Various Classic NPCs - Islands-of-Zelda style
Added: 05 Apr 2019
Downloads: 72
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Tags: Classic_Tileset, Character, Sprite, Original, Player |
Various NPCs for use with the Classic tileset
- Based on custom NPC tiles I made for my first quest, The Islands of Zelda
- Based on custom NPC tiles I made for my first quest, The Islands of Zelda
About Reviews
I took the NPC sprites I made for my quest and de-made them to work with the Classic Tileset. Includes 4-direction Ama, Abei, and Merchant; also a few extra Zelda sprites. In addition, there are also the following types of people:
- Sailor-men
- Captain (Merchant with a hat)
- Lady with a bandana over the top of her head
- Tingle (includes balloon) - floating & south-facing
- Laughing twins from OoT & MM
- Chubby lady and her dog from OoT
- Fat Fairy
- Little girl with bonnet
- Old man with a white beard (looks like Merchant)
- Anju (south-facing) and Kafei (right-facing)
- Purple Tentacle from Maniac Mansion (NES)
- Lady and young lady without any head covering (the Link sprites below them are for comparison)
- Prince from Zelda 2's backstory
- Zelda facing south and north; also laying down, sitting up, and walking captured (facing right with head turned down forlornly;
2-frame animation) - Link face-down on the ground with closed & open eyes; Link standing with eyes closed, facing down
- Little girl and little boy
Makers of the Original Zelda Classic tileset
Screenshots of Zelda 2 graphics for comparison to make Zelda 2 sprites (Princess Zelda laying down & sitting up, in particular)
Me for my original tileset
Screenshots of Zelda 2 graphics for comparison to make Zelda 2 sprites (Princess Zelda laying down & sitting up, in particular)
Me for my original tileset