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Fairy Bow by Linkus
Updated: 20 Jan 2007 Posted: 20 Jan 2007 Tags: Sprite, Item, and 1 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.6/5 (4 ratings) Information:
I originally released these for my giveaway, but the lack of such a specific bow drove me to release it.
Linkus's Spritesheet by Linkus
Updated: 23 Feb 2006 Posted: 28 Nov 2005 Tags: 16-color, Character, and 2 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.2/5 (4 ratings) Information:
Update (2/20/06)
more sprites and four swords. A note on the middle two swords and the MC fairy--it uses Dart Zaider's DoR Link palette.

Well, as you can guess, I'm starting a spritesheet. I'll be creating just and only sprites in this tilesheet, everything to people to items to to animals and to enemies.

In a point, it's going to have constant updates. Before you know it, it'll be several pages long--It will never be fully complete.
WW/TMC Hero's Sword by Linkus
Updated: 05 Sep 2005 Posted: 05 Sep 2005 Tags: Item, Original, and 2 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.67/5 (5 ratings) Information:
I went through the TMC set and noticed that there is no sword for it. This is the Hero's Sword equivilent to its design and art style.

Modeled for TMC, but can be fittable for many other sets if recolored.

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