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Pure Quest 2

Demo 1.2.1

(2.8 MB)
Genre: Dungeon Romper Added: 30 Apr 2013 Downloads: 91 Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (5 ratings)
After *even more testing* Mitch and TS have really helped me balance this sucker. This'll be the last upload no matter what because I'm sure everyone is really effing tired of this coming up on their feed and I'm sorry. I fixed the block puzzle that they both really hated, and made some things easier and more manageable. Maybe I should keep up the last demo just to say "yeah this is how bad it was before"

You'll explore up to Level 1 'n stuff. NPCs, houses, story, a shield, and my mom are not included in this demo. etc etc etc etc~~~ ~ ~

whoops uploaded the demo starting at level 1 with the sword, silly scoots


Rating: 3/5

Posted 29 December 2013 - 06:52 PM
I had to rate it a 3.

To be honest, at first I thought it was broken or I had downloaded the wrong version of ZC or something. It felt like there was nothing to even do, the people didn't talk, and all the houses was shut off. So I was wondering what was the point.

That was until I found the cave, and got the sword, and I still didn't feel for this quest at the point.

But I have to admit, when looking at the way the environment is actually designed, it is pretty impressive looking, so I knew I couldn't judge a quest by the first 10 seconds. But I had to dock a point for the most useless town I've ever seen. (despite being pretty).

So anyways, long story short, after I got my sword, that's where my opinion changed, things got much more enjoyable. I gave this demo a 3/5 (Good) because it is a good demo. But the beginning village really do need content.

Rating: 4/5

Posted 30 April 2013 - 10:18 PM
Nice quick little dungeon with good design. Lots of attention to detail.

I would second Evan's comment about the stairs and about ammo scarcity; maybe tweak the drop list or something? I dunno. Vanilla Pure 2.5 drop lists are pretty stingy with arrows.

Rating: 5/5

Edited 30 April 2013 - 05:23 PM
Alright, so I just finished the demo, so I thought I'd give a review.

Excellent use of the Pure set with nice midi choices to boot. None of the choices felt off or really bugged me at all. The overworld is nice, but there isn't much to do on it. This is attribute to just being a demo, although there's one issue I see in the demo; the lack of a shop. Arrow drops are scarce in the dungeon (this isn't a bad thing outright!), but the demo itself would greatly benefit from an arrow shop. Speaking of the dungeon, the meat of the demo is in the first dungeon, and it certainly delivers. This was enjoyable to play through, but I have a few minor issues. My first one is that the stairs, although their placement implies that they move you up and down floors, just move you to random places throughout the level. It doesn't even imply a passageway given that two linked staircases aren't going the same direction themselves. Additionally, I found a place that you could possibly get stuck and have to F6 out.
If you use all of your arrows fighting the Tektites in the room to the north of there, then you don't have any way of triggering the temporary arrow trigger to let you back through.
EDIT: I'm wrong on this one. Apparently the floor tiles north of the blocks are triggers, although they like to not trigger unless you walk all the way to the South edge of the tile near the blocks due to ZC's collision detection. Very odd, but I suppose it's an effective way of bypassing the limitations of NES dungeon screens.

Aside from these issues (which are honestly quite small and just nitpicking), I can see this shaping up to be a very good quest. The dungeon design and structure here is definitely top-notch. I'm giving this a 4.5 which happens to round nicely to a 5.

Rating: 5/5

Edited 30 April 2013 - 05:14 PM
This was a very solid demo! :) The dungeon was really well done and a pleasure to romp through. Looking forward to more on this project. :)

Rating: 4/5

Posted 30 April 2013 - 03:42 PM
I enjoyed the demo. It seems to be living up to the "Pure Quest" name, but in a more modernized 2.5 form. Bascially, it's a 2.5 quest that uses the Pure 2.5 tileset. It uses plenty of 2.5 features, but doesn't go overboard on any of them. Solid. Keep up the great work.