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Lenna from Lenna's Inception (Classic Style)

Creator: Mani Kanina Added: 15 Jun 2020 Downloads: 18
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Tags: Player, Character, Classic_Tileset, 16-color

About Reviews

Something has gone terrible wrong, so much so that Lenna ended up in Zelda Classic! Oh no!

Full custom main character (or NPC if you wish) tiles in BS zelda animation style, made from scratch by me, aka, Lunaria.
The Character in question is Lenna from the game Lenna's Inception. (Which you can buy here: [Steam] [itch.io])

These should be easy to just copy and paste into any classic quest, might require some light recolouring for it to import properly.
Bytten Studio - Owns the copyright of the character, but I don't think they registered her as a trade mark, so....
(Just pick a different hair colour and name and you'd be fine if you're worried).

Lunaria - The character tiles are entirely by me, do credit if used.
The one exception being the fully submerged tiles which are from the base Zelda 1 classic.