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Green Ninja

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Gleeok Genre: Other Added: 29 Jul 2013 ZC Version: 2.50 Downloads: 307 Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (6 ratings) Download Quest
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Green Ninja Controls, Attacks, and Abilities:

-Critical hits boost damage output.
-Magic will regenerate (very) slowly.
-Movement is Z3 but has been tweaked to mostly get rid of "off-by-one" alignment errors, even while running, for improved fighting capacity.

Special Attacks: *PLEASE READ* (These are VERY important! - If you don't use them you will probably die horribly!)

- Ex1(L2) : Create malor(teleport magic) beam / teleport to beam location.
- Ex2(R2) : Ninja speed. (Hold to run)
- Ex3 : Create teleport destination pad / use smoke bomb.
- Ex4 : Mana Shield - Activate or deactivate mana shield. (Mana shield will preserve HP at the cost of MP, but beware! - When MP is depleted no other special attacks can be initiated.

- Ex2(hold) + Attack : Fatal strike/Backstab (This attack can also pass through solid objects, otherwise impassable terrain, and enemies.)
- Ex2)hold) + Ex4 : Life Steal/Vampire Blade (Cost: 16 MP and lasts 30 seconds at LV1) - removes all defense but enchants sword with vampiric effect that siphons all knife damage done from enemies and retroactively adds it to your own life. The player will turn blood red under this condition)
In the future (aka: 1990) television game show contestants compete for prizes by fighting in deadly arenas. The worlds most feared assassin (aka: the Green Ninja) participates in such a fare for a new toaster. (Toasters are very rare in the future...or some such.)
This is that story.
Tips & Cheats
*Be careful overusing mana shield, it can be a double-edged knife.
*Smoke Bomb is probably the best damage-prevention ability in tight situations ever thought up. However, some assembly is required!
Nintendo, ZC developers, ZC beta testers, Contributers, Raiden (DoR tileset), Everyone that worked on the DoR tileset, Exate (Metroid tiles), ...this list is likely to go on for a very long time so I will just say: Everyone else who plays this strange ZC concoction, and everyone I failed to mention. ;)