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Freeform Shutters

Creator: Fox Added: 30 Apr 2014 Tags: Global Downloads: 114
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.5/5 (3 ratings)
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This script allows you to place shutters manually on the screen wherever you want. No longer are you constricted to the door combo sets that place your doors at the center edge of your screen. These shutters will act like Z1 shutters - they'll push you into the screen and close behind you. They require no FFCs to set up - in fact, once the (extremely simple) combos are set up, all you need to do is put the shutter down and place a combo flag that determines the type of shutter. This script includes the following shutter types:
  • One-way shutters
  • Shutters that open after killing all enemies in the room
  • Shutters that open when temporary secrets (or tiered secrets) are triggered
  • Shutters that open after the permanent secret screen flag is set
  • Shutters that require another script to open
The end result is shutters you can place anywhere. They'll work exactly like Z1 shutters instead of the approximation you can get with trigger combos, and they're simpler to set up, too!

I want to thank LinktheMaster and Nick for their help on this project. LinktheMaster was patient with my billions of questions about ZScript throughout the entire writing process of the script. That's billions, with a 'b'. I was about two-thirds of the way through the script before I realized Nick had already done something very similar - his advice throughout was also extremely helpful. Thanks!