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Why I feel disappointed in Twilight Princess.

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#1 The Satellite

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Posted 31 August 2010 - 05:12 PM

I know that some of you know that I'm not TP's biggest fan, and in fact I don't give it much praise and tend to label it as one of the lesser Zelda games. The truth is, it's not a bad game, but it disappoints me in several factors. I had been following the game since its announcement in E3 2004, soaking up any news I could about the game. Trailers, pictures, news; I was very seriously believing that this was going to be the Zelda game to end all Zelda games. Just take a look at these two trailers:

E3 2004: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=h73I-S49NFI
GDC 2005: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=UV3lH9qWmks

You'll notice that there's several things in there missing from the final game, even if they're mostly environments. These gave off a very N64-like feel to me, just with better texturing. I was excited, thinking we'd see a game very much like the excellent OoT/MM systems, and what we end up with is... anything but. Not to say that TP isn't a good game, and, in fact, I did love the first half of it, but I still think the game went downhill after the Arbiter's Grounds; I still don't like the Twili and hated that Zant turned into a maniac after showing such potential.

Well, here it is. Here is why I'm not Twilight Princess's biggest fan, nor will I rate it very high among my favorite games. Keep in mind this is only an explanation for why I seem to dislike it so much, and maybe it'll help you understand me a bit more, and not make me look like I hate it for some other shallow reason. I'm very open to responses, however, on what you think of the differences between the early version of TP and the final copy.

#2 Fabbrizio



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Posted 31 August 2010 - 05:24 PM

Not a huge TP fan either. Looking at those videos, yeah, it did look like it would be a lot more epic than it actually ended up being. :/

#3 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 31 August 2010 - 05:31 PM

I was always sad they didn't include that huge field battle LotR style... I mean, sure, the game had flaws, and it had lacks, but I still enjoyed it for what it was. I agree, it's not the best Zelda game, not by far, but in my book it's... alright. I do see where you're coming from with this however, and I must admit... yes, I'd have liked to see those areas in-game too... D:

#4 trucky5



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Posted 31 August 2010 - 08:36 PM

Really? Am I just that much of a Zelda fanatic that I thought this game was awesome? I love this game a lot. I guess it's not my favorite Zelda game but I loved it! I don't know. My true unwavering love for the series must be blinding me I guess.

#5 Moonbread


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Posted 31 August 2010 - 09:16 PM

There's nothing wrong with loving a series while being able to criticize it. In fact, blindly loving something, I usually consider worse. I mean, I can play through all 6 original Mega Man games, which I love, and find flaws in every one of them. But I treat them as some of the best games ever made.

Twilight Princess, I wouldn't say is the worst game ever, but I don't think it's one of the best- I agree with TS, I like the first half of the game a lot, although I don't have as much hatred toward the second half as he may. There's things that irk me, there's things that I love. Same with most games I play, though.

#6 trucky5



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Posted 31 August 2010 - 11:04 PM

I don't know... what I'm saying is that nothing irked me about that game. I loved every second of it. I don't know, like there's things that kinda irk me in the other games, like OoT and how you have to constantly go to the start menu to get the iron boots in the water temple. But I loved TP. I guess it's just my opinion.

#7 Radien



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Posted 01 September 2010 - 03:19 AM


TS, the thing is, most of your complaints were simply about visuals. I will agree that Nintendo overemphasized the LotR style of the game to appeal to American audiences who are into the whole "cinematic epic"-style visuals thing. And also that parts of the trailer had totally fabricated gameplay, probably because the game wasn't close enough to completion.

However, I have replayed Twilight Princess over 6 times now, and I have to say, despite its flaws (which I can name if you'd like), I just keep enjoying the game more and more. I think it's because for me, it has it where it counts. The graphical style, the Zelda feel, and a true overall improvement on OoT's gameplay engine and, for the most part, design.

For instance, let's take the imfamous Water Temple. TP's water temple was obviously inspired by OoT's. However, it was quite a bit more active. You didn't simply spend the entire time figuring out where to go. It had plenty of enemies, and they really did actively attack you, even though it wasn't much harder.

I was a big fan of the hidden skills system. The attacks that were added took what Wind Waker did and made it more interactive and less automated. And unlike OoT, all of the items in the game (except for the Iron Boots and the Ball and Chain, for obvious reasons) are usable on Epona.

The game is much less riddled with game bugs. OoT is one of my favorite games to mess with for hunting down game bugs. There are so many ways to mess with the game. TP doesn't offer as much sequence-breaking, but at least there are fewer unwelcome errors.

Yeah, TP starts off a little slow. And related to that, the Twilight bug-hunting scenes are boring and tedious. It also consequently doesn't offer as much free-roaming exploration as OoT (but OoT offered less than the previous games, so that's no surprise).

But weighing the improvements and the lessons Nintendo learned from previous Zelda games, Twilight Princess is coming pretty darn close to becoming my favorite Zelda game. You heard me right. I've been replaying OoT and I'm not sure it holds the same appeal as TP anymore, for me anyway.

By the way, some of the enemies and such in the trailers were beta elements that are still found buried in the code of TP. Like that shadow creature Link defeated. It's still on the disc, incomplete. Some people found it in a game data dump while hacking the TP disc, and reconstructed a 3D model. Strangely enough, I do wish those little fishies in the water while Link is swimming were still around... The camera wouldn't allow Link to swim towards the screen like that, and you need the Zora Armor to dive, but it sure made a nice visual for people who missed the diving and water effects that they left out of Wind Waker.

#8 Zeldaman23


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Posted 01 September 2010 - 10:32 AM

It is really strange that both trailer are different from regular version. Are they beta version?

#9 The Satellite

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 12:04 PM

I know they're mostly visual, but my point is, everything in there looks... well, amazing, and this is my point. This is the game I was waiting two years for, and the final product turns out to be almost an entirely different game altogether when compared to these trailers. Not to say that TP isn't a good game, but for reasons I stated originally, it's not among the top due to several things, such as a less-engaging second half overall. I would've liked to have seen them finish with this, or at least send elements of it into Skyward Sword or another console Zelda game; the spider in the second trailer got recycled into Spirit Tracks' Rocktite, but I'd rather have these elements on a console Zelda than a handheld.
QUOTE(Radien @ Sep 1 2010, 04:19 AM) View Post
Yeah, TP starts off a little slow. And related to that, the Twilight bug-hunting scenes are boring and tedious.
I disagree; the starting off and the Twilight insect-hunting were some of the strong points of the game. I actually enjoyed taking part in Link's "life," instead of simply just something bad happening and "OMG I'M TEH HERO NAO LULZ." Wind Waker set the beginnings for "Links with lives," but even then, that part was short-lived. Sure, he has a little sister, lives with his grandma, and is apparently friends with everyone on the island, but it's just "go to your house, get the clothes, go see your sister, get the telescope— OMG WTF A GIANT BIRD." TP actually let you live out an entire day of Link's life before the village gets raided. I liked that.
QUOTE(Zeldaman23 @ Sep 1 2010, 11:32 AM) View Post
It is really strange that both trailer are different from regular version. Are they beta version?
Yes. Even the Twilight Realm was different originally; instead of being the saturated environment it ended up being, it used to be dark, bleak, and colorless. I would've actually liked to have seen that version and played through it myself. icon_unsettled.gif

#10 trudatman


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Posted 01 September 2010 - 01:00 PM

disregarding the bait-and-switch, do you enjoy the game, overall?

#11 The Satellite

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 01:19 PM

Overall? Eh, hard to say. Up through the first four dungeons, and the events before City and the Sky (as well as the dungeon itself) were very excellent segments. But the rest of the game felt rushed, too short, and disappointing. So I guess it's somewhat balanced? icon_unsettled.gif

#12 Zeldaman23


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Posted 01 September 2010 - 04:29 PM

Oh ok. I am wonder if there have iso beta TP anyway.

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