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SCKnuckles' Worst Nightmare

Rating: 4.31/5 (13 ratings)


Rating: 5/5

Posted 07 May 2016 - 09:19 AM
I had a lot of fun with this quest. Great job at making this and I'm glad you've made it with the GB tileset. Nothing would have been more fitting for this quest. The story is funny and jokey. I liked the few cutscenes you had.

Graphically everything is top-notch. You are really good with this tileset. I like the screen design, the detail and the palettes you've chosen.

Now, for the overworld I have something negative to say. I liked all the different areas, but within one area there was not much variation. This gets bad if the area is very big, such as the starting field area, which was not very interesting overall. There are also very few secrets and optional things to find on the overworld. Aside from that I liked the overworld.

The dungeon design was great for every single dungeon. You've always got new ideas and that makes the dungeons interesting. I would have preferred to have a spacebar map, but the layouts of the dungeons were easy enough to remember and I rarely got lost. You have a good number of different kinds of puzzles, which is good (I'm talking about little things like being trapped in a room with a trigger under a pot, etc). The enemy difficulty was always fair too. Towards the end I felt like there was a bit too much enemy spam, but the red ring compensated it. If you don't find the rings things get pretty hard I think.

I think this quest uses 100% sonic music only.. I love it. Not every track is great, but most are :D The music in joelmacool's dungeon should have been louder, as it was very quiet compared to the rest.

Definetly a great quest, one of your best actually. Can't believe I never played further than Level 1 until now.
  • Shane and Eddy like this

Rating: 4/5

Posted 05 March 2016 - 08:22 AM
Your Work with the Game Boy tileset is beautiful. Excluding the Oil area, but this is reasoned by the name. Also great story, not that I really understand much.

The rafts are horrible to hit. Also to the end enemy swarms. There are quests that are better than this one, so 4/5, but this quest is pretty great and fun.

Is it worth playing Eddy's Troll Day btw?
  • Eddy likes this

Air Luigi  
Rating: 3/5

Edited 05 March 2015 - 06:26 PM
Dungeon design is nice, simplistic but with a nice flow. The palettes look great and overall is an above average quest. The overworld is repetitive, empty and uninspired, you have to put a more ton of effort with overworlds. Very few secrets here and there. Make them smaller if you do not know how to fill them. It's a chore to explore the overworld. I can't stand the music in this quest, it gets on my nerves... But the dungeons are good enough for a 3/5. Probably the best quest by Eddy.
  • Eddy likes this

Rating: 4/5

Edited 25 March 2018 - 07:07 AM
An overall very well done quest, though not without its issues and annoyances.

Everything flowed well together and the quest kept a steady pace, though with some annoying exceptions. The overworld was well designed for the most part, despite being empty and becoming repetitive eventually, and the dungeons being well done, though with one very annoying exception. The 6 hours I spent on it were sweet and rewarding. The small amount of story there was was mostly entertaining, with my favorite part being the moment when you encounter Joelmacool.

The bad stuff? In recent quests that I've played, there tends to be at least one dungeon that stands out from the rest for being bad; wherever it be from being just poorly designed, places the player in very unfair situations (eg. Level 4 from LikeLike.Zm23), the gimmick being poorly executed (eg. Archeron from Hitodama) or the gimmick being just downright bad. Level 7, the Casino, is an example of a dungeon where the central gimmick is downright bad. Early on in the dungeon, you are thrown into a series roulette rooms which forms the dungeon's gimmick. The problem here is that the warps in the room takes you to one of four screens on a completely random basis and there are four of these rooms total, all interconnected with each other with an outside screen on the outside of each of the roulette rooms. Depending on your luck, it could take forever to reach the screen you want. At the very least give the player better control in where the slot rooms go - forcing the player to rely on luck alone get you to your destination and progress through the dungeon is a bad design choice. Fortunately, this is the only really bad dungeon in the quest and the rest of the quest more than makes up for more than that.
I also have serious beef with the forced death in the beginning of the game. Giving the player the Game Over screen should only be done as a form punishment for making too many mistakes and I consider this to be a cardinal rule in the world of gaming. Here, the quest completely breaks this rule and just kills the player for fun and there is no way to avoid it at all without using F6->Continue. Please never do this to the player, regardless of wherever it is in spirit or not. If you must do this, you should fake the game over screen via scripting or at the very least add in a script that has that death not increase the death counter (if that is possible). If not, do away with it entirely. Thankfully, it is at the very start of the quest and I didn't feel as cheated as what I would have been otherwise by it - elsewhere it would have been an automatic -1 star on my part.
Fortunately, these are the only real problems I have with the quest. There are other criticisms; like the bad ice physics (way too slow initial speed), various instances of pits that you have to ladder over instead of jumping and the other way around (which, admittedly, can not be helped due to scriptless ZQuest limitations), some of the immersion-breaking instances of unwalkable objects that are walkable otherwise in different scenarios and that the Master Sword and Gold (Purple) Ring breaks whatever balance of difficulty there is left of the quest when you get it in Level 9, but those are fairly small in the scope of the quest.

Solid 4/5 here.

Edit: Touched up the review.
  • Eddy and Nimono like this

Rating: 5/5

Posted 20 February 2015 - 10:12 PM
I just finished this quest. It took me a little over 9 hours and 22 deaths. This was probably one the best quests I have played. It was logical and just plain fun!
  • Shane and Eddy like this

Rating: 4/5

Edited 12 February 2015 - 10:25 AM
I will base the rating on the levels that I played.

Level 1. This dungeon was short and nice my only problem with it is the puzzles could have bean better.

Level 2. I hated this dungeon, usually I love ice dungeons but the ice was really annoying, and that block puzzle, I don't know if there is a way to mess it up, overall this dungeon was my worst favorite that I played.

Level 3. I like the warps that take you around in a circle. It could of used some more puzzles.

Level 4. I really like the gimmick you put in this dungeon, with burning one thing in a room and it goes somewhere else.

Level 5. this is where I felt the game had to much fighting. And the block puzzles were annoying to do over and over again if you don't do it in the right order.
Overall this is the best work I have seen from you, and I did have a lot of fun with level 4. 4/5
  • Eddy likes this

Rating: 5/5

Posted 01 January 2015 - 11:43 AM
Pretty much a day in the life of SCKnuckles with many items and enemies named in SCKnuckles terms

Well, I admit, this is actually a pretty balanced quest. Nothing overly complicated or tedious, but not too easy either. Sequence breaking options are a nice plus for some variability. Good music choices as well. Pretty catchy tunes to listen to. Nice balancing of some otherwise dangerous enemies, and most enemies that did get buffed you have ways to counter (e.g. hookshot is reliable to stun wizzrobes). Nothing too annoying in any of the levels if you take your time.

Didn't think I'd LP this, but did a test run of this, and actually this will go onto my queue list. And yes, I'll just evade that mandatory death, hahaha =D
  • KingPridenia , Shane and Eddy like this

LikeLike on fire  
Rating: 4/5

Posted 17 December 2014 - 05:08 PM
http://youtu.be/j4WZrisr4nw pt1
http://youtu.be/FyI9fYn0Ggo pt2
http://youtu.be/Z8Ta7ybw7vA pt3
http://youtu.be/l9HWN72FVHw pt4
http://youtu.be/DTYRiFss1Ow pt 5
http://youtu.be/fCv3EWkqcAA pt 5ish
http://youtu.be/SstR3wlsFmM pt 6
http://youtu.be/HP2riC0Jk2Q pt 6ish
http://youtu.be/jTLzI6kCxRw pt 7
http://youtu.be/8FH1D9yd4hw pt 7ish

  • Eddy and Shane like this

Rating: 5/5

Posted 16 December 2014 - 11:07 AM

Solid quest all around. Good music selection and bug-free. I ended up dying just twice. [3 if you include the 1st death during the intro]
  • Eddy likes this

Rating: 5/5

Posted 15 December 2014 - 11:39 PM
Another well-made quest by you. The storyline is a bit tacky, but it works for the environment. I like your usage of freeform dungeons and having secrets that cause changes to occur on other screens. The usage of a lot of SCKnuckles terminology is really strong, such as calling the Super Darknuts "Health" and Stalfos 3s "Twitchy-Twitchy". Lastly, the lines of the subscriber spirits are pretty nice with the 3rd being the best IMO. Some of the enemy adjustments are very welcome, such as the nerf to Magic Octoroks. However, a couple are a bit too much, such as the buffed Blue Wizzrobes and the Ice Keese. Lastly, the final boss was a bit underwhelming. However, that's pretty much me nitpicking at that point. Another great quest by you and great playthrough by the star of the show, SCKnuckles.
  • Eddy likes this