a PS3 I don't need to convince others, since if they buy Wiis and XBoy360s that won't hurt me in any way. If only I buy PS3, that would be quite hurting, but that won't happen.

As for the true console winner... I don't think that there will be one. There won't be one console that totally overdrives the other, but there won't be a "loser", either (except hardcore debaters...). By loser, I mean a console which gets its production halted (Like Dreamcast... My VG magazine wrote about the case in the form of a funeral case...).

PS3, Wii and XBox360 will live until their next generation comes, as PS2, GC and XBox lived until their next generations arrived (PS2, Wii and XBox360). So, none of Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft will quit.

So, I don't think that PS3 will be abandoned either... I heard that it uses that Blu-Ray thing that provides incredible memory cache and speed, so extra long and pretty games will be able to produced on this. I heard it long before the PS3 release. My VG magazine interviewed a Hungarian co-creator of PS3 and he said these (not especially in thsi way).

#27 Animus01


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Posted 15 June 2007 - 08:06 AM

QUOTE(The_Amaster @ Jun 14 2007, 09:13 PM) View Post

I think in the long run, Nintendo will win, because it's my belief that you can only build bigger(i.e, better graphics, better processors, etc.) for so long, before you hit the wall, and you have to start building innovative. And that's what Nintendo has always excelled at. Short run, though, I think the 360 will get the regular gamer market, the PS3 the ultra ultra hardcore gamer market, and the Wii the family market.

I've always wondered when the graphics will stop being enhanced (I thought it was going to end with the last generation). I mean, Microsoft and Sony may become the first companies to actually have games with the same graphics that reality has. What fun is escaping from reality, only to emerge in something that looks exactly the same?

QUOTE(MarioBrosCom @ Jun 14 2007, 10:44 PM) View Post

It's true, only nerds find the need to debate about which console they think will win. Well, some nerds, I should say; "nerd" is a broad term that encompasses all of those who play games... we're all nerds here.

At any rate, I think that as far as sales go, Sony will ultimately win, but the true winner of this generation will be the consumer who owns all three consoles. They're all going to have many must-have titles by the end of the generation at this rate, so those who choose to stick with only one or two (or can't afford more than one or two) will end up missing out on a lot of games.

me -> icon_nerd.gif


#28 Colin


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Posted 15 June 2007 - 08:14 AM

I think it's stupid. Even while I like Nintendo, I find it annoying to debate on which system is best since no one is ever going to be right. Everyone's opinion differs, everyone likes different systems. But debating on which system is best is just stupid because everyone's opinion is different, just like the three systems are different and uncomparable.

As far as the winning system, I hope it gets to be Nintendo, I just hope they start putting out better games now, my Wii hasn't been used for a while(mainly because I got a disc stuck in there for three days...), SSBB needs to come out faster.

#29 Dawnlight


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Posted 15 June 2007 - 09:03 AM

QUOTE(MarioBrosCom @ Jun 14 2007, 10:44 PM) View Post

It's true, only nerds find the need to debate about which console they think will win. Well, some nerds, I should say; "nerd" is a broad term that encompasses all of those who play games... we're all nerds here.

I don't think anyone here is a nerd. I believe that there's no such things as nerds or any other judgements. There's just people who think that they're the overrulers of all. But even though you like to play games, that doesn't mean that you're a nerd. Many people have different interests. There's people who like to play sports and video games all at once. There's some people who plays video games just to be entertained. In Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo's point of view, they each have ways of entertainment that differ from each other. IMO, I don't think these systems cannot be judged because it's riddiculas to debate on machines. Just as riddiculas as judging people of being nerds. It's kinda like Gundam Seed where Coordinators and Naturals fought for their existance because Coordinators believed the existance of Naturals is feutal.

#30 LinktheMaster


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Posted 15 June 2007 - 08:01 PM

I used to care about the console race, but I don't really care as much as I used to, really.

They're all great consoles, and each have their own good games. Except for the PS3, but those are coming. I'm obviously a fan of Nintendo, and I do hope the Wii ends up to be really successful. However, to be honest, I think this console race will be closer than the previous one. I think the three systems will be closer to the same. Which one will win... I can't really say. Don't really care, as long as good games are still being made. I will say, though, that I only plan on getting a Wii. I'm going to be getting a PS2 eventually, and I see no reason to get a PS3.

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