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The Triforce of Terror

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Tabletpillow Genre: Dungeon Romper Added: 24 Jun 2013 Updated: 28 Jul 2013 ZC Version: 2.50 Downloads: 706 Rating[?]: Rating: 4.3/5 (9 ratings) Download Quest
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Rating: 4/5

Posted 19 March 2016 - 02:49 PM
My LP of Triforce of Terror finished up yesterday on my channel so might as well give my thoughts!

A very solid quest from start to finish, although enemy clutters got quite nasty later on....especially with Victory Road....Bomb Patra 3 spam!? EGH! Story wasn't too bad, a bit comical at times but the dungeons were well crafted.
I'll give it a 4! Nice outing here A30!
  • Tabletpillow likes this

Rating: 5/5

Posted 24 May 2014 - 08:27 PM
i finally beat this quest took me about 14 hours with 50 deaths. Pretty great overall, loved the music and custom bosses. I couldn't find victory road but im pretty sure I got all the items. The only bad thing is the tedious factor but that's what the speed up button is for.

Rating: 3/5

Edited 25 March 2018 - 07:17 AM
I'm giving this quest a 3/5, rounded down from 3.5.
I really enjoyed playing this quest, but my rating was held back from a 4 to a 3 because there were a lot of issues with it.

- Level 4 was really tedious.
- Fighting Fire Gleeoks, especially multi-headed ones, before you get the Mirror Shield is essentially a tankfest once you lose your ubiquitous sword beam. I really hated the one in the second Knil battle for this reason. Replace those before the Mirror Shield with regular Gleeoks. Scratch that: Remove them from the game entirely - they are badly designed enemies.
- I ran into a bug that prevents the Magic Book from being obtainable. The cave near the Magic Boomerang triggers (where the help on the forums say it is) is empty when I entered it. (I had to cheat in order to get it).
- The rupee economy is awful. All the important items that are sold are insanely cheap (I'm looking at you, Red Ring) and there are way too much rupees given out through caves. Drop the amount of rupees given in caves by at least 30% and at least double the prices on the more important items (barring the bigger wallets) and Potions so rupees become much more worthwhile to collect.
- Instakill spikes are NOT cool or clever. Forcing someone to go get the boots (or abuse Nayru's Love) by using instakill spikes to guard a key is a very lazy way to enforce linearity. Worse yet, the boots drain magic at an alarming rate even with the 1/2 magic upgrade. If you don't want to remove the spikes, then at the very least downgrade them to the 4-heart type and remove the magic cost from the boots. Also, don't have spikes suddenly ignore boots at the entrance of a dungeon - that is a really dumb design choice.
- The dungeons are too formulatic and, especially the later ones, rely too much on flipping switches and backtracking to progress. This made the later dungeons feel stale at times and is what made Level 4 feel so tedious.
- Too many Red Potions were being handed out in the later dungeons, presumably to "balance" out stupid difficulty. Level 7 alone gave 4 for pretty much for free. Limit the number of red potions per dungeon to 1 maximum.
- Boring block puzzles, often placed in places where you have to do them multiple times. It is just tedious to do them multiple times.
- Relating to block puzzles, it is possible to get permastuck on the Level 3 and 5 bosses if you mess up the block puzzles in their fights. Just no.

However, there were a lot of things I liked about this quest. The overworld was very well done and many of the "major" caves felt like they had a lot of depth. The custom enemies, while fairly basic, did their job and made the quest more interesting (though I couldn't tell what half of the completely custom ones were supposed to be >_>). Though the Level 3 Lynels and the SuperVires could have their HP and damage toned down a bit and the ninjas can get lost. The difficulty curve was also done quite well, despite the Fire Gleeoks and Red Potions mentioned above. Also, tone down the enemy spam in the final dungeons.

The Satellite  
Rating: 5/5

Edited 28 February 2014 - 09:32 PM
I was wavering back and forth between giving this a four or a five for a while before deciding I couldn't give this quest anything less than a five-star rating. I think my end rating would probably be a 4.5, but that rounds up to a five on here. My main concerns with the quest is that level five felt a little too brutal, there were some minor buggy aspects, and there were some annoying rooms with respawning enemies you had to traverse through more than a couple of times in some dungeons. Oh, and the economy is massively unbalanced; you probably could have taken out a couple of free money rooms and bumped up the prices on some of the items. But otherwise? This is above and beyond what Zelda Conquest was. It has a well-designed and good-looking overworld, pretty good dungeon design, and tons of freedom of exploration; the potential for sequence-breaking is fairly strong in this game. There were a couple levels I didn't think were as strong, level four I believe was more tedious than fun, and level five was a tad on the difficult end, but the large size of the quest, its many secrets to find, and quirky humorous charm make this one of the most fun quests I've ever played. It doesn't raise the bar, but it doesn't have to, it's just pure fun.

Rating: 4/5

Posted 18 August 2013 - 07:37 PM
I can tell a lot of work went into this and it deserves 4-stars. I agree with many of strike's critiques though. Make rupees mean something. I've never played a game with so much $$ available all the time. And I'm a big fan of a happy medium between "randomly bombing every rock wall or dungeon wall" and every one obviously hinted at. You're much too far on the latter end of the spectrum. Nothing wrong with simply making a bush or section of wall look a little suspicious. The endgame stuff had too many rooms that were simply hack-and-slash fests of button mashing (I'm looking at you Goriya cave). And almost all your caves (such as the ones with the spells) followed the same switch-flipping dynamic and were virtually indistinguishable from one another. I don't mean this review to focus on the negative. You have some good dungeon designs, palettes, a nice amount of challenge, some fun custom bosses, and overall I had a good time playing through this. But your first two quests felt very similar to me, and if the next full quest is also the same, I don't know if I'll play all the way through it.

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