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Revfirst Tileset (Incomplete)

Creator: Revfan9 Added: 13 Apr 2007 ZC Version: 2.10 Downloads: 123
Rating[?]: Rating: 3.36/5 (10 ratings)
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About Reviews

I can describe this tileset in 1 word: Terrible.

Out of boredom one day (how often do I say that?) I started a simple, 3 triforce peice quest with a classic style, but a custom tileset. I didn't even finish the first dungeon and again, scrapped the project. The tileset has been sitting around in my ZC folder for a while, there was no hope of ever finishing it, and it's my only tileset to date that uses 4-bit palettes and would be accepted... I submitted it.

This is a very simple tileset with a very simple palette. It was my first custom palette I ever made, so don't be suprised if it totally sucks. There are a few tiles left uncombo'd, but most of the OW stuff is there. The Misc sprite palettes have been left undone, and there are no actual level palettes, even though you can create your own.

So, yeah. My first tileset, released months after I cancelled it. Have fun with that.
Warlock for the Newfirst set (got quite a few tiles from there and recolored them in)
Mr. Z and Wildbill for the Pure set (only a couple of tiles from Pure, but they are still there)