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Child's Quest

Rating: 3.67/5 (6 ratings)


Rating: 4/5

Posted 19 March 2016 - 02:44 PM
A great quest for beginner ZC players! Still a fun game for a veteran like me too. The usual 9 levels, defeat Ganon, save Zelda premise. Does the job! I had no bug issues of the sort, clean all the way through. A solid 4 in my book.

Rating: 3/5

Posted 29 April 2009 - 05:16 PM
I had a positive impression when playing through the first levels but I must agree with others in the matter that there's far too many bomb walls that slows down the game flow, frequently you need to return to rooms with bomb-providing Gibdos or Goriyas, alternatively return after shopping. The dungeon layout is of medium quality with typical 1st quest-like rooms, on one place there was one "unlock a door only for getting another key" occasion and killing a Manhandla should in my opinion yield something more than just a small pile of ruppies, a Key or the Map maybe?

I didn't experienced any motivation-killing bugs, only a couple of small glitches and a some stuck-in-objects occurrences when scrolling.

Anyway, this is a good choice if you want a classical old-school 8+1 level-quest, actually it feels like the 1st quest totally rebuild from the ground up, but remember to stock-up on explosives between each level.

Rating: 4/5

Posted 26 August 2008 - 04:44 PM
Nice fun little quest. Should be a fairly easy 0-game type, but still fun. I would've had one had I not went through level 3 first and then 1. The difficulty I'd say is a bit easier than the first LoZ. On a scale of 1-10, difficulty is maybe 3 (overall).

Overworld didn't seem like too much, which is a good thing. It's not overwhelming so it's easier to remember where things are located. It's done in the original LoZ classic style well.

I'm glad the dungeon design wasn't like in CQ:AGU. This one's playable without headaches!

I give this quest a 4+. Not quite a 5, but still 4 is GREAT.

Rating: 4/5

Posted 24 August 2008 - 11:06 PM
It's a nice quest if you're looking for a straightforward, classic-styled, beat 8 levels, get the triforce and go kill Ganon romp through Zelda. There's nothing fancy here at all, but it's a solid piece of ZC all the way across the board, and should appeal to fans of the original first and second quests and fans of classic.

Don't let the name prevent you from playing. Enemies are plentiful and it gets tougher around Level 5. Not too hard mind you, but not as easy as you might expect from the title. In the later levels you'll find blue darknuts, Patras, Digdoggers, and plenty of other friends to keep you from getting bored. Most secrets are marked so you won't have to think much.

Complaints are few. Too many bomb walls (as CastChaos mentions), dungeon layouts that only felt so-so at times, and a couple of hidden things that seemed sort of random are about my only gripes. Overall though, it's a winner and worthy of 4 stars.

Rating: 4/5

Posted 21 August 2008 - 06:41 AM
A good example of how classic should be used. I like the fact that secrets are given away by different colored patches of dirt. Makes finding things easier. But I marked it down a star for confusing level 5 entrance logic and a confusing design overall that can confound players at the midway point of the game. That and an incredible leap in difficulty at level 5 that could shut out the very audience its trying to aim for: children.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 12 August 2008 - 02:03 PM
Finally a quest that is a must play for children! Altough it gets quite normal age from Level 4 and Level 9 is surely very hard for children. This quest really resembles the values of the original LoZ, any Classic lovers must get it right now. I must mention, it's really funny how overused the bomb gets in the later dungeons. Please try it for your own safety and convenience.