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Gust Jar

Creator: Moosh Added: 30 Jun 2019 Downloads: 20
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(20.73 KB)
Tags: 16-color, 256-color, Item, Pure_Tileset, Sprite

About Reviews

I was looking for Gust Jar tiles and couldn't find any rips. So I did it myself and then scaled them down to fit in 16x16 tiles. There's no script at the moment, public or otherwise, but I figured any aspiring scripters could use them.

The first row of tiles are for CSet 7 in PTUX. The next three with the different color states are 8-bit because one of the colors I used was only in CSet 7. Take your pick.

The second page is the tiles as I ripped them, for reference. They're not recolored for ZC but I couldn't find them elsewhere.
mGBA for ripping the tiles
Gimp for resizing and editing
Satan, who inspires me in all things in life