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Clear Cambria Water (0.9)

Creator: Anthus Added: 06 Feb 2023 Downloads: 29
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.6/5 (4 ratings)
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(4016.69 KB)
Tags: Water, Edited

About Reviews

This is some new water I've made for Cambria. It doesn't require any extra palettes and will rip right into default Cambria. I have included an example quest file to show how the tiles and combos are set up, and included some screenshots of how the tiles are laid out. You don't have to use all of these either, you can mix and match with the base Cambria water quite easily. These do require at least one layer for shallow water to deep water transitions, and one more layer for more complicated screen designs. If you are just using the deep water variations with the new Cambria mountains, you will only need to use a layer for two tiles.

With all that said, these ended up being a little more complicated than I'd have liked so feel free to pick apart the example screens, and look at the layers. All of the tiles are there, but some of them frankly look odd or confusing out of context so just be aware of what is what when you set them up in your own quest file. The way the combos are set up in the example quest is probably not ideal, and a bit messy. If you use these, you can probably come up with a cleaner layout. Remember, you can right click, and "Select Combo" to show it on the right so you can see what is what on the example screens.

Some general tips for use:
- The five example screens are in the top right row of screens on Map 1, tiles can be found starting on Tile Page 111 in the example quest.

- These were designed with an A. Speed of 7 in mind for all tiles. All animated tiles use 4 frames.

- Transition tiles for shallow to deep should always be placed on the shallow tiles. Transition tiles for deep to deepest should always be placed on the deepest tiles.

- You will need to use layers mainly if you need more than one transition on any given tile so keep that in mind. You really shouldn't need more than two layers, and even the second layer is used pretty sparingly. If you don't mind some minor visual oddities, you could probably get away with not even using a second layer, but I'd not recommend this.

- These do not have a variation for Classic/ Z1 mountains, and I don't plan on making one at this time.

- I may update these, but I also might not, it just depends. They are fully usable and finished as of now, any updates would be minor fixes, or additions. Oh, there's also a dungeon wall set in the example quest, it's not part of the submission, but if you wanted to use it, go ahead. It's not very good though tbh.
Creators and compilers of Cambria, and Coolgamer012345 for making the new Cambria mountains.