Copy to Clipboard Test

Password lock Script 4: The Disconnected Matrix 4 Code

const int MATRIX_PUZZLE_ALLOW_INPUT_WITH_EX1_BUTTON = 1; //Set to anything > 0 to allow Link to input password by standing on combos and pressing Ex1.

const int CF_MATRIX_PUZZLE_PIECE = 98;//Combo flag to be places on combos that are a part of a puzzle.

const int SFX_MATRIX_PUZZLE_COMBO_CHANGE = 16; //Sound to play, when changing password combos by standing on combos and pressing A.

const int SFX_MATRIX_PUZZLE_SOLVED = 27; //Sound to play, when correct password is inputed.

//Password lock Script 4: The Disconnected Matrix 4

//1. Set up sequence of combos to for password alphabet, followed by combo that looks like 1st combo in the sequence and cycles to that combo.

//2. Import and compile the script. It requires ffcscript.zh in addition to default libraries.

//3. Build the combination lock in it`s solved state. Flag every combo consisting the puzzle with CF_MATRIX_PUZZLE_PIECE.

//4. Place FFC anywhere in the screen. Assign the script to it and combo to first combo in password alphabet.

//5. Set "Run at Screen Init" and "Only Visible to Lens of Truth" flags.

// D0 - Set  to > 0 to Allow using Lens of Truth to crack the code.

// D1 - Set  to > 0 to disallow input by standing on puzzle combos and pressing Ex1, forcing to use different methods of changing combos.

// D2 - Set  to > 0 to replace all CF_MATRIX_PUZZLE_PIECE flags with Trigger->Self-only flags on init after defining intended puzzle solution.

//      Needded if you use trigger flags for building password puzzles. You also need to set "Secrets are Temporary" screen flag 

//      so secrets won`t open after hitting a trigger, then exiting and reentering screen.

// D3 - screen layer to define puzzle solution. Use layer, other then 0, if you don`t want changes to layer 0.

// D4 - tile rotating animation

ffc script MatrixPasswordPuzzle4_0{

	void run (int lensvis, int noautoinput, int selftrigger, int layer, int rot){

		if (Screen->State[ST_SECRET]) Quit();

		//Process creating puzzle solution and resetting combination lock.

		int solution[176];

		int origcmb = this->Data;


		int offset = 0;

		for (int i=0; i<176; i++){

			if (ComboFI(i, CF_MATRIX_PUZZLE_PIECE) || GetLayerComboF(layer, i)==CF_MATRIX_PUZZLE_PIECE|| GetLayerComboI(layer, i)==CF_MATRIX_PUZZLE_PIECE){

				if (layer>0){

					solution[i]=GetLayerComboD(layer, i) - origcmb;

					//SetLayerComboD(layer, i, 0); 



					solution[i] = Screen->ComboD[i] - origcmb;

					Screen->ComboD[i] = origcmb;


				if (selftrigger>0) Screen->ComboF[i]=CF_SINGLE;

				if (Screen->ComboS[i]>0)offset=-2;


			else solution[i]= -1;



			if ((MATRIX_PUZZLE_ALLOW_INPUT_WITH_EX1_BUTTON >0)&&(noautoinput==0)){

				if (Link->PressEx1){//Process Auto-input

					int cmb = ComboAt(CenterLinkX(), CenterLinkY()+offset);

					if (solution[cmb] >= 0){



						if (rot>0){

							int origcmb = Screen->ComboD[cmb]-1;


							for (int i=0; i<15; i++){

								Screen->DrawCombo(1, ComboX(cmb), ComboY(cmb), origcmb, 1, 1, Screen->ComboC[cmb], -1, -1, ComboX(cmb),ComboY(cmb), 6*i, 1, 0, false, OP_OPAQUE);








			if (lensvis>0){

				//Process cracking the code with Lens of Truth

				if (UsingItem(I_LENS)){//Allow Lens of Truth to crack the code

					for (int i=0; i<176; i++){

						if (solution[i]>=0)

						Screen->FastCombo(1, ComboX(i), ComboY(i), origcmb+solution[i], Screen->ComboC[i], OP_OPAQUE);




			for (int i=0;i<=176;i++){

				if (i==176){






				else if (solution[i]<0) continue;

				else if (Screen->ComboD[i] != (origcmb + solution[i])) break;



			//DebugSolution(solution, origcmb);





void DebugSolution(int solution, int origcmb){

	for (int i=0; i<176; i++){

		if (solution[i]<0) continue;

		if ((Screen->ComboD[i] == (origcmb + solution[i])))Screen->DrawInteger(2, ComboX(i), ComboY(i),0, 1,0 , -1, -1, solution[i], 0, OP_OPAQUE);

