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Pure Tileset V2 (Beta 182)

Creator: Wild Bill Added: 03 Mar 2003 ZC Version: 1.92 B182 Downloads: 215
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.61/5 (30 ratings)
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About Reviews

This is the updated, second version of the Pure Tileset with even more goodies than before. There are a huge number of new tiles that the original version did not have. New features include shorelines, new forest features, improved dungeon entrances, and a new title screen template (similar to the Advance Zelda title screen template)! Everything you need to create a complete quest, and if not, there's plenty of room to expand on the set without cluttering it up.
Wild Bill -
Designer of the set.

Nick -
New enemy tiles, inner water corner tiles, and the palletes "Dead Land" and pink dungeon.

PrinceMSC -
Many of the Mystic Land tiles and palletes.

StarFox -
Greyscale overworld pallete.

supertails2001 -
More indicator.

Teilyr -
Blue dungeon and autumn palletes.

BigJoe -
New flat surfaced mountains (for lack of a better term).

Zaggarum -
Zelda holding the Triforce sprite.

And everybody else who helped!