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WW Style Death Animations

Creator: Anthus Added: 11 Jul 2006 Downloads: 34
Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (2 ratings)
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Tags: Sprite, Decoration, Misc, Original

About Reviews

Ya know, the purple cloud thingy from Wind Waker when you kill an enemy? Well, this is a version of it for ZC. It was made in the Sun Tower set, but you only need two purples, and black and white, so it's easily ripable.

I know it isn't an exact recreation, and I am aware of this so don't say "LiEk OMg Zer0 starZ cuz it aint teh sameee!!!!111111!!!!!!!!!1!!!"

I'm fairly proud of this, and it does look cool when it animates in it's smooth, sixteen frames. That brings me to my next point. I think this is only usable in 2.11 because I'm ot sure if you can use more than three frames in any other version.

Gashin - Sun Tower Set